2022年5月29日 星期日

Longqi District, Tainan City 台南市龍崎區遊記

As you drive north on the Formosa Freeway (#3), Longqi District is just north of Kaohsiung City, over the county line in Tainan.  It's really close to Moon World. 當你在福爾摩沙高速公路上開往高雄市的時候 ,龍崎區就在 台南市靠近高雄市北部邊界的地方,  那裡很靠近月世界 。

It rained the entire time we were there.  This limited where I could go and what kind of pictures I could take.  I visited the two major tourist sites in the district, and I drove down the length of the main road, but large parts of the area are still a mystery to me. 我們去龍崎的時候都在下雨 , 也因為這樣,限制了我可以去和拍照的地方 。 我去了當地最有名的兩個景點 , 也開車走過主要的公路 ,但是這一區對我來說,還有很多地方仍是個謎。

According to the last census, there are 3,668 people living in Longqi. 上次的人口統計顯示 ,龍崎的人口數是3,668人 .

Huxing Mountain Park was our first stop.  This is the view from the parking lot. 我們的第一站是虎形山公園 。  這是停車場對面的風景 。

There are two suspension bridges in the park, and a trail loops around it. 這個公園有兩座吊橋 ,還有一條環形步道 。

This is looking north from the highest part of the trail.  That's Xinhua District in the distance. 從步道高點往北邊看, 遠處看到的是新化區 .

Across the street from the park is Longqi's old street.  There's not much for tourists here, but there are a few things for sale inside both this building and the Longqi District Farmer's Association Bamboo Charcoal Story Hall nearby. 公園對面有龍崎老街 。  這附近的觀光產業很少 , 可是這棟建築跟附近的龍崎區農會竹炭故事館裡有賣些東西 。

Longqi is in the mountains and the soil isn't good for farming.  Bamboo grows pretty well though, and as a result bamboo products have played an important role in the local economy. 龍崎在山區 ,地形及土壤不太適合農業 。 倒是竹子到處都有 , 所以竹製品在這地區扮演比較重要的經濟角色 。

Some of the local products for sale in the Qiju Agricultural Market are pictured above. 這些竹製品在崎聚農創市集販售。

Be warned that there's not much to eat in this area.  Those looking to combine a trip to Longqi with lunch or dinner will probably have to visit nearby Guanmiao District for food. 這個地區的餐廳不多 , 建議來龍崎的遊客去附近的關廟區吃飯 。

At the other end of the district is the Nioupu Mudstone Soil and Water Conservation Educational Park.  It's really close to Kaohsiung City. 牛埔泥岩水土保持教學園區龍崎區另外一邊,  它很靠近高雄市 。

As the name implies, people used to water their cattle in this place.  The hillsides erode easily, and as a result the local geography is constantly changing. 從地名就知道 , 以前這個地方是養牛的 。  這裡的山坡容易發生土石流 , 所以它的地形持續的改變。

While walking around I noticed thousands of tiny frogs.  Their jumping back and forth across the trail made it look like the trail was moving, and I had to be very careful where I stepped. 我在這裡散步的時候看到成千上萬隻小青蛙 ,  那麼多青蛙在步道上跳來跳去 ,看起來很像步道在動,  所以我走路非常小心 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: I wasn't sure how much of two place names above to translate into English.  虎形 (Huxing) translates into "tiger shaped."  The mountain looked to locals like a crouching tiger from a distance.  牛埔 (Nioupu) is just a place for putting cows.

