2022年2月17日 星期四

Roaming Around Manzhou Township 滿州鄉遊記

Manzhou Township is south of Mudan.  Most of this township is inside the boundaries of Kenting National Park.  It's far from everywhere, but it's well worth going to if you have the time. 滿洲鄉位於牡丹鄉南部 。它大部分的面積屬於墾丁國家公園 。  滿州離所有的地方很遠 ,可是如果你有時間的話,那是個值得去的地方。

According to the last census, there are 7,346 people living in Manzhou. 上次的人口統計表示 , 滿州的人口是7346人 .

This bridge is at the southern end of the township, on the way to Jialeshui from Hengchun.  If you can get there early it's a nice place to stop. 這個吊橋位在滿州鄉的南端,是在恆春佳樂水的那條路上 。  如果你早到的話 , 這裡是個不錯的休息地點 。

Jialeshuit's famous waterfall.  Most people board one of the tour buses from the entrance, but if you're not interested in hearing the tour guide describe various rocks the falls are within walking distance. 佳樂水有名的瀑布 。  大部分的遊客在入口處上小導覽車 , 如果你不想聽導覽員介紹石頭, 那可以自己步行進去 .

Many, many rocks... 石頭天堂 .

Further north, along County Road 200, up the hill from Jioupeng Village. 比較北邊 ,在九棚村上面的省道200上 。

Near the dunes, not far from Gangdze. 港仔附近的沙漠休息區 。

Jungshan Port.  Not an easy area to get to, but worth the drive. 中山漁港 。 開車到這裡很累,可是很值得。

The other side of the township, near Kentington Resort. 滿州鄉的另外一邊 , 靠近小墾丁渡假村

Jioupeng Village.  The fence is for cows. 九棚村。 .  柵欄是養牛用的 .

The road south of Jioupeng, about as far from everything as you can get. 往南, 經過九棚的那條路 ,  最偏僻的地區 。

Nanren Port. 南仁漁港 .

The end of the road, just south of Nanren Port.  Further on is a protected area, and you need a permit to go further down the coast. 那條路的終點 ,也就是 南仁漁港的南邊 。 更南邊是一個生態區 ,需要申請才能進入。

Near Kentington Resort again, but further north.  There's a road into Checheng that starts here, and provided your car's in good condition it's a beautiful drive.  Nanren Lake is also nearby, but you need a permit to enter that area as well. 這個地方也在小墾丁渡假村附近 , 比較北邊一點。  這附近有一條路往車城 , 如果你的車性能不錯,  那可以來這裡看漂亮的風景。  附近也有南仁湖 ,可是進入那個生態區前要先申請 。

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