1a. This article, aimed at tourists, discusses a pottery workshop in Xinbanjiu Village in Beinan Township, not far from the Balan Archaeological site. 台東藝文之旅 發現鹿野熱氣球升空前的秘辛 , 卑南鄉燒 , 回望巴蘭遺址千年故事 (1)
1b. Portuguese Man-of-War jellyfish have been found along the coast, and those getting in the water or walking along beaches should exercise caution. They are not safe to touch. 千萬別碰 ! 台東海岸驚現 "大批僧帽水母" 專家示警 : 遺骸仍有毒
1c. Construction of an "Amis learning base" has been completed along the coast. Next year a group of sailors from Palau will attempt an ocean voyage from their country to this base. It is hoped that exchanges between Palau and aboriginal residents of Beinan will increase local knowledge of seafaring techniques. 台東阿美族海洋學習基地落成 明年迎帛琉船隻交流
2a. Due to a scarcity of parking spots, many people are parking their cars on Ssewei Road for long periods of time. In response to this trend the County Government plans to implement parking fees on this thoroughfare. 台東市四維路停車格遭長期霸占 縣府將採收費 (2)
2b. The Taitung City Mayor hosted a food drive for elderly residents in need. Much of the food acquired during this drive was donated through the local business association. 寒冬送暖 企業聯盟捐贈台東市文健站物資
2c. This is another article aimed at tourists. This one advertises local hotels and homestays. If nothing else you can scroll through the pictures to get an idea of what's on offer in Taitung City. 台東市內6家永續旅宿精選 ... (3)
3a. No recent news out of Taimali.
4a. A man riding his motorcycle through Jinfeng struck a guardrail. He died at the scene from a severe head injury. 台東金峰機車自撞護欄 騎士摔落邊坡頭部重創身亡
5a. In the interest of promoting lifelong learning and providing educational opportunities for adults in the area, instructors from Kongzhong University in Taipei have been holding classes in Dawu. Many of those attending these classes are working toward high school diplomas. 推動原鄉終身學習 空大睽違5年到台東大武開班 (4)
6a. There's a shortage of sanitation workers in Daren, with only 6 such workers left to deal with the entire township's garbage disposal and recycling needs. A local councilmember is pressing the Environmental Protection Bureau to address the problem. 台東達仁清潔隊員吃不消 議員質詢喊增員
6b. Police officers met with villagers in Anshuo Village to discuss traffic safety and ways of avoiding fraud. Online scammers touting "investment opportunities" have been an increasingly large problem all over the island. 台東大武警結合安朔部落會議 交安及防詐宣導
7a. Cleanup of an oil spill around Nandze Lake is nearing completion. This cleanup has taken nearly a year, and the cause remains a mystery. 歷時近1年 ! 綠島鄉南仔湖不明油污清理工作終完成 (5)
7b. This article advertises the Zhaorh Hot Spring, which is on the coast of Green Island. I haven't been there in a while, but I can tell you that the view is indeed awesome. 綠島之湯 -- 朝日溫泉
8a. Orchid Island Township Mayor Xie Hu-yuan passed away in November, and Jiang Duo-li has been sworn in as interim mayor in his place. 蘭嶼鄉長謝胡源逝世 縣府指派江多利接任代理鄉長
Related Entries 相關的文章:
NOTE: I have omitted articles posted on the 台灣新聞雲報 website. I am extremely skeptical of this news source.
1. That "xin" in the name of the village could easily be translated as "new." It sometimes happens that villages have to relocate after typhoons, floods or other natural disasters and "new" is added to the name of the new settlement. This said, aboriginal place names are sometimes transliterated from the local language, and the "xin" might just be a word from Beinan or some other local dialect. Most likely the "xin" really does mean "new," but I'm trying not to assume too much.
2. I live near this road and yes, parking in this area is becoming an increasing challenge. With new apartment buildings under construction on and near Ssewei Road it's only going to get worse.
3. Friends sometimes ask me where they should stay in Taitung City. I think that if you're sticking close to downtown and don't care that much about money the Gaya Hotel is a good bet. The Kindness Hotel is also a good option.
4. The main campus is in Taipei, but this school has branch campuses and study centers all over the island.
5. It's not really a lake. It's more of a tidal pool.