2022年4月17日 星期日

Hengchun Municipality, Pingtung County 屏東縣恆春鎮遊記

Hengchun Municipality is south of Checheng and Manzhou townships. 恆春鎮位於車城鄉 和 滿州鄉南部 。

Many people equate Hengchun with "Kenting," but the two places aren't the same.  A lot of Kenting National Park is in Hengchun, but the national park boundaries also encompass parts of Checheng and Manzhou townships.  Kenting Village (墾丁里), where you'll find Kenting's famous night market, is in Hengchun, but this is a small part of the larger municipality. 很多人以為恆春墾丁是同一個地方 , 其實不然 。 墾丁國家公園大部分位在恆春 , 可是它還有部分面積位於車城鄉滿州鄉 。  有名的墾丁大街觀光夜市恆春鎮墾丁里 , 而這個里只是恆春的一小部分。

Hengchun has an interesting history.  It's too much to go into here, but the Rover Incident, the construction of Hengchun's old city, and other other bits of local history are worth investigating. 恆春的歷史很有趣 ,  只是沒辦法在這裡介紹完這麼長久的歷史。 當地的羅發號事件 及 恆春古城的歷史都值得探索瞭解。

According to the last census, there are 30,049 people living in Hengchun Municipality. 上次的人口統計顯示 , 恆春鎮的人口是30,049人 。

This is Banana Bay, between Kenting's night market area and the Uluanbi Lighthouse. 這是位於墾丁大街 和 鵝鑾鼻燈塔間的香蕉灣 .

Maobitou, or "Cat's Nose Head."  And yes, they do have some cats there. 貓鼻頭 .  這裡確實也有些貓 .

"Lords of the Three Mountains" temple in central Hengchun.  There's a trail along the coral behind it. 恆春市區中的三山國王廟 。  廟宇後面的珊瑚礁上有條步道 .

Near the Shaniao ("Sand Bird") Ecological Conservation Area. 在砂鳥生態保護區附近 。

Longpan Park, past the Uluanbi Lighthouse.  That's Jialeshui in Manzhou on the other side of the bay. 鵝鑾鼻燈塔另外一邊的龍磐公園 。  海灣的另外一邊是滿州鄉佳樂水 。

Same area, but a little further north. 同一個地方,往北一點點 。

Same spot, just further down toward the ocean. 同一個地方 , 比較靠近下面的沙灘 .

Wanlitong, on the other side of the municipality.  It's a famous diving destination. 恆春的另外一邊的萬里桐 ,它是個有名的潛水景點。

Not far from the nuclear power plant is Houbihu Port.離核電廠不遠的後壁湖 。

East of Houbihu Port, on the way to Nanwan, is the Sisal Industrial History Exhibition Area.  Sisal is a plant brought to Taiwan from Mexico.  It was used to make rope. 從後壁湖開車往南灣會經過瓊麻工業歷史展示館 。 瓊麻一種墨西哥引進來的植物 , 早期是用來做繩子的。

This place is very close to the Longluan Lake Nature Center. 這裡也很靠近龍鑾潭自然中心 。

Nanwan, possibly Taiwan's most famous beach.  I avoid this place during big holiday weekends, but at other times it's OK. 南灣可能是全臺最有名的海灘 .  我會避免連假的時候來這裡, 其他的時間來還ok。

The Yoho Beach Resort.  It's getting pretty old now, but it's still a good destination if you have kids. 悠活度假村 。 部分地方顯得老舊, 可是很適合帶孩子來這裡玩 。

Stone lion across from the Yoho.  Next to this temple is the Axin Chocolate Farm. 悠活對面的獅象 。  這所廟隔壁是阿信巧克力農場 。

Turtle Rock, which can be found atop Guan Mountain.  Most people only visit this place on New Year's Eve, but the view from the top is great on any clear day. 關山上的福靈龜 。 很多觀光客來這裡跨年。 這裡天氣好時風景很漂亮 。

Hengchun's East Gate.  Hengchun's old city wall is the best preserved in Taiwan. 恆春東門 。 恆春古城牆臺灣保存最完整的古城遺跡 。

Sheding Nature Park is on the hill above "Kenting Village."  The views from this park are great, but be prepared for HEAT in the summer. 墾丁里後面的山丘上有社頂自然公園 。 那裏風景很好 ,只是夏天的時候很熱 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

Coastal Pingtung, from West to East... 從西到東 , 屏東的海岸 :

...and North Up the Coast of Taitung 繼續往台東的海岸 :

Shiao Ye Liou 小野柳 / Jia Lu Lan 加路蘭

Pingtung's Three Municipalities 屏東三個鎮 :

NOTE 1: I wouldn't even call it "Kenting Village."  里 works for "village" in some instances, but in this context I don't think so.  All that land north of Highway 26, and most of it within the confines of Kenting National Park.  I have trouble seeing this as a "village."

NOTE 2: Places worth visiting that WEREN'T discussed in this entry: Baisha, Kenting National Park's Forest Recreation Area (just north of Sheding Nature Park), Sailboat Rock, and the main beach in front of the Howard Prince Hotel.  I've been to all these places, but my pictures of them are so far back into Google Photos that I couldn't even find them.

NOTE 3: Some of those entries for Taitung will get moved to the Blog Archive for Taiwan Style soon.  Don't be surprised if you're reading this at a later date and some of them have disappeared!

