2022年5月11日 星期三

Yancheng District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市鹽埕區遊記

I also explored Ciaotou District a while back.  Provided I'm still living in the same area next year, I plan on delving deeper into Tainan and Kaohsiung then. 我很久以前也 "遊覽過" 橋頭區 。 如果我下學年還在南部的話 , 就會寫更多關於高雄台南的文章 。

Yancheng District is on the Love River, not far from the 85 Skytower.  Many people visit Yancheng during Lantern Festival, and its Pier 1 Arts Center is very popular with tourists. 鹽埕區愛河上 , 位於85大樓附近 。很多人在元宵節期間來到鹽埕區觀光 ,駁二藝術特區也吸引了很多人 。

Yancheng was once a center of local salt production.  The "yan" in Yancheng means salt (鹽), and the "cheng" (埕) is taken from the Taiwanese word for "courtyard" or "plaza" (庭), which sounds like the character 埕 in Mandarin. 鹽埕區曾經是當地鹽業的中心。 

According to the last census, 22,692 people live in Yancheng. 鹽埕區上次的人口統計的人口數是22,692人 。

I walked from the Yenchengpu MRT stop to the Pier 1 Arts Center.  This is the pedestrian bridge leading to Holo Park, a newer shopping area on the pier. 我從鹽埕埔捷運站走到駁二藝術特區 ,  這座行人通行的橋通往碼頭上的Holo Park廣場 。

From the other side of Dayi Park there's a good view of the city skyline.  That's the 85 Skytower on the far right. 在大義公園可以看到城市的天際線,  最右邊的大樓是85大樓。

The Kaohsiung Music Center is next to Dayi Park.  It's an ambitious piece of architecture. 高雄流行音樂中心大義公園旁邊 ,  是個很現代化的建築物 。

The view from the pedestrian bridge.  You can see Shou Mountain the background, where the zoo is located. 人行橋上的風景 。 背景中有壽山 ,動物園在那邊 。

The view from the pier.  That's Qijin District across the water. 碼頭的風景 ,  另外一邊是旗津區 。

It's a very Instagram-worthy spot.  Visiting this place on the weekend means dodging around a lot of people posing for pictures. 這裡常在IG上出現 , 周末的時候到處都有人拍照  。

Further west, near the southwest corner of the district, you'll find the Hamaxing Railway Culture Park. 往西邊一點 , 在這一區的西南部你會看到哈瑪星鐵道文化園區 .

The Circular Light Rail (LRT) passes through this area.  From here the tracks follow the western edge of Yancheng. 輕軌經過這個地區 , 順著鹽埕區的區界 。

Most of the buildings around here are very old, but the Kaohsiung City Government is working on making them more aesthetically pleasing. 這附近的建築大多很舊了 , 但是高雄市府努力的讓他們更有看頭。

This alley is near the northwest corner of the district, not far from the Love River. 這個小巷子在這一區的西北部 , 靠近愛河

There's a nice trail along the river that passes by this temple. 愛河岸邊有一條很好的人行道經過這所廟 。

After the temple you'll pass by the Kaohsiung City History Museum, housed in a building dating back to the Japanese Colonial Administration.  I've been inside it, but on this particular day it was closed. 過了那所廟,你會經過高雄市立歷史博物館 。 這棟建築是日治時候蓋的 。  我進去過, 只是這一天是博物館的休館日。

View from the Love River.  That's Qianjin District on the other side. 愛河的風景 。  愛河的另外一邊: 前金區 。

I'd never seen this place before.  Is it still open?  I hope so. 我以前沒見過這家啤酒屋 ,  還在營業嗎 ?  我希望是。

A closer look at the Kaohsiung Music Center. 近看流行音樂中心 。

Near the center of the district.  All in all it seems like a good area to live in.  It's close to everything, and there's plenty to do there. 靠近鹽埕區中心。我覺得住在這裡應該不錯 , 應有盡有 , 而且有很多好玩的地方 。

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