2023年10月22日 星期日

發現屏東 :真愛屏東 Discover Pingtung 4 : Gaoshu Township 高樹鄉

The Chinese text below was taken from "Discover Pingtung: Truly Loving Pingtung" 發現屏東 -- 真愛屏東 , published by 中央研究院民族學研究所圖書館 in 2003.  The Chinese text was written by 蘇義峰 and the English was written by me.

I'll be translating parts of six chapters from this book this semester.  These chapters will correspond to the six townships in Pingtung I'll be visiting during this time period.

Gaoshu Township
鳳梨芋頭香 , 石獅護鄉土
The Scent of Pineapple and Taro, Stone Lions Protecting the Land (1)

大路關石獅 Daluguan's Stone Lions

關福村到廣興村是清代山豬毛社入口要衛 , 這裡也就是清代稱為大路關之所在 , 清代設有南路營都司營盤之地 , 共有石獅三座 , 現今安置於順天宮廣場旁的彩色石獅是民國五十九年由萬巒鄉大師博李達松先生雕塑興建 , 並於六十年農曆二月二十九日子時開光落成 . The area between Guanfu Village and Guangxing Village stood between [the Chinese settlements further south] and the the Shanzhumao Settlement [an aboriginal community] during the Qing Dynasty.  This area was also referred to as Daluguan during the same time period.  The camp for the South Road Yingdu Division was also here.  

There are three stone lions altogether.  The colorful stone lion next to the Shuntian Temple plaza was sculpted by the master Li Da-song in Wanluan Township in 1970, and installed in its present location on the 29th day of the second lunar month in 1971. (2)

第一座石獅 The First Stone Lion

"開幕老獅" 成為大路關的守護神 , 據今已有一百六十五年左右的歲月 , 但在一百四十六年前左右 , 雨季導致山洪爆發洪水淹沒了村莊 , 石獅公黯然在地下埋了好幾年後 , 有一輛大貨車經過該處 , 突然熄火進退不得 .  經請示 , 才得知是壓到了獅頭於是焚香祈禱 , 車子才有發動起來 .  民國七十三年九月七日 , 石獅被挖起安奉在順天宮前左側 , 供眾人奉拜 . "The Inaugural Lion" has become Daluguan's protective spirit.  It's about 165 years old.  Around 146 years ago flash floods struck the village in the midst of the rainy season, and as a result this lion was buried under [soil carried into the village by the floodwaters] for many years.  One day a large truck stalled on the spot where the stone lion was buried.  Upon further investigation the stone lion's head was discovered beneath the truck, incense was burned and prayers were offered, and the truck was then able to move from the spot.  On the 9th of September 1984 the stone lion was dug up and placed to the left of Shuntian Temple for everyone to worship.

第二座石獅 The Second Stone Lion

第二座石獅公因已不具神威目前暫放在廣福村往廣興村的尚和路上一處檳榔園內 . The second stone lion is no longer considered holy.  It has been placed in a betel nut grove on Shanghe Road, between Guangfu Village and Guangxing Village.

第三座石獅 The Third Stone Lion

第三座石獅造型花俏可愛的彩色石獅公 , 安座在廣福村往廣興村的尚和路上一處檳榔園的前面 . The third stone lion is very colorful and cute.  It has been placed between Guangfu Village and Guangxing Village on Shanghe Road.  It's in front of a betel nut grove. (3)

廣福村的災害全由東方來 , 因此三座石獅公都朝向東方 . Every natural disaster that has befallen Guangfu Village has come from the east.  For this reason all three stone lions face east. (4)

鍾理和舊居 Zhong Li-he's Old House

鐘理和 , 1915年生於屏東高樹鄉 , 18歲才隨父親遷居美濃 , 經營農場 .  年少的他曾嚮往繪畫生涯 , 但未能如願 , 後來卻在文學上大放異彩 !  鐘理和結識鐘平妹女士並與她相戀 , 在那個年代裡 , 同性是不能結婚的 ; 兩人毅然離家遠赴中國東北 , 台灣光復才舉家返台 .  返台後 , 鐘理和任教於內埔中學 , 卻因罹患肺炎 , 長期的醫療耗盡了家產 , 仍不減對文學熱愛 , 反而盡情燃燒自己所剩不多的生命 , 寫出許多感人肺腑的好作品 .  就在民國49年 , 舊病復發 , 奪走了鐘理和寶貴的生命 . Zhong Li-he was born in Pingtung County, Gaoshu Township in 1915.  At the age of 18 he moved with his father to Meinong [in Kaohsiung] to run a farm.  As a young man he aspired to be a painter but failed in the attempt, though later on he became a famous writer.  Later still he met and fell in love with Ms. Zhong Ping-mei.  At that time couples with the same family names could not be married, so the two left their homes and fled to Northeast China.

The two finally returned to Taiwan after KMT rule was established on the island.  After coming back to Taiwan Zhong Li-he taught at Neipu Junior High School, but by that time he'd contracted pneumonia and long-term medical treatment exhausted his family's fortune.  He never lost his love of literature however, and he dedicated the remainder of his life to the writing of many classic works.  In 1960 his illness returned and claimed his life.

發現屏東 -- 農特產 Discover Pingtung: Agricultural Goods

高樹鄉可耕面積水田3022.50公頃 , 早作4483.64公頃其中短期作物面積895.27公頃 , 長期作物及青果類種植面積5923.68公頃從事農村漁牧人口占就業人口約80% , 主要農業有稻米 , 菸葉 , 鳳梨 , 木瓜 , 芋 , 棗子 , 椰子 , 蓮霧 , 花卉等 .  本鄉有如此豐碩的農業全拜本鄉有溫和的氣候 , 豐沛的雨量及優質的水源所賜 . Of the land cultivated in Gaoshu 3022.50 hectares are rice paddies.  Of the 4483.64 hectares dedicated to other crops 895.27 hectares are taken up by crops with a shorter growing season.  5923.68 hectares are long term crops and fruits.  80% of the population is engaged in some form of animal husbandry or fish farming.  Important agricultural products include rice, tobacco leaves, pineapples, papayas, taro, jujubes, coconuts, wax apples and flowers.  The rich, varied nature of agriculture in this area is due to abundant rainfall, a mild climate and reliable water sources.

蓮霧 Wax Apples

本鄉 "黑鑽石" 蓮霧果實碩大甜度高 , 色澤成深紅色 , 富有豐富的營養 , 屢獲蓮霧評比之優等 , 已成為蓮霧中極品 . Gaoshu's "black diamond" wax apple is very sweet, very nutritious, and is deep red in color.  It has received many awards in local competitions and is the best variety of wax apple.

木瓜 Papaya

本鄉木瓜皆為網室栽培果實大小適中 , 果形美 , 糖分高 , 果肉厚 , 色澤澄紅艷麗 , 是本鄉特產品之最 . Gaoshu's papayas are all cultivated using netting.  The fruits are medium-sized, beautiful to look at and very sweet.  They have thick flesh and are bright red.  They are the most important local agricultural product.

文心蘭 Orchids of the Oncidium Genus

花卉產業在本鄉以快速成長 , 尤其文心蘭已為本省主要產地之一 , 外銷日本 , 深獲好評 . The flower [growing] industry has grown rapidly in this township, and this type of orchid has become one of its most important agricultural products.  It is exported to Japan, where it is valued highly.

棗子 Jujubes

本鄉棗子已朝向網室栽培 , 不但開花早 , 花期長 , 果實大 , 果皮翠綠 , 肉貿細脆 , 多汁 , 風味好 , 平均糖度達13brix以上 , 存售性佳 . Local jujubes have long been cultivated using nets.  The trees flower early, their flowering season is long, and they produce large fruits with green skin and crispy flesh.  They are juicy and have a good flavor, with a sugar content above 13 brix.  They store well. (5)

鳳梨 Pineapples

高樹 "冬密鳳梨" , "甜蜜蜜鳳梨" , "香水鳳梨" 等各種品種 , 在高樹皆可尋 .  各個品質佳 , 果皮薄 , 纖維細 , 質極軟且脆緻 , 蜜汁多甜度高風味佳 . The "sweet winter pineapple," "sweet pineapple" and "perfumed pineapple" varieties of the fruit can all be found in Gaoshu.  These fruits are high quality, with a thin skin, fine fibrous texture and they are extremely soft and crisp.  They are very sweet and delicious.

大水芋 Taro

由於本鄉 "泰山泉水" 水質甘甜 , 蘊育了 (大水芋) , 不但芋梗長的高 , 芋頭更是硬大 , 品質佳 , 是極富盛名甲仙芋餅 , 芋冰最佳材料 . The large taro cultivated in Gaoshu are sweeter because of the sweetness of the "Taishan Spring."  Not only do the taro stems grow taller but the tuber produced is very hard and of high quality.  This type of taro is the preferred ingredient for Jiaxian taro cakes and iced taro dessert.

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. I skipped the introduction.

2. I skipped the inscriptions on the temple relating to the lions.

I'm not all that clear what the "Shanzhumao Incident" was about, but apparently it involved an aboriginal community that the Qing authorities weren't happy with.  The army division was placed in Daluguan to keep them in check after they rose up against the government.  This happened in 1728.

3. Both the second and third lions are in front of the same betel nut grove.  The third lion is in front of the second, and since the writing of this book a small park has been created around them.

4. I skipped a section on a waterfall.  This waterfall might have disappeared or adopted another name, I'm not sure which.  Whichever the case this waterfall, if it's still there, is in Sandimen Township, not Gaoshu.

5. The Brix Scale is used to measure how much sugar a given fruit or vegetable contains.  "13 brix" means that a fruit is 13% sugar.  Most fruits and vegetables fall between 12 and 18 brix.

