2022年3月27日 星期日

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (North 北 ) 1

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

The Tainan City Government will screen residents of Xinying and Liouying for COVID due to an uptick in local cases.  This uptick has been blamed on tour groups.  The city government's goal is COVID-Zero in that area. 台南新營 , 柳營設篩檢站  盼社區清零 (1)

An older, unvaccinated woman in Yanshui contracted COVID recently, but she was - as far as anyone knows - the only one in her area to do so. 台南 + 1  鹽水區案50多婦未打過疫苗

The Liouying District Office, in cooperation with both a local biotechnology company and the residents of Taikang Village, planted trees in that area.  They did this with an eye toward  reducing the area's carbon footprint and developing the area for tourism. 柳營區公所結合企業與太康有機農業專區植樹打造綠意新秘徑

Residents of Houbi have been complaining about the smell emanating from nearby livestock farms.  One such farm was fined NT 100,000 by the Tainan City Government for excessive odor. 台南後壁畜牧場異味濃度超標  開罰10萬元 (2)

Two more confirmed cases in Baihe.  They don't know who the two people caught it from. 南市新增4例本土確診  二例白河感染源不明 (3)

Some of the COVID people visited the big corn maze in Dongshan!  Burn the corn!  Burn it all now!  Anyone inside the maze is on their own! 台南 + 4足跡  確診者曾赴東山區最大  " 玉米迷宮 " (4)

A junior high school in Jiali suspended classes due to a suspected COVID-positive case. 台南佳里某校突停課引恐慌  衛生局 : 擴大匡列採檢陰性

The Shuejia Hollyhock Flower Culture Festival has been postponed due to low temperatures and heavy rainfall.  The Shuejia District Office will host a "Hollyhock Flower Arts Party" in its place. " 2022學甲獨葵花文化節 " 3/19開跑  黃韋哲邀大家到學甲徜徉花海體驗農有趣

COVID and low temperatures have complicated the upcoming election of Tainan City councilmembers.  The DPP candidate for Beimen, Jiang Qi-jun, took to the streets to drum up support. 台南大北門區議員參選人不畏低溫站街頭爭取支持

The cost of asparagus grown in Jiangjun has reached a 7 year high. 將軍綠蘆筍  飆7年新高

The Qigu District Office is partnering with food processing and manufacturing businesses to help local shallot farmers find a market for their crops. 台南紅蔥頭盛產  七股區公所認購行銷

The trees in Xigang's Jinsha Village are blooming, and the Xigang District Office is encouraging tourists to visit the area before the end of the season. 台南花旗木進入花季  西港區公所 , 江南渡假村行銷紛紅美景

There was a huge fire at a shipping company in Madou. 台南麻豆貨運公司倉庫火警濃煙猛竄  消防20車30人搶救

Dalongtian Ecological Culture Park is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination, but visitors complain about the lack of public toilets.  The Guantian District Chief is seeking funds to build them. 大隆田園區沒公廁  民怨不方便

A worker fractured his arm as the result of an industrial accident at the Lioujia District Landfill.  He is the second person to be injured using the same machine. 台南六甲垃圾掩埋場  工人右手捲入機器

In response to a COVID-positive case in Danei and other areas, the government announced that its mask wearing policy will not be loosened.  Additional screening measures were also implemented. 南市新增4名本土病例  黃韋哲 : 台南口罩政策不鬆綁 , 請醫療院所及市民加強防疫警覺

The Xiaying District Office recently held a "kiln roasting activity" to promote local delicacies offered by leisure farms in the area.  Samples of kiln-roasted turkey, black beans, goose and pizza were available at the activity. 下營號召休閒農場交流  推應窯烤美食文化 (5)

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. Is COVID-zero a realistic policy at this point?  At the time of writing only China, Taiwan and Tonga are pursuing this strategy.  Highly transmissible variants make this policy increasingly difficult to implement, and I often wonder whether Taiwan's aging population, suddenly hit by a new variant after a period of virological isolation, might be less resistant to the virus, not more.

2. I attended a half marathon in that area years ago.  The stench was impressive.

3. And we'll probably see more such cases in the near future.  People just aren't scanning those QR codes like they used to.  It's OK.  Breathe.  It was going to happen sooner or later.

4. Sorry, the hysteria is getting to me.  How long are we going to worry over footprints?

5. If I were them I'd go light on the pizza.  In many places that fad has already come and gone.  I recently met a business owner in Manzhou ready to give me an entire clay oven they once used to make pizza, provided I had a truck big enough to cart it away.

