2023年11月20日 星期一

Wutai Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣霧台鄉

Wutai Township is the northeasternmost township in Pingtung County.  Most residents of Wutai live on or near Highway 24, which connects Wutai to Sandimen further west. 霧台鄉位於屏東縣東北部的最邊邊。  霧台大部分的居民住在24號省道邊或靠近省道,這條省道連接霧台與西邊的三地門

According to the last census, only 3324 people live in Wutai. 上次的人口統計表示 霧台的人口只有3324人 。

Those without cars might be wondering how to get to Wutai.  You'll want to take bus 8233, which follows a route between Pingtung City, Neipu, Sandimen and Wutai.  We took the bus from the Shuimen Transfer Station in Neipu. 沒有車的讀者可能在想怎麼去霧台,  你可以搭8233公車,它行經屏東市 內埔三地門霧台。  我們是在水門轉運站上公車。

I highly recommend taking the bus.  Highway 24 is very scenic, but it's also very dangerous. 我強烈建議坐公車上去 。  24省道的風景很美 , 可是在那條路上開車還真是有危險性 。

From Neipu the bus passes through Sandi (Timor) Village, stops at a mountain checkpoint, goes over a bridge into Wutai Township, and from there climbs a winding road to Wutai Village.  There's another village, Ali Village, still further up Highway 24, but you'll need other transportation to get there. 從內埔出發之後 ,公車會停靠三地村跟一個檢查所 , 經過一座大橋後進入到霧台鄉,從這裡是一路彎彎曲曲的爬高,終點站是大橋另外一邊的霧台村。 24省道的終點是阿禮村 , 可是你需要別的交通工具才到的了那邊。

The building above is near the Wutai Village bus stop.  We stayed in a slate house across the plaza from this place. 上面的建築在霧台站上方 。  我們在廣場的另外一邊的石板屋民宿過夜 。

The Rukai Culture Museum is in front of the same plaza. 魯凱文物館也在廣場旁。

There's a more general exhibit on Rukai culture on the second floor, and a more specific exhibit on weaving on the first floor -- but no English!  All signage is in Chinese and Rukai only. 二樓的展覽是介紹魯凱族文化 , 一樓的特展介紹魯凱族人的編織 ,  牌子只有中文跟魯凱族語 , 沒有英文 。

The second floor of our homestay, Dream House, was a nice place to sit.  The view from there in the morning was amazing. 我們住的民宿是夢想之家 ,   早上的風景好美,二樓是個可以坐下來賞景的地方 。

The owner of this homestay was also very hospitable, taking time after dinner to explain the workings of the village to us.  Her homestay is full of Rukai cultural relics, and staying there felt like spending a night in a museum. 民宿的老闆很親切 ,  晚餐後她花了不少時間介紹魯凱部落的生活方式 ,  民宿裡有很多魯凱文物 , 在那邊過夜很像在博物館裡面過夜。

A small warning though, sounds go straight through the walls of a slate house.  If anyone nearby is having a conversation you'll hear every word. 我只要提醒一件事情 , 在石板屋裡聲音可以清楚的被聽到 ,  不管是戶內或是戶外的聲音 , 什麼聲音都會聽得很清楚。

The view down the valley from the same location.  That's the plaza to the right. 同一個地點 , 山谷的風景 ,  右邊是廣場 。

Wutai Elementary School is in the middle of Wutai Village.  If you're ever lost here just follow the pots.  They'll eventually lead you back to wherever you came from. 霧台國小霧台部落中間。  迷路的人只要跟著壺走 , 不用多久就能回到原來的地方 。

This is definitely the place to see aboriginal art.  Much of the art you'll see on local houses reflects the status of the people living there. 這裡真是欣賞原住民藝術品最好的地點 , 你可以從房子上的裝飾看出屋主在部落裡的社會地位 。

"Slate Lane," is a local street/alley known for its slate houses.  Building this type of house would require a lot of patience. 岩板巷的石板屋很有名 。  蓋這種房子一定需要很大的耐心。

View from the other side of the village. 部落另外一邊的風景 。

Shenshan Village is south of Wutai Village.  It's a lot noisier than Wutai Village, primarily because most tourists stop in Shenshan for food and drinks.  The local 7-11 (yes, Wutai has a 7-11) is also located there. 神山部落位於霧台村的南部 。  神山部落比較熱鬧,因為大部分的觀光客停在那裏找喝的吃的 ,  霧台的7-11也在那裡 。

We walked from Wutai to Shenshan.  Walking down was easy, but walking back was hard. 我們從霧台散步到神山 。  走下去沒問題 , 可是走回來很累 !

Barbecue, stir fried instant noodles, two types of aboriginal wraps, coffee and other drinks.  The wraps are usually millet and pork wrapped inside an edible leaf, though there are variations on this theme. 烤肉 、 炒泡麵 、兩種吉拿富 、 咖啡還有其他飲料 。  吉拿富通常是豬肉跟小米包在可以吃的假酸漿葉子裡 。

Not far away tourists were lining up for millet donuts.  When we later told the owner of our homestay about this she thought it was hilarious.  According to her all of those donuts are from the same factory outside the township. 離攤子不遠,很多人為了小米甜甜圈排隊 ,  我們晚一點回去民宿以後跟老闆講甜甜圈的盛況 , 她覺得很好笑 。

Back in Wutai Village.  These statues are in the plaza. 回到霧台村 , 這些雕像在廣場裡 。

Wall decoration. 牆壁的裝飾 。

The most famous of the local churches, on a ridge above the elementary school. 這個地區最有名的教堂 , 它在國小旁邊的山坡上 。

A statue in front of the village chief's house.  These statues are a common feature of aboriginal villages. 頭目家前面的雕像 。  原住民部落裡都有這種標示身分的雕像。

So, was Wutai worth the effort it took to get there?  I would say yes, but guys on LOUD motorcycles detract from the peaceful setting.  Wutai, I'm sad to say, is a favored destination among people who like to race cars and motorcycles up mountain roads, and their comings and goings disturb what would otherwise be a very tranquil place. 所以呢 ?  霧台值得去嗎 ?  我覺得霧台很值得去 。 可是重機的噪音真是影響及破壞這個地區平靜, 很可惜 ! 那麼多人喜歡在山路上飆汽車或是重機 , 他們的引擎聲破壞了山區的寧靜 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2023年11月15日 星期三

I Want to Be a Youtuber

1. What's your dream job?

What would I do if I wasn't a teacher?  Getting paid to write wouldn't be a bad gig, but I worry that relying on that kind of job would make me weird and broody.  One thing about teaching is that it forces me to work with many different kinds of people, and this aspect of the job pushes me out of my shell a little bit.  Being a full-time writer sounds like fun, but in 2023 that's also a hard way to make a living.  Many of my favorite novelists, journalists and travel writers did not live to enjoy fame or fortune in their lifetimes.

When the subject of dream jobs comes up I often joke and answer with "adult film star," but really, I'm married and that sounds like a sad occupation to me.  When you see how those movies are filmed -- and I've watched a few such documentaries -- the shine comes right off of them.  Not to mention communicable diseases.  Not to mention extreme difficulty in maintaining romantic relationships.  Not to mention the social stigma, which despite some people's version of "liberated thinking" is still very, very real.

Maybe I should think about this question more.  Maybe it'll be a source of inspiration, and I'll embark on a new career as a result of such cogitation.  I'll get back to you; give me a while to think it over.

2. Do you want to be a pro gamer?  Why or why not?

No, I have limited patience when it comes to most video games.  The last game I really, really enjoyed was Mario Odyssey, which I won even if I didn't go through all the bonus levels.  Before that it was Mario Kart 8.  Before that it might have been God of War or whatever the last version of Street Fighter on the PS4 was.

Important Information About Me: In Mario Kart I always play Yoshi, and in Street Fighter I always play either Cammy or Dhalsim.

I enjoyed Zelda: Breath of the Wild and I played the sequel for a short time.  My trouble with those two games is that after 10 minutes or so I start walking in random directions toward whatever geographical feature interests me.  Soon after that I completely forget what I was trying to accomplish in the game.  I also find the shrines extremely tiresome.

3. In what order does the writer talk about his points?

I talk about my points in the order they're presented in the textbook.  That is if I really have points.  I'm not sure if I do.

4. What do you want to do in the future?

Five minutes from now I want to finish typing this.  Ten minutes from now I want to drink some water.  Twenty minutes from now I want to stare at Reddit for a while, maybe check the score on the Seahawks/Commanders game.  Forty minutes from now I'll likely be doing the same thing.  An hour and a half from now I have no idea.  Three hours from now I want to pick up my daughter from a nearby 7-11.  Six hours from now I don't want to be teaching class, but there's no practical way to avoid it.  Twelve hours from now I want to be eating seafood at a local restaurant.  A day from now I want to not be standing during the school flag raising ceremony, but that's not in the cards.  Two days from now I want to have McDonald's for breakfast.  Four days from now I want to drink gin and tonics after work.  Eight days from now I want to not be irritated during the English teachers' meeting.  Sixteen days from now I want the 803 class to not make me angry.  A month from now I want to feel the end of the semester approaching.  Two months from now I want to be on vacation.

5. What's your job?

I teach English at a junior high and an elementary school in Hengchun Municipality, Pingtung County, Taiwan.  I've been doing so for over a year now, and I will probably be doing so next year as well.

I also have a part-time job as a Cat Feeder in my house, where I dispense cat food, fill water bowls and clean an endlessly overflowing litter box.  This part-time job, unfortunately, does not provide me with any additional monies in either New Taiwan Dollars or currencies minted by other national governments.  I'm sad to say that this job actually involves considerable personal expense on my part, and for all my hard work the four cats living at my house have yet to offer me any kind of leave from work or any financial incentives beyond the fallen change they occasionally find under the living room couch.

6. Where do you work?

As said above, I work in Hengchun Municipality.  Hengchun Municipality is the southernmost administrative division on Taiwan's main island, and one of three municipalities in Pingtung County.  Famous spots in Hengchun include the Hengchun Old City (i.e. the old city gates and fortifications), Nanwan ("South Bay"), Kenting Night Market and parts of Kenting National Park.  Hengchun is very windy right now, but the weather's cooler than it was a month ago.

And what about you?  What's your dream job?  Do you want to be a pro gamer?  What do you want to do in the future?  What's your job?  Where do you work?

Related Entries:

2023年11月12日 星期日

Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市前金區

Qianjin is east of Yancheng.  There are three bridges between Qianjin and Yancheng, all of which cross the Love River. 前金位於鹽埕的東部 。  前金 和 鹽埕中間隔著愛河 , 愛河上有三座橋 。

My entry for Yancheng was posted a while ago.  In case you're interested, it can be found here. 我介紹鹽埕的文章是比較久以前寫的 , 有興趣的讀者可以看這裡 。

According to the last census, 27,053 people live in Qianjin. 上次的人口統計表示 , 前金的人口是27053人 。

This is on the Love River near the Peace Park in Yancheng.  Qianjin is across the water. 這是在愛河上的和平公園拍的 。  公園在鹽埕 , 前金愛河另外一邊 。

The Zhongzheng Fourth Road bridge.  On the other side there's a place to rent boats. 中正四路的橋 。  橋的另外一邊有愛河水上遊憩中心 。

In the same spot, looking south down the river.  If you follow the river all the way down you'll find yourself in the Kaohsiung Port, not far from the Pier 1 Arts Center and the Kaohsiung Music Center. 同一個地點往南邊看 。  順著愛河會直接到高雄港 , 也離駁二藝術特區 和 高雄音樂中心很近 。

The other side of the bridge. 橋的另外一邊 。

An intersection on Henan Second Road.  There are many big temples on the other side of the canal in Sanmin District. 河南二路的路口 。  水溝另外一邊的三民區有很多大廟宇 。

I found a lot of unusual breakfast places on or near Henan Second Road.  When was the last time YOU had a Hong Kong-style breakfast?  It's been a while for me as well. 我在河南二路上經過很多比較特別的早餐店 ,  你上次吃港式早餐是什麼時候 ?  我也很久沒有吃了。

That tall building at the end of the road is the 85 Sky Tower.  If you're ever lost in downtown Kaohsiung it can be a good reference point. 照片中最遠的大樓是85大樓 。  如果在高雄市區迷路的話 ,它的位置可以當你的座標 。

This cute bridge is on Ruiyuan Road.  Seems like a nice area to live in. 這座可愛的橋在瑞源路上 。  住在這個地區應該不錯 。

From Henan Second Road I took a right on Dzeli Road and headed south.  This is on Qixian Second Road. 我在河南二路右轉 , 走自立路往南 。  這是七賢路的路口 。

In front of Jianguo Elementary School you'll find the western end of the Liuhe Night Market.  Along with Central Park this night market is one of the two big tourist attractions in the area. 建國國小前面是六合夜市的西部 。  六合夜市中央公園前金最受歡迎的景點 。

At the southeast corner of Qianjin is Central Park.  I wouldn't recommend it on a hot day, but it can be a nice place to sit at night.  There are many good bars, coffee shops and restaurants within walking distance of this place. 前金的東南部有中央公園 。  天氣很熱的時候不要去 , 但是晚上坐在這裡很舒服 。 這附近也有很多好的酒吧 、 咖啡廳跟餐廳。

The Central Park MRT stop, looking very monolithic. 中央公園捷運站很大 。

The Talee Department Store is right across a traffic circle from Central Park.  Of Kaohsiung's many department stores this one is probably my least favorite.  It looks cool at night, but I've never bought anything there. 中央公園旁是一個交通的分流圓環,大立百貨就在旁邊。  我不是很喜歡這間百貨公司 , 晚上的時候看起來很酷 , 可是我都找不到我想買的東西 。

This is on the southernmost bridge between Qianjin and Yancheng, on Wufu Third Road.  If you're here at night the waterfront area to the south can be a nice, romantic walk.  There's also a pedestrian bridge from the waterfront to the Kaohsiung Music Center. 這是前金 和 鹽埕中間最南邊一座橋 , 在五福三路上。  晚上在這附近欣賞南邊的海景很不錯 ,  碼頭音樂中心中間也有個人行橋 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2023年11月7日 星期二

發現屏東 :真愛屏東 Discover Pingtung 5: Sandimen Township 三地門鄉

The Chinese text below was taken from "Discover Pingtung: Truly Loving Pingtung" 發現屏東 -- 真愛屏東 , published by 中央研究院民族學研究所圖書館 in 2003.  The Chinese text was written by 蘇義峰 and the English was written by me.

I'll be translating parts of six chapters from this book this semester.  These chapters will correspond to the six townships in Pingtung I'll be visiting during this time period.

Sandimen Township
群山環繞依山傍水 , 玻璃珠光彩奪目 
Surrounded by Mountains and Rivers, with Glass Beads that Dazzle the Eyes (1)

三地村 Sandi Village

三地門鄉公所原味十足的鄉公所入口 , 由原住民工藝大師撒古流親自設計施工 , 完全用石板建造 , 包括外牆和中庭的涼亭 , 也都是用石板堆砌而成 .  天候好時 , 站在涼亭遠眺 , 還可暸望整個高屏平原 , 連高雄市最高的摩天大樓都清晰可見呢 ! The original entrance to the Sandimen Township Office was designed and constructed out of stone slabs by the aboriginal artisan San Gu-lio himself.  The exterior walls and the pavilion in the entryway were constructed of the same material.  On a clear day you can stand in the pavilion and look out over the entire Gaoping Plain.  You can even see the tallest skyscraper in Kaohsiung City. (2)

Four Scenic Sites (3)

德文村屬山地經常管制區 , 須辦理乙種入山證 , 通往德文的路上 , 山道蜿蜒, 幾個山地都落錯落其間 , 景色渾然天成 .  德文村聚落 , 處處可見石板屋石板牆和石板圖勝等原住民文物 . Dewen Village is in a controlled-entry area, and a mountain permit type B is required to enter it.  A winding road leads up to Dewen Village, with several [noteworthy] sites along the route.  The scenery retains its natural character, and relics of aboriginal culture, including slate houses, slate walls and slate decorated with aboriginal designs can be seen all over this area. (4)

一 , 觀望山 #1 Guanwang Mountain

在吊人樹附近會看到明顯的指示牌 , 標明往觀望山 .  順著指標往上爬 , 先看見正在興建中的大祭場 , 這也是未來全鄉重大祭典舉行的地方 , 沿著山路走約一小時四十分的路程 , 會到達觀望山暸望亭 , 這裡是全三地門鄉最好的觀日出所在 .  暸望亭旁有一小徑 , 順著小徑走上稜線 , 再行約15分鐘 , 即可到達山頂 , 標高1246公尺 , 此處四面沒有阻礙 , 可遠眺至美濃 , 高雄港 , 高屏平原等 , 是三地門鄉最佳的觀望點 , 因此得名觀望山 .  傳說從前大武山德文山在比誰比較高 , 爭吵不休 , 驚動了天神 , 於是天神約定 , 比輪的一方要降低 , 從此不得超過對方 , 在天神丈量後 , 大武山勝出 , 於是德文山從此禿了頭 , 山頂草木不生 , 成為今日的觀望山 . Near the Hanging Tree you can easily make out a sign pointing to Guanwang Mountain.  After following the sign, the first thing you'll see is a large festival site under construction.  This is where the major township festivals will be held in the future.  After walking upward for an additional hour and 40 minutes you'll come upon the Guangwang Mountain Lookout Pavilion.  This is the best place to watch the sunrise in Sandimen Township.  There is a small trail next to the pavilion, and if you follow it up the ridge for about 15 minutes you'll be at the top of the mountain, which sits at an altitude of 1246 meters above sea level.  From this point you have an unobstructed view in every direction, with views of Meinong, Kaohsiung Port and the rest of the Gaoping Plain.  It is the best viewpoint in Sandimen Township, and the reason that this mountain is called "Viewpoint" (Guanwang). (5)

Legend has it that long ago Dawu Mountain and Guanwang Mountain argued over who was tallest.  The argument went on unceasingly, to the point where the gods were angered.  The gods then decreed that a measurement would be made using a wheel, and that the shorter mountain would never be allowed to surpass the taller mountain.  Dawu Mountain emerged the winner, and Guanwang Mountain's top layer of trees was thus struck off, rendering it bald.

二 , 天虹瀑布 #2 Tianhong Waterfall

又稱卡地給洋瀑布 , 位於德文村下方 , 雨季時水勢奔騰 , 霧氣瀰漫 , 十分壯觀 . This place is also known as Kadigeiyang Falls.  It's below Dewen Village.  During the rainy season the water surges through it and the area is shrouded in mist.  It's very spectacular.

三 , 情人湖 #3 Lover's Lake

情人湖位在位在德文溪上游 , 天然斷層造成五層小瀑布 , 每層各有深淺不一的小湖泊 , 風景秀麗 . Lover's Lake is near the upper reaches of the Dewen River.  Faults in the rock have created five small waterfalls, and each waterfall empties into lakes of various depths.  The scenery here is very beautiful. (6)

四 , 天鵝湖 #4 Tian-e (Heavenly Goose) Lake

由兩潭湖水構成 , 中間隔著兩塊巨石 , 溪水從山壁中流瀉而出 , 可攀爬至巨石上俯看潭水 , 美不勝收 . It's composed of two pools separated by two huge stones.  The stream flows from within the mountain rock, and you can climb up the huge stones to view the beautiful pools.

賽嘉樂園 Saijia "Amusement Park"

賽嘉樂園可分為二部份 , 即賽嘉航空營區及賽嘉公園 .  據設立於公園外之賽嘉樂園紀念牌記載 , 在這高屏溪上游 , 三地門賽嘉村 , 群山環繞 , 溪流交錯其間沖積成一片寬闊的平地 , 蒙上蒼獨厚賜與日照 , 風向等特殊氣候因素 , 而產生了 "湧上流" .  七十二年四月省府補助 (2500萬) 開發完成滑翔翼起飛區 , 著陸區 , 聯絡道路等設施及一些營區即為賽嘉航空營地 , 七十九年增闢童子軍營地計畫 (三千一百八十萬) , 歷經二十六個月完成 , 集露營教育 , 休閒之好地方 , 乃命名為 "賽嘉樂園" . The Saijia Amusement Park can be divided into two parts, namely the Saijia Aviation Camp and Saijia Park.  According to a commemorative tablet set outside the park, Saijia Village is located near the upper reaches of the Gaoping River, where it is surrounded by mountains and where streams intertwine over a wide alluvial plain.  Due to special climatic factors relating to sunlight and wind patterns an "upstream air current" is created.  [For this reason] in 1972 the local government provided a subsidy of 25 million NT to develop a hang glider takeoff area, a landing area, access roads, campsites and other facilities as part of the Saijia Aviation Camp.  In 1979 a Boy Scout camp was added at a cost of 31.8 million NT, which took 26 months to complete.  It effectively integrates outdoor education and leisure, and for this reason it's called "Saijia Amusement Park."

賽嘉樂園於民國八十二年五月完成 , 提供孩子成長過程之需要 , 體能順練場 , 滑草及鄉土教材園 .  每逢例假日都有滑翔翼之愛好者前來大顯身手 , 同時在公園區及附近私人休閒場所都是車水馬龍 , 是一處極受歡迎的休閒場所 . The Saijia Amusement Park was completed in May 1982.  It caters to the needs of growing children, and boasts a physical training ground, a slope for grass skiing and a local teaching garden.  Every holiday weekend hang gliding enthusiasts come here to show of their skills, and both the park and nearby leisure destinations are humming with motorists looking for fun.  It is a very popular leisure area. (7)

海神宮 Haishen (Ocean God) Temple

海神宮位於沿山公路旁青山村 , 汽機車可接到達海神宮露營區停車場 , 露營區除了用水設備 , 還有簡易烤肉用磚灶 , 涼亭 , 樹木扶疏是一絕佳露營場所 , 在露營區旁有一天然池塘 , 是海神宮上游文莉瀑布所流下的水匯集而成,清澈見底 .  沿著溪畔往上走 , 溪水隨著山谷蜿蜒 , 水聲山色 , 溪谷奇石比比皆是 , 腳程約四十分鐘 , 見兩旁疊峋秀峰 , 碧水青山 , 清溪急流匯集成澄碧潔淨之潭水 , 這就是 "海神宮" . Haishen Temple is located in Qingshan Village, along a winding mountain road.  Cars and motorcycles can directly access the parking lot for the Haishen Temple camping area.  In addition to bathrooms and showers, the camping area also has brick enclosures for barbecues, a roofed pavilion and ample shade, making it an excellent place for camping.  There is a natural pool next to the camping area, which is fed by a stream flowing from the Wenli Waterfall behind Haishen Temple.  The water in this pool is crystal clear.

If you follow a trail next to this stream you will find that it meanders through a valley.  The sound of the stream fills the valley and there are many unusual rocks to be found here.  After 40 minutes or so you'll see beautiful mountain peaks on either side, framing clear waters that merge through the greenery into a pristine pool.  This is "Haishen Temple." (8)

發現屏東 -- 農特產 Discover Pingtung: Agricultural Goods

一般作物 : 甘藷 , 小米 , 芋頭 , 芒果 Common crops: sweet potato, millet, taro and mango.

林產業 : 相恩樹 , 油桐 , 光蠟樹等 Forestry products: Shang-en trees, tung-oil trees, Himalayan ash trees and other plants.

玻璃珠 (蜻蜓珠) Glass Beads (Dragonfly Beads)

玻璃珠又稱蜻蜓珠 , 排灣族人又稱Katakata , 為成果的意思 .  族人都非常重視玻璃珠並視為傳家之寶 , 每一顆玻璃珠都有名字 , 也蘊含著一個古老的傳說故事 , 代表了特別的意義 , 如 : 避邪 , 守護 , 階級 , 財富 , 榮耀...  These glass beads are also called dragonfly beads, or "katakata," which means "achievement" in the Paiwan language.  The members of the tribe attach great importance to these beads and regard them as family heirlooms.  Each glass bead has a name and has a special significance with regard to ancient legends.  For example: warding off evil, protection from harm, status, wealth, glory...

但自日據時代起被收藏家搜購而剩下不多 , 所幸三地門多位工藝家近年來致力於玻璃珠工藝的發展並招徒傳授技藝 , 二十多年來已使玻璃珠工藝蔚成三地門部落的主要文化產業之一 . These beads, however, have been purchased by collectors since the Japanese occupation and not many of them remain.  Thankfully many craftsmen in Sandimen have devoted themselves to the development of this craft in recent years and have recruited many apprentices.  Over the past 20 years glass bead manufacture has become one of the main cultural industries in Sandimen.

芋頭 Taro

芋頭的主要成分是澱粉 , 另含有豐富的鈣質 , 蛋白質和碳水化合物 , 使芋頭的粘力增強。葉柄和莖幹的部分 , 則含有豐富的鈣 , 磷 , 鐵 , 鉀等成分 .  在過去食物不充裕的年代 , 排灣族人為了將食物做長久保存 , 以備不時之需 , 便將收成的芋頭放在石板堆砌的爐子上烘乾 , 做成芋頭乾 .  芋頭乾可以久放不壞 , 要吃時只要水煮並加些野菜即可食用 . The main component of taro is starch.  It is high in calcium, protein and carbohydrates which enhance its stickiness.  The stems and other parts of the plant are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other nutrients.

In older times, when food wasn't so plentiful, members of the Paiwan Tribe would dry the taro on stone slabs to preserve it in case of emergencies.  Dried taro can be stored for a long time.  When you want to eat it you just boil it in water and add some wild vegetables.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. I skipped the introduction.  

Many of the sites discussed in this chapter of the book seem to be history.  I consulted both Google Images and Google Maps, and if I wasn't able to find any info from either source I didn't include it here.  Given the number of typhoons that have passed through the area in the past 20 years the disappearance of a few tourist spots in the mountains isn't that surprising.

2. Really?  You can see all the way down to Fangliao?  I haven't been, but I kind of doubt it.

The "tallest building" mentioned is the 85 Sky Tower.  It was completed in 1997, six years before this book was published.

3. It was originally "Eight Scenic Sites," but three of these sites seem to have disappeared and one of them is just a location on Google Maps.

4. Getting the mountain permit isn't hard.  Just ask at the local police station.  Going to these places involves a hike.

I omitted a list of the "eight scenic sites."  The four scenic sites I could verify are listed below this paragraph anyway.

5. The "Hanging Tree" in the first sentence was one of the scenic sites left out of this entry.

6. Someone thoughtfully provided a 360-degree image on Google Maps.  You can't advance from that spot on the map, but it's interesting nonetheless.

7. I skipped the three locations after this.  They don't seem to be around anymore.

Reading the description of Saijia Amusement Park, I can't help but wonder if it was the model for Gaotai 高台 in Taitung.

8. I drove into this place accidentally years ago.  It was still nice, but be warned that it's extremely popular.  I believe many parts of it have also been damaged by various typhoons over the years.

2023年11月5日 星期日

Pingtung in the News (North) 10

As per my "rule of 10," this will be the last news entry for this area until I work my way through another city/county.

In Ligang, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a book on local history published, special home address plates released, a brother and sister who returned "home" to grow melons, noise at a local temple festival, subsidies for those having more kids, a police officer who succumbed to a myocardial infarction, the illegal dumping of waste, the opening of a COVID screening station, a nighttime power outage, the stationing of police officers at busy intersections, worry over plans to utilize groundwater, the use of prohibited roads by trucks, a press conference on local Hakka history, a record for COVID cases in a single day, an election for township mayor, a public hearing on the construction of a new road, complaints over an oddly placed turn zone, a crackdown on the production of methamphetamine, the application for a subsidy, a briefing on good governance and a man arrested for driving under the influence of amphetamines.

In Gaoshu, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a possible drowning, a dog attack, a disbursement of monies to those over 90 years old, two marathons, an unwashed and unresponsive widower, the firing of a gun into the home of a former township mayor, fluctuations in the price of pineapples, the shipping of pineapples to Canada, flooding, irrigation work on the Gaoping River, heavy rains, the promotion of traffic safety, a visit to raise awareness of local Hakka culture, the installation of owl roosts, an event promoting dates, pineapples and taro, a "smart agricultural experience," the growing of leechee, a "day off" for Hakka women, a jujube festival, a raid on a meth lab and thunderstorms.

In Sandimen, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...requests to exact a toll from motorists, the postponement of an annual harvest festival, monies distributed to the elderly, a push to relocate cemeteries, an offer of financial assistance due to a decline in local tourism, the creation of Paiwan-language textbooks, a birthrate that bucks the trend, tourists violating a stay-at-home order to view a "blood moon," the installation of a checkpoint, heavy rains, the issuance of speeding tickets, a reprieve from garbage collection fees, a car stuck between two trees, a DPP referendum briefing, a survey to assess typhoon damage, a man rescued from a drainage ditch, a former principal elected to the post of township mayor, a storytelling activity, a two-week training camp and a harvest festival.

In Wutai, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...new fees and a vehicle safety inspection initiated in an ecological area, a symposium on corruption, easing of restrictions on turning slate houses into homestays, an award for organic farming, the farming of lilies, the farming of coffee beans, instances of graft, the selling of aboriginal fusion cuisine, heavy rains, the issuance of speeding tickets, blossoming trees, another new mayor, a new coffee shop selling essential oils, the arrival of millet seed from Japan and a declaration that five drowning deaths were an accident.

In Jiuru, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a community safety meeting, a lifting of quarantine restrictions for a performance, fines for cram school buses over capacity, an attempt to remove a village chief from office, an inspection of Taiwan Water Company operations, a man fixing local roads, the opening of a new care facility, the shutting down of a refrigerated storage company, the promotion of locally made eggrolls, flooding, the theft of solar panel cables, more residents using tap water, a lost dog found, an aquaculture product event, economic stimulus payments, cars ramming into storefronts, a new pagoda for storing ashes, a goddess taken for a walk, a deranged woman wandering local roads and an elderly man who injured his arm.

In Yanpu, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a safety meeting, a cooking demonstration incorporating wild ginger flowers, an award from the Pingtung County Government, work on riverbanks and canals near the Wuluo River, a township mayor reassigned to the county government, a workshop on making puppets, a fatal scooter accident, fires along a river, a girl's basketball team that was eliminated in the semifinals, the seizure of marijuana plants, flooding, the opening of an all-ages playground, a fire at a foundry, road improvements, the slaughter of chickens, a sharing of life experiences and a visit by a KMT presidential candidate.

In Pingtung City, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...awards handed out for local goods, criticism of unsightly solar panels, Christmas-themed events, a sunset market, complaints over illegally parked cars, the renovation of a local park, the knocking over of enormous trees by rain, an investigation of migrant workers in relation to COVID, the disinfection of local markets, the hosting of a "digital life market," the opening of Shengli Star Village, the merger of several neighborhoods, Christmas lights, a visit by a KMT representative, the serving of ham noodles, a free night in Kenting for those buying a house, a plea to lower rent at traditional markets, the renovation of an old building, a woman who robbed drink shops, a new bicycle rental service, the completion of a covered basketball court, criticism over parking lots, tickets issued to vendors obstructing traffic and fines for failure to maintain sanitary conditions.

In Changzhih, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a consultation on the medicinal uses of local plants, a visit to an army training facility, the installation of a new broadcast system, a road run wherein kumquats were promoted, the development of recipes incorporating kumquats, a visit to a local military training facility, a donation for an ecological pond, the death of a soccer coach, a visit by Ella, a plaque discovered, a decrease in the price of betel nut, noise from modified vehicles, a man driving up the freeway in the wrong direction, an investigation into allegations of forgery, a job fair and work on water supply pipes.

In Linluo, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...the installation of emergency service transmitters, a former Township Mayor accused of the illegal transportation of seedlings, accusations of bribery, construction of bike trails and parks, an attempt to preserve historical materials, an assembly on CPR and fire prevention, a warrant issued for a former township mayor, development of a manmade wetland, an unreported death, subsidies to improve drainage systems, the construction of an animal control facility and a toddler stuck inside a stool.

In Zhutian, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...a switch from betel nut to lemon, services in the Hakka language, an "international slow city alliance," an award for improving living conditions, the implementation of parking fees, a class on local agricultural history, an award for a recreational farm, a man knocked into a breakfast restaurant, an inquiry into the welfare of local residents, improved bus service, a sports meet, an out of control car, humorous pictures painted on walls, a traffic dispute and an unorthodox ice cream shop.

In Neipu, in the past 3+ years, there was/were...

...an attempt by police to make local roads safer, a new columbarium, more services in the Hakka language, a street festival around Chinese New Year, the theft of items from a temple, a man brandishing rifles near an elementary school, an agreement to integrate academic and vocational exchanges, investment in a wastewater treatment plant, an elderly man scammed out of his money, the screening of migrant workers for COVID, an overturned cement truck, a shrine transported from Jiayi, complaints over the importation of pork, a visit by a DPP politician, a man drowned after a scooter accident, worry over flood control measures, the construction of a "green corridor," the opening of a community care center, the blocking of a traffic light by lanterns, a road run and prosecution related to an illegal firearm.

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