2022年3月14日 星期一

Roaming Around Wanluan Township 萬巒鄉遊記

Wanluan Township is north of Xinpi Township and Chaozhou Municipality.  It's east of Jhutian Township. 萬巒鄉位於新埤鄉 、 潮州鎮北部 , 竹田鄉的東部 。

Long ago it was one of the Hakka Liudui settlements.  During that time it was referred to as the "Xianfeng Dui." 很久以前萬巒客家六堆中的先鋒堆 。

According to the last census, 20,186 people live in Wanluan. 上次的人口統計顯示 萬巒的人口是20,186人 。

This is the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, one of the most historic churches in Taiwan.  It's in the eastern half of Wanluan, toward Taiwu Township in the mountains. 這座萬金聖母聖殿是臺灣歷史最長久的教堂之一 。  這棟聖殿在萬巒的東部 ,靠近山區的泰武鄉 .

I'm not entirely sure what's going on with this tree.  Let's just say that Catholicism is often "adapted" to suit local cultures. 我不太清楚這棵樹是做什麼的 , 有時候天主教會"融合"當地的文化。

Mural on the side of a building near the basilica.  Even aside from the church, this area has an interesting history.  Hokkien-speaking, Hakka-speaking and aboriginal peoples converged in this area, and the result is an interesting mix of cultures. 聖殿附近的壁畫 。除了聖殿之外 ,這個地區的歷史很有趣 , 閩南人 、客家人和原住民在這個地區交流 , 這裡因此孕育出豐富的文化 。

Wanluan has more trees than townships further west.  This land belongs to the Taisugar Corporation, and is maintained as a "green corridor" along the Mountainside Highway.  萬巒擁有比西邊的鄉鎮更多的樹林 。  這塊地屬於台糖 ,是沿山公路旁的環保林園大道 。

West of the basilica is Wugoushui, a Hakka village with its own unique history. 聖殿西部有五溝水 .  這個客家村也有很特別的歷史 。

This lion is one of two which guard the house above. 保護古厝的獅子 。

Even further west is Wanluan's famous painted suspension bridge.  The paint job isn't as vivid as it used to be, but this area is still the most scenic part of Wanluan. 繼續往西走會到有名的彩繪吊橋 。  雖然現在吊橋的顏色沒有那麼鮮豔了 , 但是這個地區還是萬巒風景最好的 。

The bridge spans the Donggang River.  The river reaches the Taiwan Strait west of Donggang. 這座橋跨越東港溪 , 這條河流會流到東港西部的台灣海峽 。

The water here is very clean. 溪的水很乾淨 。

The new Life Memorial Park is up the river from the suspension bridge.  There's a walking trail that connects the two places.  The big pyramid is a temple, and the smaller pyramid is a church. 從吊橋往上游走就是生命紀念公園 。  吊橋和公園中間有步道相連,  大的金字塔當廟宇 ,小的金字塔當教堂 。

These are pineapple fields around Old Tenglin, near the southern end of the township. 萬巒鄉的南部 ,老藤林附近的鳳梨田 。

Same area, but much earlier in the morning. 同一個地方 , 很早的時候 。

The same area again, around noon.  I bike through this area often. 同一個地方 ,中午的時候 。我常常騎單車經過 。

Another Catholic church.  This one was recently restored.  It's located inside the Pingtung Cocoa Park, which serves as an exhibition area for locally produced cocoa products. 另外一座天主教堂。  這棟最近被整修過 ,  它在屏東可可園區裡面 。  可可園區的功能是展出當地的可可產品 。

The famous Pork Knuckle Street at around 7 AM, before anything is open.  I've eaten at three of the restaurants serving pork knuckle here, and I still have no idea which one is the best. 早上七點 , 客人還沒來的豬腳街 。  我吃過其中的三家餐廳 , 但我還不知道哪一家最好吃 。

At the entrance to the township from Chaozhou.  Many betel nut and banana trees are grown around here. 靠近潮州的入口附近 ,  農田裡都種檳榔樹跟香蕉樹 。

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