2022年6月26日 星期日

Goodbye to Xinkai 新開村再見

1. Where is Xinkai? 新開在哪裡 ?

Xinkai is a village in Fangliao Township, Pingtung County.  It's near the eastern edge of Fangliao, not far from the Jinshuiying Historic Trail.  It's also very close to the Mountainside Highway (#185). 新開屏東縣枋寮鄉的一個小村落 。  它靠近枋寮東部的邊界 ,在浸水營古道附近 ,  它也靠近沿山公路 。

2. What is Xinkai? 新開是什麼 ?

Xinkai is a small farming village surrounded by mango and wax apple fields.  Most of the people living in Xinkai are old, primarily because most of the younger people have moved away.  新開是個被芒果與蓮霧園圍繞的小農村 。  新開的村民平均年齡很大 ,  大部分的年輕人在外地工作 。

Xinkai isn't going to develop into anything anytime soon.  The old mango farms are gradually being replaced by solar panel installations, and aside from major holidays and temple festivals there are less and less people in the village every year. 新開不會有什麼改變。  世代耕種的芒果園慢慢轉變成太陽能板。  除了重要節日與廟會, 村裡的人口逐年減少。

3. Who is Xinkai? 新開是誰 ?

Xinkai is mostly farmers.  They all know Chinese, but they speak Taiwanese whenever they're together.  For the most part they're good people, though there are always a few gangster types around who make life worse for everybody.  There's an old, untended graveyard to the north of the village, and I sometimes wonder if the people in Xinkai ever think about ending up in that place, and how long they have until they do. 大多數的新開村民是農夫 。  他們都會國語 , 可是他們聚在一起時都講台語。  他們是好人 , 可是到處都一樣 ,都有一二個比較像兄弟的人存在。村里北部有一片墓地讓我想到 : 新開的村民曾想過有一天會在那邊嗎 ?  什麼時候會去呢 ?

4. When is Xinkai? 什麼時候是新開 ?

Xinkai goes back a long way.  When Taiwan was a Japanese colony, the Japanese built a fort in Xinkai, and there's also a long history of logging in the area.  The name "Fangliao," loosely translated, means "place for storing wood."  More recently, Xinkai is often mentioned in connection with the military training facility down the hill, but the village's history goes back much further. 新開的歷史悠久 , 日治時代日軍在新開建蓋石頭營 ,  這裡的伐木業也曾興盛一時。  枋寮的名稱就是從當時"放置木頭的地方"來的 。  現在說 "新開" ,大家通常想到的是軍營 ,可是新開的歷史能追溯到更久遠的時代 。

5. Why is Xinkai? 為什麼有新開 ?

I suppose someone took a look at the landscape, noticed the small plain at the foot of the mountains, and decided to try their hand at farming in the area.  Or, later still, someone at the military base decided to relocate people to Xinkai.  Or, even later, someone in a local government decided to rezone the area for settlement. 大概是很久很久以前,有人看到山下平坦的地形,決定在這開墾種東西 ;  或是之後的軍事基地的人決定居住這裡;  還是後來的政府決定把這裡變成聚落 。

6. How is Xinkai? 怎麼有新開 ?

Xinkai keeps going in the way that all small villages keep going.  Some of the people who were born here stay, some get married and bring their new wives and husbands to the village, some have children, and some bring their children back to the village, to be raised by doting grandparents.  To be sure, most people leave, because what is there to do in Xinkai, besides grow mangoes or wax apples? 新開的發展就像其他小村落一樣,  有的村人留下來 , 有的結婚帶新人回來 , 有的生小孩 , 有的把孩子帶回來給溺愛兒孫的祖父母照顧 。  其實大部分的村民走了, 因為那裡除了種芒果和蓮霧,沒有什麼工作機會。

7. How long is Xinkai? 新開多久了 ?

For me?  Around two years.  It's hard to believe I've been here that long, but yeah, it's been about two years.  I'll miss you, Xinkai.  I can't say that I know you as well as I wanted to, but I will miss you.  Take care of yourself, and I'll do the same. 對我來說 , 新開是兩年的時間 。  我不敢相信我在新開那麼久 。 對! 沒錯 ,二年。  新開 ,我會想念你的。  我們兩個雖然還沒那麼熟 , 可是我會想念你的。   要保重 ! 我也會保重的!

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2022年6月22日 星期三

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (West 西) 1

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all west of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more urban that districts east of the Formosa Freeway, have a much higher population density, and are generally less scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以西 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以東的行政區比較起來: 較熱鬧 、人口密度較高 、風景比較差。

1. Alian District 阿蓮區

There was a fire in a house in Alian.  The resident of the house, a man in his 30s, was rescued from the third floor.  He wasn't breathing and firefighters had to resuscitate him. 阿蓮區民宅3樓火警  救出一男無呼吸心跳急救中

2. Yanchao District 燕巢區

An old SUV broke down in an intersection, and local police helped push the car out of traffic. 路虎車半路拋錨卡路中  燕巢警頂列陽推車助脫困

3. Hunei District 湖內區

An elderly resident was tending his fish pond (the type used for fish farming) when he fell in and drowned. 8旬漁民巡視自家魚塭  疑跌落塭池溺斃

4. Jiading District 茄萣區

Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Qi-mai visited a road improvement project underway along Jungshun North Road. 茄萣區正順北路改善  陳其邁盼整體規劃

5. Luzhu District 路竹區

A cemetery in Luzhu will be relocated.  Relatives of those buried there can apply to the local government to have their loved ones' tombs moved to another location. 高雄市政府民政局公告  遷葬本市路竹區大仁段無主公墓事宜2 (1)

6. Yongan District 永安區

With China recently banning the import of Taiwanese seafood, a younger generation of fish farmers in Yongan is looking to break into other international markets. 高雄永安石斑魚養殖青年  分散市場 , 不靠中國

7. Gangshan District 岡山區

Another fire on the second floor of a house in Gangshan.  An 80 year old man escaped with burns on his hands and feet. 高雄岡山透天住宅2樓竄火舌  八旬翁受困手腳燒燙傷

8. Ciaotou District 橋頭區

The Ciaotou District Office recently held a seminar for its employees on how to avoid conflicts of interest with regard to their jobs. 強化公務員法治觀念  橋頭公所辦廉政講習 (2)

9. Mituo District 彌陀區

This article extolls the virtues of Mituo District, and its potential as a tourist destination.  I can't say that I've explored this district in depth, but I've been there, and I think I can assert that it's not that wonderful. 近山靠海也擁有史前古文明 !  高雄彌陀漁村為何仍面臨產業與觀光發展受限的挑戰 ?

10. Dzeguan District 梓官區

Fishermen in Dzeguan were angered after they learned of the Kaohsiung City Government's plans for an unused building adjacent to the local port.  While the Kaohsiung City Government's plan originally called for a "smart fishery" installed in a renovated building, local fishermen want to use the area to repair their nets. 梓官漁產大樓案挨轟強推 "鴨霸"  高市府 : 絕不蠻幹

11. Dashe District 大社區

There are many holes on Jungshan Road as it passes through Dashe.  The Kaohsiung City Government will be spending 13 million NT to improve this road. 高雄大社區中山路孔洞多  斥資1300萬路平改善

12. Daliao District 大寮區

Construction of an exercise park in Daliao should be completed next month. 大寮運動園區  估下月低完工

13. Nandze District 楠梓區

Residents of Nandze went without power briefly.  The outage lasted about three hours. 高雄楠梓區驚傳停電 !  PTT鄉民哀號 : 現在快熱死

14. Renwu District 仁武區

Renlin Road was recently resurfaced.  It's hoped that this resurfacing will reduce the number of collisions between scooters and cars on this thoroughfare. 高雄仁武區仁林路路面重鋪  降低汽機車交織碰撞風險

15. Dashu District 大樹區

The Dashu District Office recently held an activity promoting locally grown pineapples and lychee.  The event also emphasized the need for water conservation. 高市大樹區年度盛事  區公所辦理鳳荔農特產暨珍惜水資源活動

16. Zuoying District 左營區

The Kaohsiung City Bureau of Transportation and the Zuoying District Office have been working to improve traffic safety in Zuoying District.  As part of this process they and other organizations have been analyzing traffic patterns.  As you might have guessed, most accidents involved either the very young or the very old, scooters, vehicles turning left into traffic, and inattentive drivers colliding with something in front of them. 交通局攜手左營區公所交通安全宣導  籲民眾小心行駛 , 互相禮讓

17. Niaosong District 烏松區

A college student was riding his scooter through Wusong in the rain when he lost control of his vehicle.  He veered into oncoming traffic and was hit by a bus.  He died at the scene and the bus driver was charged with negligence. 男大生慘遭公車輾斃 ! 身份竟是帕運國手 "陳亮達" 曾連奪七金

18. Sanmin District 三民區

Many superstores in Kaohsiung have closed down over the years, several with the character 大 ("da" or "big") in their names.  A recent article asked readers to share their memories of these places, some of which have been gone for over two decades.  Of the vanished superstores Sanmin District had the most. 高雄近28年累計14家量販賣場歇業  三民區最多

19. Gushan District 鼓山區

It's not cheap to live in Gushan, one of the most scenic and most centrally located districts in Kaohsiung.  Gushan is, per ping, the most expensive district in Kaohsiung to live in.  New real estate there is on average 375,500 NT per ping. 高雄鼓山新屋均價37萬  楠梓左營單價也大漲6萬 (3)

20. Qijin District 旗津區

The water supply to Qijin was cut off for fourteen hours so that a pipe running across the port could be repaired. 過港隧道送水管線搶修  高雄旗津逾7千戶15日晚起停水14小時 (4)

21. Lingya District 苓雅區

Lingya and Sanmin districts also went without power for a short time, though this outage was less recent than the one in Nandze.  The Lingya outage was due to an electric cable failure. 電纜故障  高雄三民 , 苓雅區逾4千戶中午停電

22. Yancheng District 鹽埕區

There are a few pictures here of Yancheng during the Japanese Colonial Administration.  The article discusses local history and culture. 高雄版華燈初上  鹽埕流金歲月 (5)

23. Qianjin District 前金區

Qianjin also went without power for a short time.  The power grid in that area seems to be aging at an accelerated rate. 高雄前金區停電 !  台電 : 疑線路故障

24. Xinxing District 新興區

A 99 year old man was found stabbed to death and his 60 year old daughter attempted suicide at the scene.  Police are still investigating the matter. 高雄新興區驚傳家庭悲劇  女兒疑持刀弒99歲老父

25. Qianjhen District 前鎮區

Work was begun on the Matsu Port Bridge that crosses a canal between Qianjhen and Fengshan.  Drivers were urged to find other routes through the area. 高雄前鎮馬祖港橋改建  用路人最好改道 (6)

26. Fengshan District 鳳山區

These numbers are very fluid, but Fengshan recently had almost 5000 COVID cases, the most in Kaohsiung. 高雄累計逾36萬例  鳳山區近5萬最多桃源區617例最少

27. Xiaogang District 小港區

The Kaohsiung City Government has installed new surveillance equipment at intersections in Xiaogang and Nandze.  The recordings obtained through the use of this equipment aren't valid now, and only footage obtained after June 29th will lead to fines and/or prosecution. 高市在增小港 , 楠梓2處科技執法今啟用試錄  6/29起取締

28. Linyuan District 林園區

The road to Qingshuiyan will be widened, and drainage will be improved along the roadway.  Many traffic accidents occur on this road, and it's hoped that improving it will make it safer. 林園區清水岩路拓寬進度62%  地方盼排水系統能一併改善 (7)

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE 1: There are SO many districts in west Kaohsiung that it felt like one article for each district was enough.  I usually include two or three if possible, but I think that given the relative homogeneity of these districts one each is enough for an overall picture of west Kaohsiung.

NOTE 2: Where IS downtown Kaohsiung, really?  Once upon a time Kaohsiung City was found inside Kaohsiung County, and it was much easier to tell where downtown was.  In my opinion downtown Kaohsiung starts in Zuoying (#16 above) and ends in Lingya (#21 above).  I consider the Jungshan Freeway (#1) to be the eastern boundary of downtown.

1. This happens a lot in areas under development.  Developers and members of local governments begin eyeing local cemeteries with the intent to "put that land to better use."  Many of the tombs in such places are, by the way, already empty.  Relatives often place mortal remains inside the tomb for only a short time, and then relocate these mortal remains to a crematorium or ossuary.

2. This makes sense given the accelerated rate of real estate development in the area.  Many people are buying apartments in Ciaotou, and there is a lot of incentive to "influence" local government workers with respect to land deals.

3. It's a situation similar to Hong Kong's, minus the communist overlords.  The district is relatively large, but a lot of it is taken up by Shou Mountain, where the Kaohsiung Zoo is located.  It's also close to a major port, has a high population density, and has a long history of development.  In short, there isn't a lot of space for new buildings there.  A ping, by the way, is equivalent to 3.306 square meters.

4. Qijin is an island on the seaward side of Kaohsiung Port.  Was it always an island?  I'm not sure.  But yeah, pretty much anything going into Qijin has to cross the port to get there.  The island receives its drinking water through an underground pipe.

5. The "yan" in "Yancheng" comes from salt, which was dried in that area.  Fishing and shipbreaking were other important local industries that have since passed away.  Yancheng is on the Kaohsiung Port across from Qijin, and the Pier 1 Arts Center draws a lot of people to the area.

6. As far as I can tell there is no "Matsu Port" to accompany Matsu Port Bridge.  I assume it's a reference to either part of Kaohsiung Port or something that exists no longer.

7. What the hell is a "Qingshuiyan?"  It's a temple complex in Linyuan, connected to a system of trails.  The name comes from a spring that was found in the area long ago.

2022年6月19日 星期日

Port Angeles, Washington, USA 美國華盛頓州安吉利斯港

On July 7th I'll be traveling back to the States to visit my parents in Port Angeles, Washington State.  I'll be over there for about a month. 我七月七日的時候要回去美國華盛頓州安吉利斯港看我的父母 ,  我會在那裡一個月。

For those who don't know Port Angeles, it's a city on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula, just north of Olympic National Park.  It's on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, a body of water separating the United States from Canada.  About 20,000 people live there. 為不知道安吉利斯港的讀者介紹一下, 這個城市在華盛頓州奧林匹克半島上 ,也是在奧林匹克國家公園北部 。安吉利斯港位在美國 和加拿大間的胡安德富卡海峽 , 那裡的人口大約兩萬人 。

While I'm in Port Angeles I plan on doing the following:

1. Eating pizza.  There's good pizza in Taiwan, but from where I live in Pingtung the closest good pizza is in either Taitung City or Kaohsiung City.  It'll be nice to have good pizza nearby. 吃披薩 !  台灣有好吃的披薩 , 可是最靠近我屏東住的地方的披薩不是在台東市就是在高雄市 。 而在那邊不用跑那麼遠去吃披薩 。

2. Eating hamburgers.  There are good hamburgers in Pingtung, but they're not as good as what I can get in the States. 吃漢堡 !  屏東有好吃的漢堡 ,可是最好吃的漢堡在美國。 

3. Drinking beer.  The beer selection in Port Angeles is SO much better. 喝啤酒 !  安吉利斯港有更多的啤酒種類 。

4. Reading books.  There's a much wider selection of books in Port Angeles, and there are a couple good bookstores in the center of town. 看書 !  在安吉利斯港什麼書都有 ,在市區也有兩家不錯的書店 。

5. Going running.  My parents' house is surrounded by miles and miles of Not. Much. At. All, and running around there is wonderful. 跑步 !  我父母家方圓幾英里都是大自然 , 在那邊跑步很讚 。

6. Watching movies.  There's a small multiplex on the other side of town.  I'll probably see Thor: Love and Thunder in Port Angeles. 看電影 !  安吉利斯港的另外一邊有間小影城 , 我大概會去那邊看雷神索爾 : 愛與雷霆 。

7. Hanging with my family.  I look forward to seeing my parents, my sister, my brother, my new nephew and my new brother-in-law.  It's been a while! 跟家人在一起 ! 我很想念我的父母、我的妹妹 、我的弟弟 、我的小外甥和我的妹夫 。  真是太久沒見面 了。

8. Going bicycling.  Port Angeles is an excellent area for bicycling.  I might even buy another bike over there. 騎單車 !  在安吉利斯港騎單車很舒服 ,  我也考慮在那邊買新公路車 。

9. Going to Canada?  There's a ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, British Columbia.  I might go over there for a day or two and waste even more money. 去加拿大玩? 人們可以從 安吉利斯港 搭渡船到英屬哥倫比亞維多利亞, 所以我可能會去維多利亞拼命花錢。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2022年6月15日 星期三

Taiwu Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣泰武鄉遊記

Taiwu Township is east of Wanluan and north of Laiyi.  It's in the mountains, has a very small population, and most of its residents are members of the Paiwan Tribe. 泰武鄉位於萬巒的東部和 來義的北部 。 泰武鄉位在山區, 人口少 ,大部分的居民是排灣族

According to the last census, 5,364 people live in Taiwu. 根據上次的人口統計 , 泰武的人口數是5,364人 。

This is Taiwu Village, not far from the Mountainside Highway (#185). 這是靠近沿山公路泰武部落 。

From Taiwu Village the main road leads into the mountains.  Many cyclists do a loop through the area, from Taiwu to Jiaping. 從泰武部落的大馬路往山區 。 很多單車騎士喜歡從泰武騎到佳平 。

This is Jiaping Village. 佳平部落 。

This is near the highest point of the loop between Taiwu and Jiaping. 這在泰武佳平中間的最高點附近 。

That's Taiwu Village down below.  Beyond that is Wanluan Township. 下面是泰武部落 。 遠方當背景的是萬巒鄉 。

This is west of Jiaping, much closer to the Mountainside Highway.  I believe they raise chickens in that white building. 這在佳平部落的西部 ,比較靠近沿山公路 。  白色的建築好像是養雞場。

This is the entrance to Jiaping Village. 佳平部落的入口 。

Local art.  The hundred pace snake figures prominently in local folk beliefs. 當地藝術 。  百步蛇是當地民間信仰的重要角色 。

Locals engaged in farming grow pineapples and mangoes to the exclusion of almost everything else.  I saw a field of taro, and there was a nearby field that looked like millet, but the millet field was very overgrown. 當地農夫大部分種的是鳳梨跟芒果 。  我看到一塊田種芋頭 , 還有一塊田種小米 , 可是小米田中長了很多雜草 。

This is at the north end of the township, near the Wanan Water Park.  This might be the most visited part of Taiwu.  While we were there we saw several other tourists. 這裡在泰武鄉的北部 ,靠近萬安親水公園 ,可能是泰武比較多觀光客的地方 , 我們那一天看到了幾個遊客。

My honest opinion?  This place is OK, but there are better places to soak (never mind swim) in a local rivers.  The road to get up here is also very small. 我的意見呢 ?  我覺得這個景點還好 。 附近還有更好的地方可以玩水(不是游泳) , 而且來這裡的那條路也很小 。

And that's Taiwu Township.  There are a couple waterfalls I missed, but those are much deeper in the mountains, and we didn't feel like putting our new car tires to the test that day. 這就是泰武鄉 ,雖然還有兩個瀑布在深山裡,可是我們當天不想測試車子的性能。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: Next semester?  If I'm still living on the west coast I'll be continuing my exploration of Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan.  If I'm living in Taitung I'll be exploring Pingtung, Taitung and Hualien.