2022年5月8日 星期日

台灣地名故事 Taiwanese Place Name Stories 6

The Chinese text below was taken from "Taiwanese Place Name Stories" 台灣地名故事, published by Windmill 三暉圖書發行有限公司 in 2021.  The Chinese text was written by Windmill and the English text was written by me.

Pingtung County

阿猴 (屏東) Ahou (Pingtung)

這裡原是平埔族的阿猴社所在 , 又因全市地形像一隻坐著的猴子 , 所以稱為 "阿猴" .  民國九年 , 日本人認為名字不雅 , 又因它位在高雄的半屏山之南 , 因此改名為 "屏東" . This place was originally the site of the plains-dwelling aborigines' Ahou Settlement.  It was called "Ahou" because the terrain resembled a monkey sitting.  During the ninth year of the Republic of China the Japanese deemed the name unsuitable, and because the area was located south of Kaohsiung's Banping Mountain, they changed the name to "Pingtung." (1)

琅嶠 (恆春) Langjiao (Hengchun)

排灣族人稱一種蘭科植物為 "琅嶠" , 因此地盛產 "琅嶠" 而得名 .  光緒元年在此建縣城和四座們 , 是至今台灣保存最完整的古城遺跡 .  清朝同治13年 , "牡丹社事件" 發生後 , 沈葆楨到此巡視 , 見此地氣候涼爽 , 四季如春 , 奏准設縣 , 取名 "恆春" .  The Paiwan Tribe refers to a type of orchid as "langjiao," and this place was once named for this locally abundant flower.  During the first year of Qing emperor Guangxu's reign, the local government was housed within a walled city here, and this wallled city remains the best-preserved example of a walled city in Taiwan.  During the 13th year of the Qing administration the "Mudan Incident" occurred, and after that Shen Bao-zhen arrived [in Taiwan] for an inspection.  He noticed that the climate here was cool, as if it was spring year-round.  This inspired the name he gave the area: "Hengchun" ["forever spring"].

頓物 (竹田) Dunwu (Zhutian)

"頓物" 是客家話 "丟東西" 的意思 .  漢人在附近建築村落時 , 把不要的東西丟在這裡 , 因此稱為 "頓物" , 後來改名為 "竹田" .  "Dunwu" is Hakka for "throw things away."  When Chinese people were building villages in the area, they would throw away the things they didn't need here.  [For this reason] it came to be called "Dunwu."  Later on the name was changed to "Zhutian."

蚊蟀 (滿州) Wenshuai ["Mosquito"] (Manzhou)

此地原是排灣族的蚊蟀山頂社所在 .  因為原住民打獵收獲很多 , 吃不完只好丟棄在原野上 , 久而久之造成臭氣難聞 , 排灣族語的 "臭氣" 譯音即為 "蚊蟀" , 因而得名 .  後來因字義不雅而改為 "滿州" .  This area was originally home to the Paiwan Wenshuai Mountaintop Settlement.  The aboriginal people found hunting in this area very easy, so much so that they weren't able to eat all the meat they caught, and had to leave the partially eaten animals where they had caught them.  After a while this created a great stench, which led to the Paiwan people calling it "Stench," which sounded like "mosquito" to the Han Chinese.  Later still this name was deemed unsuitable and changed to "Manzhou." (2)

車城 Checheng

有一次 , 先民路經此地 , 突遭原住民襲擊 , 大家用牛車圍成城堡來抵坑 , 戰勝後 , 為了紀念此事 , 所以稱此地為 "車城" .  One time [our] ancestors passed by this place and were attacked by aboriginal people.  Everyone drew their oxcarts together in a circle for protection, and after they emerged victorious they called this place "Checheng" ["cart fortification"] to commemorate the event. (3)

麟落 (麟洛) Linluo (Linluo)

清朝康熙年間 , 嘉應州的徐俊良先賢來此開墾 , 在開設水圳時發現大烏龜 , 地理師說 : "出現大龜的地方一定有麒麟 , 這裡是麒趾呈祥的好地方 ."  於是將地名叫作 "麟落庄 " , 後來改為 "麟洛" .  During the reign of Qing emperor Kangxi, the sage Xu Jun-liang came from Jiaying Prefecture and settled in this place.  As he was digging a ditch he discovered a large turtle, and a man versed in local geography said, "The appearance of a big turtle must mean that a Kirin ["qilin"] lives in this place.  It brings good fortune here."  From this point on the place was called "Linluo Village," which was later changed to "Linluo." (4)

鹽埔 Yanpu

此地是介於山地與平原間的草原 , 原是平埔族的居住地 , 明朝時 , 福建的葉唐山來到此地 , 用十輛車的鹽 , 外加一車煙 , 酒 , 火柴交換這片土地 .  又因為當時介於平地之間的草原地帶常被稱為 "埔" , 所以命名為 "鹽埔" . This place was [originally] a grassland between the mountains and the [western agricultural] plains.  The plains-dwelling aborigines lived here first.  During the Ming Dynasty Ye Tang-shan arrived here from Fujian Province, and purchased a piece of land here for 10 carts of salt ["yan" 鹽 in Chinese] and 1 cart of cigarettes, wine and matches.  Because this grassland between the mountains and the plains was often referred to as "pu," eventually its name became "Yanpu."

新保將 (牡丹) Xinbaojiang (Mudan)

"新保將" 本來是原住民語的譯音 , 因為此地盛產野牡丹 , 夏天花開時 , 花朵滿山遍野綻放 , 因此改名為 "牡丹" . The name "Xinbaojiang" comes from one of the aboriginal languages, and refers to the fact that this place is full of wild peonies.  When the flowers open in the summer you can see them all over the mountainsides, and for this reason the area was later renamed "Mudan" ["peony"].

衙門口 (崁頂) Yamenkou (Kanding)

先民來臺以後 , 在此處建了二十個村落 , 以崁頂村人口最多 , 做為行政中心 , 所以稱此處為 "衙門口" .  "崁" 是隆起的土地 , "崁頂" 是地勢最高的地方 , 不會淹水 . After [our] ancestors arrived in Taiwan, they built 20 villages in this area, of which Kanding Village had the largest population.  It served as an administrative center, and was referred to as "Yamenkou" [literally "administrative center"].  "Kan" means land at an elevation, and "Kanding" means a piece of land higher than its surroundings, i.e. an area that won't be flooded. (5)

東港 Donggang

明末清初 , 渡海而來的先民漸漸增多 , 和福建生意往來興盛 , 而當時帆船停靠的港區就在百姓定居地的東邊 , 故稱 "東港" .  Between the end of the Ming and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the number of people coming from overseas to settle this area gradually increased.  At the same time the trade between Donggang and Fujian Province grew more prosperous.  At the time the junks visited a port east of where everyone lived, [and for this reason] it was called "Donggang" ["East Port"]. (6)

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. I'm not seeing the "monkey sitting" part, but that was a long time ago, before there was a city on that spot.  The character hou 猴 in "Ahou" means "monkey."  Kaohsiung's Banping Mountain, by the way, is north of Lotus Lake in Zuoying District.  I think the "south" in the text is a mistake.  The "tung" 東 in "Pingtung" means "east," not "south."  Pingtung City is roughly southeast of Banping Mountain.

2. The irony being that this is one of the most scenic parts of Taiwan.  Much of Manzhou is within the confines of Kenting National Park.

3. I've got to say, this story sounds made up to me.  I can remember reading somewhere else about the name coming from the oxcarts that settlers from Houwan pulled after arriving in Taiwan.  They used these oxcarts (or pushcarts) to haul their goods to Hengchun's fortified city south of there.  In this explanation the 車 would refer to the carts they pulled, and the 城 referred to either an early settlement between Houwan and Hengchun's walled city or the walled city itself.  This explanation seems more likely.

4. The "lin" in "Linluo" comes from the "lin" in "kirin" or "qilin."

5. This area is very flat, and very close to the Donggang River, which is prone to flooding.  Any farmland in that area which could have weathered floods would have been prized.

6. Wikipedia says that the old name was 東津 (Dongjin), not 東港 (Donggang), but the movement of the original settlement may be a complicating factor.  The original settlement was further north, up the Donggang River, and was moved to its present location due to flooding in that area.  I don't know if the story presented here is true for the original settlement or for present day Donggang.

