2022年6月26日 星期日

Goodbye to Xinkai 新開村再見

1. Where is Xinkai? 新開在哪裡 ?

Xinkai is a village in Fangliao Township, Pingtung County.  It's near the eastern edge of Fangliao, not far from the Jinshuiying Historic Trail.  It's also very close to the Mountainside Highway (#185). 新開屏東縣枋寮鄉的一個小村落 。  它靠近枋寮東部的邊界 ,在浸水營古道附近 ,  它也靠近沿山公路 。

2. What is Xinkai? 新開是什麼 ?

Xinkai is a small farming village surrounded by mango and wax apple fields.  Most of the people living in Xinkai are old, primarily because most of the younger people have moved away.  新開是個被芒果與蓮霧園圍繞的小農村 。  新開的村民平均年齡很大 ,  大部分的年輕人在外地工作 。

Xinkai isn't going to develop into anything anytime soon.  The old mango farms are gradually being replaced by solar panel installations, and aside from major holidays and temple festivals there are less and less people in the village every year. 新開不會有什麼改變。  世代耕種的芒果園慢慢轉變成太陽能板。  除了重要節日與廟會, 村裡的人口逐年減少。

3. Who is Xinkai? 新開是誰 ?

Xinkai is mostly farmers.  They all know Chinese, but they speak Taiwanese whenever they're together.  For the most part they're good people, though there are always a few gangster types around who make life worse for everybody.  There's an old, untended graveyard to the north of the village, and I sometimes wonder if the people in Xinkai ever think about ending up in that place, and how long they have until they do. 大多數的新開村民是農夫 。  他們都會國語 , 可是他們聚在一起時都講台語。  他們是好人 , 可是到處都一樣 ,都有一二個比較像兄弟的人存在。村里北部有一片墓地讓我想到 : 新開的村民曾想過有一天會在那邊嗎 ?  什麼時候會去呢 ?

4. When is Xinkai? 什麼時候是新開 ?

Xinkai goes back a long way.  When Taiwan was a Japanese colony, the Japanese built a fort in Xinkai, and there's also a long history of logging in the area.  The name "Fangliao," loosely translated, means "place for storing wood."  More recently, Xinkai is often mentioned in connection with the military training facility down the hill, but the village's history goes back much further. 新開的歷史悠久 , 日治時代日軍在新開建蓋石頭營 ,  這裡的伐木業也曾興盛一時。  枋寮的名稱就是從當時"放置木頭的地方"來的 。  現在說 "新開" ,大家通常想到的是軍營 ,可是新開的歷史能追溯到更久遠的時代 。

5. Why is Xinkai? 為什麼有新開 ?

I suppose someone took a look at the landscape, noticed the small plain at the foot of the mountains, and decided to try their hand at farming in the area.  Or, later still, someone at the military base decided to relocate people to Xinkai.  Or, even later, someone in a local government decided to rezone the area for settlement. 大概是很久很久以前,有人看到山下平坦的地形,決定在這開墾種東西 ;  或是之後的軍事基地的人決定居住這裡;  還是後來的政府決定把這裡變成聚落 。

6. How is Xinkai? 怎麼有新開 ?

Xinkai keeps going in the way that all small villages keep going.  Some of the people who were born here stay, some get married and bring their new wives and husbands to the village, some have children, and some bring their children back to the village, to be raised by doting grandparents.  To be sure, most people leave, because what is there to do in Xinkai, besides grow mangoes or wax apples? 新開的發展就像其他小村落一樣,  有的村人留下來 , 有的結婚帶新人回來 , 有的生小孩 , 有的把孩子帶回來給溺愛兒孫的祖父母照顧 。  其實大部分的村民走了, 因為那裡除了種芒果和蓮霧,沒有什麼工作機會。

7. How long is Xinkai? 新開多久了 ?

For me?  Around two years.  It's hard to believe I've been here that long, but yeah, it's been about two years.  I'll miss you, Xinkai.  I can't say that I know you as well as I wanted to, but I will miss you.  Take care of yourself, and I'll do the same. 對我來說 , 新開是兩年的時間 。  我不敢相信我在新開那麼久 。 對! 沒錯 ,二年。  新開 ,我會想念你的。  我們兩個雖然還沒那麼熟 , 可是我會想念你的。   要保重 ! 我也會保重的!

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