2022年6月5日 星期日

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (South 南 ) 1

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1. 安南區 Annan District

1a. The Legislative Yuan is set to pass a bill into law restricting the pre-sale of homes and other practices connected to real estate speculation.  Annan District, where the pre-sale of homes is particularly prevalent, will be hit hard if this law goes into effect.  Many of those speculating on the housing market have begun to sell off their properties in anticipation of new regulations. 全台推案熱區成拋售區  安南區待售物件暴增7成最多 (1)

1b. The Tainan City Mayor visited Annan District Office to thank epidemic prevention personnel for their efforts and to discuss administrative matters. 黃偉哲前往安南區公所向防疫人員致意 , 並視察聽舍改善進度表示會寬籌經費積極處理

2. 中西區 West Central District

2a. Oh the irony?  A temple in West Central District distributed an "epidemic prevention package" to believers, which caused them to form a long line, which in turn probably increased their chances of contracting COVID. 台南代天水官大帝廟發愛心  "防疫包"  吸引千人排隊領取

2b. A very old tree near the Taiwan Culture Hall was knocked down by the wind. 鬼雲吹起一陣怪風 ?  台南州會古蹟旁鳳凰木攔腰折斷

3. 安平區 Anping District

3a. After two scooters collided in Anping, one of the people involved fled the scene.  He was later apprehended, and it was then discovered that he originally visited Taiwan as a tourist from Vietnam, and that he'd overstayed his visa by four years. 台南安平區發生肇逃車禍  警還查出肇事者逾期居留4年

3b. The Jianping Village Office, in cooperation with the Anping District Community Development Association, distributed cash and COVID testing kits to needy residents as part of its epidemic prevention program. 安平區建平里發放防疫物資及現金  弱勢里民提前歡度端午

4. 南區 South District

4a. Construction of a new parking facility in South District has been completed.  This facility will open in July. 南區西門健康立體停車場預計7月底啟用 (2)

4b. The Healthy Oasis Park has been opened to the public.  It doesn't have many trees, but in the evening or on a cooler day it might be a fun place to visit. 大船來了 !  台南最新特色公園 "健康綠洲公園" 免費玩攀岩 , 暸望塔 , 超高溜滑梯

5. 北區 North District

Many of Tainan's food vendors have been hit hard by COVID and COVID restrictions.  Given that many traditional foods are sold in tiny shops or from roadside stalls, they are finding it harder to weather the current business climate, with losses of 30% to 40% not unusual.  Some customers and business owners are trying to remain optimistic, but the outlook for many vendors, not only on Kaiyuan Road but in other areas, isn't good. 疫情衝擊 !  台南開元路知名小吃暫時停業 (3)

6. 安定區 Anding District

6a. There's a shortage of kindergarten classes for 2 year olds in Anding and surrounding districts.  A recent inflow of population to urban areas has made this problem more acute.  Officials are discussing plans to build more kindergartens as a way of addressing the issue. 台南新市等5區幼幼班稀少  很多二歲兒被迫 "延畢"

ˊ6b. The Abolei Trail along the Dzengwen River in Anding District has become a very popular attraction.  As a way of promoting this trail, the Anding District Office recently held a sketch competition, in which local students submit sketches of the trail. 台南推廣觀光  阿勃勒步道辦寫生

7. 東區 East District

7a. A house in East District caught fire.  No one was injured. 台南東區民宅傳火警  消防人員引導9人順利逃生

7b. Part of East District went without water for six days as work was done on Dongmen Road. 要儲水 !  台南東區局部5/25-31施工停水

8. 善化區 Shanhua District

8a. Another fire at a technology company in Shanhua.  No one was injured. 台南市善化區科技公司傳火警  廠內消防設備啟動迅速滅火

8b. Shanhua hosted a vocational job fair on June 4. 台南呷頭路徵才  6/4善化登場

9. 新市區 Xinshr District

9a. KMT lawmaker Chen Yi-xin wants to improve the signage on the Formosa Freeway (#3) as it passes through Xinshr.  He claims that many drivers are missing the exit to the Southern Technology Park as they pass through the area. 立委陳以信爭取國道3號設新市指標  到南科免走錯

10. 永康區 Yongkang District

Sounds harmless, but this process can get ugly fast.  The Bureau of Land Management has been verifying and/or revising property boundaries in Yongkang, and the local government is trying to make the process as participatory as possible. 永康區地籍圖重測辦理協助指界  地主務必到場維護自身權益 (4)

11. 仁德區 Rende District

11a. Another fire at a factory in Rende.  Some of the factory's occupants were briefly trapped inside, but thankfully no one was injured. 台南仁德工廠火警濃煙沖天  消防員拉水線搶救中

12. 歸仁區 Guiren District

12a. The Tainan City Mayor visited Guiren to inspect road and walkway improvements in that area. 黃偉哲視察歸仁區人行與車行道路改善工程 (5)

12b. Remember the Malaysian student who was killed?  A lot of that happened in Guiren.  Early on she made a report to police there, but they failed to take proper action in response to her report.  As a result several officers in that precinct have been demoted. 馬國女大生案  前歸仁分局長降級改敘

13. 關廟區 Guanmiao District

13a. The Tainan City Mayor also visited flood control work on rivers passing through Guanmiao. 黃偉哲視察台南市關廟區野溪整治工程  確保防洪 (6)

13b. Residents of Wujia Village in Guanmiao were contending with an unidentifiable stench recently.  Upon further inspection the source of the stench was discovered.  A man renting a warehouse in Guanmiao had dumped a large quantity of aluminum smelting slag there, a pollutant which smells like ammonia when it becomes wet.  A court case is ongoing, the local branch of the EPA is involved, and cleanup will be costly. 台南關廟五甲里常飄惡臭原因找到了  工廠地主衰被法辦

14. 新化區 Xinhua District

14a. Xinhua's "Five Treasures" Festival kicked off recently, and the Tainan City Mayor was on hand to help promote local bamboo shoot porridge, pineapples and other agricultural products. 新化五寶節今日登場

15. 龍崎區 Longqi District

15a. They've built a new overlook near the edge of the district, not far from the border between Tainan and Kaohsiung.  According to the article it's a good place to watch the sun rise. 龍崎龍船窩  看日出新景點

15b. As in Xinhua to the north, it's also pineapple and bamboo shoot season in Longqi.  The local government recently held an art competition between elementary schools to help promote the event. 透過兒童寫生帶動地方觀光  龍崎鳳梨好筍節落幕

16. 左鎮區 Zuojhen District

16a. The Tainan City Government used emergency funds to repair a road in Zuojhen.  This road was damaged by heavy rains. 台南月世界聯外道多處坍方  復建工程6月展開

17. 山上區 Shanshang District

17a. In anticipation of Dragon Boat Festival the Shanshang District Office wrapped 1,400 rice tamales for local residents. 端午節關懷弱勢  台南山上區公所包製1400顆肉粽送愛

17b. The Shangshang District Office is offering at home COVID testing to elderly residents. 獨老快篩免出門  山上區公所到宅堤供唾液快篩服務

18. 玉井區 Yujing District

18a. An elderly driver lost control of his vehicle and drove into someone's house.  Fortunately no one in the house was injured.  The elderly man and his wife, who was a passenger in the car, were sent to the hospital for treatment. 開車失控撞民宅  八旬翁夫婦擦傷送醫 (7)

19. 楠西區 Nanxi District

19a. A new online taxi service has been established in Nanxi.  There are three stops where residents can wait after they've called for their taxi. 楠西區小黃公車  三處預約站牌上線 (8)

19b. A farmer in Nanxi is growing a new type of mango and then pickling the fruit.  This type of pickled mango is very popular. 芒果里長點子多  新推金黃情人果

20. 南化區 Nanhua District

20a. As in Shanshang, residents of Nanhua also wrapped rice tamales as part of a Dragon Boat Festival activity.  These rice tamales had papaya in them. 迎端午  台南南化兩社區包木瓜粽比手藝

21b. This news goes a ways back, but on May 13 the Nanhua Reservoir reached a 9 year high in terms of capacity.  Recent heavy rains were the cause. 越域引水加持  13日南化水庫水位9年來同期最高

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. The Anping Old Street, a major tourist site in Tainan, is in Annan District.  That area has undergone a lot of development in recent years, despite Tainan's declining population.  Many are suggesting a housing bubble.

2. Parking is a big problem in this part of Tainan City.  The streets are narrow and the population density is high.

3. As said in a previous entry, Tainan seems especially paranoid when it comes to COVID.  I'm not sure if this paranoia springs from a high population density, an older population, or both.

4. Seems to be part of a national effort to better define property boundaries.  A public forum on this same topic in Pingtung grew very heated.  Imagine, for instance, discovering that half of the house you've lived in since you were a child isn't your own.

5. I'm going to go ahead and abbreviate some of the titles of bulletins on the Tainan City Government portal.  Some of these titles are really too long.

6. Guanmiao lies at the eastern edge of Tainan's urban area.  As you go east toward Longqi District you'll see fewer towns and more farming villages.  The flood control issue isn't so much about residences as about farmers wishing to safeguard their crops.

7. "Elderly man loses control of vehicle and crashes into _____."  This happens a lot in rural areas.

8. I've read about this kind of service in Pingtung County as well.  Seems to be part of a national initiative.

