2022年3月7日 星期一

台灣地名故事Taiwanese Place Name Stories 4

The Chinese text below was taken from "Taiwan Place Name Stories" 台灣地名故事, published by Windmill 三暉圖書發行有限公司 in 2021.  The Chinese text was written by Windmill and the English text was written by me.  I'm starting with the entry for Tainan at the back of the book.

Tainan City

台灣府 , 府城 (台南) Taiwan Prefecture, Government City (Tainan)

台南市有許多名稱 , 此地原是平埔族的赤嵌社 , 所以稱為 "赤嵌" ; 荷蘭時代稱 "紅毛城" ; 鄭成功時稱 "承天府" ; 清朝康熙時改為 "台灣府" ; 光緒時又改為 "台南府" .  由於它在台灣的南邊 , 最後稱為 "台南" . Tainan has had many names.  This area was known as "Chrkan Settlement" to the plains-dwelling aboriginal people who lived there first, and for this reason it was called "Chrkan."  During the Dutch colonial period it was called "City of the Red Haired [Barbarians]."  In Koxinga's time it was called "Chengtian Province."  During the reign of Qing Emperor Kangxi it was called "Taiwan Prefecture," and during the reign of Emperor Guangxu it was called "Tainan Prefecture."  It was ultimately known as "Tainan" because it's in south Taiwan. (1)

灣裡社 (善化) Wanli Settlement (Shanhua)

在荷治時代 , 此地住著被教化的原住民部落 , 稱為 "善化堡" .  清朝時 , 因在灣裡溪的南岸 , 稱為 "灣裡社" , 後來改成 "善化" . During the Dutch colonial period there was a civilized aboriginal village in this area by the name of "Shanhuabao."  During the Qing Dynasty it was known as "Wanli Settlement," because it was on the south bank of the Wanli River.  It eventually came to be known as "Shanhua." (2)

店仔口街 (白河) Diandzekou Street (Baihe)

白河在清朝嘉慶年間 , 成為一個繁榮的貨物集散地 , 建有許多店舖 , 所以成為 "店仔口街" , 後來 , 地方人士以 "店仔口" 地名不雅 , 而境內有白水溪從東繞南而西 , 環村而流 , 就以 "白河" 為名 .  During the reign of Qing Emperor Jiaqing, Baihe became an important trading center, and many shops were built there.  [For this reason] it came to be called "Diandzekou ["Shopfront"] Street."  Later on the people there decided that "Diandzekou" was an unacceptable name, and because the Baishui ["White Water"] River encircled the town from east to west they changed the name to "Baihe" ["White River"]."

新營 Xinying

鄭成功治理台灣期間 , 為了防止清兵來襲 , 把軍營設在鹽水附近 .  不久 , 又在此地設立新營地 , 所以稱為 "新營" .  When Koxinga ruled Taiwan he set up a military outpost in Yanshui to guard against attacks by Qing troops.  Not long after this place  came to be called "Xinying" ["New Camp"] for this reason.

查畝營 (柳營) Chamuying (Liuying)

鄭成功曾在此屯墾 , 查測田畝 , 因而稱為 "查畝營" .  又因當地大姓 "劉" 的諧音 "柳" , 又稱為 "柳營" , 一直沿用至今 . Koxinga once set up camp in this place, and from this location he inspected local fields.  Afterward it came to be known as "Chamu ["Field Inspection"] Camp."  Later on, because many people in the area were surnamed Liu (劉), which sounded like Liu (柳), it came to be known as "Liuying, ["Liu Camp"]."  It has been known by this name to the present day.

月津 (鹽水) Yuejin (Yanshui)

清朝永正九年 , 此地被開闢為島內貿易港 .  漲潮時海水可及 , 所以與稍北的淡水港對稱為鹽水港 .  因為以前港道環繞街區 , 形成彎曲狀 , 有如半月 , 所以鹽水港又稱作 "月津港" 或 "月港" .  Durng the ninth year of Qing Emperor Yongjeng's reign, this area was opened up as a trading port for trade within Taiwan.  When the tide was high it was accessible by boat from the sea, and so it was called the "saltwater ("yanshui") port," in contrast to the "freshwater ("danshui") port" further north.  Long ago a road encircled the port area, giving it the shape of a half moon.  For this reason Yanshui was also referred to as "Yuejin Port" or "Yue ["Moon"] Port."

哆囉嘓 (東山) Duoluoguo (Dongshan)

原是平埔族的哆囉嘓社所在 , 清朝時稱作 "番社街" , 由於名稱不雅 , 又因它位處在台南的東方 , 因此取名為 "東山" .  This was the original site of the plains-dwelling aborigines' Duoluoguo Settlement.  During the Qing Dynasty it was called Fanshe Street.  This name was later deemed inappropriate, and because this area is located in east Tainan it was later renamed "Dongshan." (4)

將軍港 (將軍) Jiangjun Port (Jiangjun)

施琅率領大軍登陸鹿耳門後 , 鄭克塽在此地迎接 .  施琅非常善待鄭克塽和當地百姓 , 深得民心 , 為了紀念施琅 , 改名為 "將軍港" .  After Shr Lang oversaw the military landing at Luermen, Jeng Ke-shuang was there to receive the troops.  Shr Lang was very kind to Jeng Ke-shuang and the people living there.  He really captured their hearts.  They renamed the area "Jiangjun [General's] Port" as a way of remembering him.

官佃 (官田) Guandian (Guantian)

是荷治時期王田的所在地 , 到了明鄭時期改為官田 , 招募移民來開墾 , 耕者稱為官佃 , 所以用 "官佃" 為地名 .  民國九年改名為 "官田" 沿用至今 .  During the Dutch colonial period this area was known as Wangtian.  After the arrival of Koxinga its name was changed to Guantian.  People newly arrived on the island were sent to that area to reclaim it, and these immigrants were known as "Guandian [official tenants]," which became the name of the place.  During the 9th year of the Republic of China [1910] it was [officially] changed to "Guantian," which it has remained until the present day.

Related Entries:

1. Tainan has often been the place from which all of Taiwan was (nominally) administered.  The "nan" in "Tainan" means "south."

2. Not entirely sure what they mean by 被教化 here.  In literal terms it means "to be educated," but I suspect the author(s) of this book were going for "civilized."

3. Koxinga looms large in Tainan's history.  He was the Ming loyalist who expelled the Dutch from Taiwan, viewing the island as a base from which to reclaim China from the "foreign" Qing Dynasty.  He spent much of his time here fortifying the area around Tainan against a possible Qing invasion.

4. "Dong" being "east" and "shan" being "mountain."  Dongshan is up in the mountains.  The name "Fanshe" was deemed inappropriate because it sounded like a slur directed at the aboriginal people living in the mountains near there.

