2021年12月6日 星期一

Roaming Around Checheng Township 車城鄉遊記

Checheng Township is south of both Fangshan and Shrdze townships, and west of Mudan Township.  There are at least three different explanations as to the origin of its name, all centered around words being translated from one language to another. 車城鄉位於枋山鄉 和 獅子鄉南部 , 也位於牡丹鄉的西部 .  它最少有三個不同版本的地名故事 , 都跟不同語言的地名翻譯有關係 .

According to the last census, there are 8,181 people living in Checheng. 上次的人口統計表示車城的人口是8181人 .

This field is east of Guei (Turtle) Mountain.  I like the colors. 這塊地在龜山東邊 .  我喜歡它的顏色 .

There's a nice trail to the top of Guei Mountain.  It's an easy walk, and the view from the top is good.  Just be careful of snakes. 龜山步道不錯 ,  很好走.  山頂風景很美 .  要小心蛇!

The view north, from the top.  The highway in the middle leads to the town of Haikou, and central Checheng is on the other side of the Ssechongxi River, which flows under the bridge. 北邊的風景 .  中間的公路通往海口 , 橋下是四重溪口 .  車城市區位在四重溪另外一邊 .

The view south.  That green ridge across the bay is Kenting National Park.  In the middle is the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. 南邊的風景 .  另外一邊的山坡就是墾丁國家公園的部分 .  國立海生館位在中間 .

The aquarium in Checheng is excellent.  I've been to aquariums in several countries, and in my opinion this aquarium is one of the best. 車城海生館超讚 .  我參觀過幾個國家的海生館 , 我覺得還是台灣海生館最好 .

This is further south, on the other side of that green ridge.  The Yoho Beach Resort, in Hengchun Municipality, isn't far from this spot. 在車城南部 , 小山坡另外一邊 .  這個地點也靠近恆春鎮悠活度假村 .

Once back in central Checheng, we drove east to the Ssechongxi Hot Spring Area.  This highway also leads to Mudan. 回到車城市區之後 , 我們開往東邊的四重溪溫泉區 .  這條公路也可以開到牡丹 .

The Pingtung County Government is aggressively promoting the Ssechongxi Hot Springs.  I can't say it's my favorite hot spring area, but it's definitely not bad. 屏東縣政府很努力地推廣四重溪溫泉區 .  雖然它不是我最喜歡的溫泉區 , 但還是值得去的 .

On the hill above the hot spring area.  It was surprisingly hot that day, and I had no desire to sit in hot water for any length of time. 在溫泉區後面的山坡上 .  那一天太陽大 , 我不想泡湯 .

West of the hot spring area is York Stables, where you can learn to ride a horse.  From the stables a guide takes you into the hills on the other side of the river. 悠客馬場位於溫泉區的西部 .  馬場教練可以帶你去溪的另外一邊的山坡 .

That's one of my daughters on the right.  She was very nervous. 右邊的騎士是我女兒 .  她第一次騎馬很緊張 .

A little further down the road you'll find this large, serious, red gentleman watching over this temple. 再往下走 , 就會碰到這位嚴肅地看著他的廟的紅臉先生 .

The view from the top of the temple.  As you can see it's a good area for farming.  They grow a lot of onions around here. 廟宇頂樓的風景 .  這裡的農地很適合耕種 , 洋蔥是當地的農特產 .

Toward the southeast corner of the township is the Baoli River.  This picture was taken down the road from the Baoli Tree Farm, east of Baoli Village. 車城鄉的東南部有保力溪 .  這張照片在保力林場附近, 保力村的東邊拍的 .

Checheng is relatively small, so it was only a ten minute drive to Houwan, south of the aquarium.  This village is a strange mix of new homestays and old, decrepit buildings.  It reminds me a lot of Fugang in Taitung. 車城很小 , 開車到海生館南邊的後灣只要十分鐘 .  這個村落一半是新建的民宿, 一半是老舊的房子 .  我覺得它很像台東富岡 .

And lastly this is Fu-an Temple, Checheng's most popular attraction.  This temple has a long history, and is considered lucky by many people.  There's a lot to eat in the area, and also many places selling lottery tickets. 最後有車城最受歡迎的景點福安宮 .  這所廟的歷史久遠 , 擁有許多的信徒 .  附近的小吃很多 , 也是買大樂透的好地方 .

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