2021年11月8日 星期一

Roaming Around Wandan Township 萬丹鄉遊記

Wandan Township is north of Xinyuan and Kanding townships.  It was one of the earliest parts of Pingtung to be settled by Han Chinese people.  It has been farmed for generations. 萬丹鄉位於新園 , 崁頂鄉的北部 .  這是漢人最先來到屏東開墾的地區之一 , 世代都以農業為主 .

According the last census, 49,852 people live in Wandan. 根據上次的人口統計,  萬丹的人口有49,852人 .

There's very little for tourists in Wandan.  It's big, it's flat, and it's good for farming.  That's about it.  The picture above is near the northwest corner of the township, just south of Pingtung City. 萬丹的景點不多 .  這個地區很大 , 地形平坦 , 適合農業 .  上面的照片是萬丹鄉的西北部 , 靠近屏東市 .

This area reminded me a lot of Dashu District in Kaohsiung City, which isn't far away.  It's half factories and half farms. 這個地區讓我想到附近的高雄市大樹區 .  一半農業, 一半工廠 .
This is to the southeast, in the center of the township.  I have no idea what this statue is supposed to be, but it points the way to the Wandan Township Park.  That's Wandan Junior High in the background. 在西南邊 , 萬丹鄉的中部 .  我不知道這個東西是什麼 , 可是它指著萬丹鄉公園的入口 .  
背景是萬丹國中 .
Red beans and beef.  Wandan produces a lot of both.  I'm not sure what the boy in the middle is supposed to represent. 紅豆跟牛肉 .  萬丹主要生產的產品 .  我不知道中間的小朋友代表什麼 .
This park also has a swimming pool.  I don't think this swimming pool is open to the public now. 這個公園也有游泳池 .  現在好像不對外開放 .
Most of Wandan looks like this. 萬丹大部分就是這樣子 .
Between central Wandan and Jhutian Township is this grove of trees.
這些樹在萬丹 和 竹田鄉中間 .
Xinghuabu is to be found in the southeast corner of Wandan, closer to Kanding and Xinyuan. 興化部萬丹的東南部 , 比較靠近崁頂新園鄉 .
No idea what this building used to be.  It's in the same area. 我不知道這棟建築物的用途 .  它也在興化部 .
If you're in central Wandan, you should stop and try the beef pot.  This picture was taken at Jietou Beef Pot, but there are many other beef pot restaurants in the vicinity. 在萬丹市區可以品嚐當地的牛肉爐 .  我在街頭牛肉爐拍這張 , 可是附近還有其他的牛肉爐餐廳 .
The view across from the restaurant, near Wandan Township Park.  The big road on the left is Highway 27, which stretches from Donggang all the way to Gaoshu. 餐廳對面 , 也靠近萬丹鄉公園 .  左邊的大馬路是台27線 .  這條路從東港連到屏東縣另外一邊的高樹鄉 .
The southwest corner of the township, not far from Liyu Mountains' "mud volcano," has a few more trees.  That hill in the background is Liyu Mountain. 萬丹鄉的西南部 , 靠近鯉魚山泥火山 .  背景的小山坡就是鯉魚山 .
The western border of Wandan runs along the Kaoping (Gaoping) River, which separates Pingtung County from Kaohsiung City.  On the opposite side of the river is Daliao District in Kaohsiung. 高雄 和 屏東中間的高屏溪萬丹鄉西邊的鄉界 .  溪的另外一邊就是高雄市大寮區 .
Falling into this river/canal would probably kill you.  All of the runoff from nearby duck and chicken farms flows into it. 不小心掉進去這條溪 (水排) 應該會死掉 .  附近的雞鴨養殖場的廢水都在裡面 .
A nearby dam controls the flow of water into the Kaoping River. 附近的水壩控制著流入高屏溪的水量 .
One of the chicken (or is it duck?) farms near Liyu Mountain.  This place is huge, and the birds number in the thousands. 鯉魚山附近的雞 (還是鴨 ?) 養殖場 .  這塊地超大 , 上面應該有幾千隻鳥 .

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