2022年5月1日 星期日

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (East 東) 1

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all east of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more rural that districts west of the Formosa Freeway, have a much lower population density, and are generally more scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以東 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以西的行政區比較起來: 較鄉下 、人口密度較低 、風景比較好。.

1a. The ASE Environmental Sustainability Foundation has been planting trees (reforesting) Tianliao and other areas in south Taiwan. 日月光認養18.23公頃國有林地  捐款600萬種樹3.2萬顆 (1)

2a. The Taiwan Water Corporation had to cut off the water supply to Qishan for eight hours as part of a pipeline replacement project.  Residents of several villages were encouraged to conserve water in advance. 快儲水 !  旗山多里下周一連續4天停水8小時  影響6千多戶

2b. A police officer was injured after a suspected drug dealer rammed her with a car.  The suspect was later apprehended, and the police officer suffered minor fractures. 拒檢撞傷女警 !  高雄旗山毒蟲逃亡1天落網

3a. A female nurse managed to eat 3.3 kg of meat in 20 minutes during the first annual "Big Stomach King" competition in Neimen.  內門封肉大胃王  正妹護理師輕鬆狂嗑3.3公斤

3b. A former village chief was sent to jail two years ago after driving his car into a group of people collecting signatures for the recall of former Kaohsiung City Mayor  Han Guo-yu.  Recently his appeal was denied. 楊言衝撞罷韓團體  內門石頭里長二審仍判有罪 (2)

4a. Meinong hosted Taiwan's first dual language Hakka/English storytelling competition.  As a teacher I have to wonder whether or not this was just a stunt to get in the newspaper. 全國首創客英雙語說故事比賽 , 高雄市美濃區熱鬧展開

4b. They stopped doing the "COVID footprints" thing, but this didn't stop residents of Meinong from freaking out when they discovered that several COVID-positive cases passed through their area.  Many people rushed out to buy COVID testing kits but found they were sold out. 高雄美濃連日有確診足跡  民眾快篩1劑難求

5a. Parts of Shanlin also went without water recently. 記得儲水 !  高雄旗山 , 杉林區4/13停水  影響12967戶

5b. A man renting a property in Shanlin was illegally cutting down trees, believing his rental agreement gave him the right to do so. Police are still investigating the matter, but they've confirmed that the man cut down a lot of trees, several tons' worth in fact. 好囂張 !  住林班地工寮砍樹換現金  半年盜伐得手逾9噸

6a. Several river valleys in Liouguei will likely experience landslides in the near future.  For this reason the Kaohsiung Water Conservation Bureau is working to improve disaster response measures in that area. 高雄新增3條土石流潛勢溪流  六龜區34條六都最多

6b. Members of Kaohsiung's Civil Affairs Committee visited Liouguei and Meinong for the purpose of investigating sites for religious tourism. 高市議會關切地方宗教觀光發展  民政委員會前往六龜 , 美濃實地考察

7a. This article introduces Maolin.  I visited the area not long ago, and it is indeed worth visiting. 鬼斧神工  茂林尋原始風光

7b. Heavy rains triggered a landslide which obstructed Highway 132 in Maolin. 高雄茂林高132線因雨土石崩落  現場管制清理中

8a. There was a minor earthquake in Jiaxian (4.8).  It caused no serious damage.  規模4.8震央在高雄甲仙  雙鐵 , 捷運未受影響

8b. About a third of Jiaxian District's population is ethnically Hakka, but few there speak the language.  This is a problem for those in local government trying to emphasize the area's Hakka heritage, and steps are being taken to address the issue. 甲仙公所無人通過客認證  補助受限盼解套

9a. Sales of plums grown in and around Qingmei are down.  People wary of COVID aren't visiting to buy plums from local farmers, and stores aren't buying as many either.  Unable to sell his plums, one farmer is even offering them for free. 疫情讓青梅滯銷  高雄桃源區代會主席開放果園任人採

9b. An unemployed man from Taoyuan tried to steal a bucket full of screws from a construction site in nearby Liouguei.  He planned on selling the screws for cash.  He was observed mid-theft and arrested on the spot. 無業男缺錢偷桃源區橋梁維修用螺絲  遭警撞見當場被逮

10a. It's firefly season in remote Namaxia District.  This article introduces the fireflies and other attractions in the area. 高雄那瑪夏火金姑秘境  賞螢還可體驗原住民文化

10b. Namaxia's peach crop was hurt by a recent cold spell, driving the cost up to 800 NT for a box of 6.  This is the highest price ever recorded for peaches grown there. 高雄那瑪夏水蜜桃  減產價高坡紀錄

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. This is where Moon World 月世界 is.  Even without climate change and deforestation, erosion will always be a problem in this area.

2. A lot of ramming with cars in east Kaohsiung.  Maybe it's easier than getting out of the car?

