2022年6月19日 星期日

Port Angeles, Washington, USA 美國華盛頓州安吉利斯港

On July 7th I'll be traveling back to the States to visit my parents in Port Angeles, Washington State.  I'll be over there for about a month. 我七月七日的時候要回去美國華盛頓州安吉利斯港看我的父母 ,  我會在那裡一個月。

For those who don't know Port Angeles, it's a city on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula, just north of Olympic National Park.  It's on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, a body of water separating the United States from Canada.  About 20,000 people live there. 為不知道安吉利斯港的讀者介紹一下, 這個城市在華盛頓州奧林匹克半島上 ,也是在奧林匹克國家公園北部 。安吉利斯港位在美國 和加拿大間的胡安德富卡海峽 , 那裡的人口大約兩萬人 。

While I'm in Port Angeles I plan on doing the following:

1. Eating pizza.  There's good pizza in Taiwan, but from where I live in Pingtung the closest good pizza is in either Taitung City or Kaohsiung City.  It'll be nice to have good pizza nearby. 吃披薩 !  台灣有好吃的披薩 , 可是最靠近我屏東住的地方的披薩不是在台東市就是在高雄市 。 而在那邊不用跑那麼遠去吃披薩 。

2. Eating hamburgers.  There are good hamburgers in Pingtung, but they're not as good as what I can get in the States. 吃漢堡 !  屏東有好吃的漢堡 ,可是最好吃的漢堡在美國。 

3. Drinking beer.  The beer selection in Port Angeles is SO much better. 喝啤酒 !  安吉利斯港有更多的啤酒種類 。

4. Reading books.  There's a much wider selection of books in Port Angeles, and there are a couple good bookstores in the center of town. 看書 !  在安吉利斯港什麼書都有 ,在市區也有兩家不錯的書店 。

5. Going running.  My parents' house is surrounded by miles and miles of Not. Much. At. All, and running around there is wonderful. 跑步 !  我父母家方圓幾英里都是大自然 , 在那邊跑步很讚 。

6. Watching movies.  There's a small multiplex on the other side of town.  I'll probably see Thor: Love and Thunder in Port Angeles. 看電影 !  安吉利斯港的另外一邊有間小影城 , 我大概會去那邊看雷神索爾 : 愛與雷霆 。

7. Hanging with my family.  I look forward to seeing my parents, my sister, my brother, my new nephew and my new brother-in-law.  It's been a while! 跟家人在一起 ! 我很想念我的父母、我的妹妹 、我的弟弟 、我的小外甥和我的妹夫 。  真是太久沒見面 了。

8. Going bicycling.  Port Angeles is an excellent area for bicycling.  I might even buy another bike over there. 騎單車 !  在安吉利斯港騎單車很舒服 ,  我也考慮在那邊買新公路車 。

9. Going to Canada?  There's a ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, British Columbia.  I might go over there for a day or two and waste even more money. 去加拿大玩? 人們可以從 安吉利斯港 搭渡船到英屬哥倫比亞維多利亞, 所以我可能會去維多利亞拼命花錢。

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