1a. An elderly man walking under a bridge was struck and killed by someone riding a scooter. The scooter driver fled the scene, and there's an award for information leading to this person's arrest. 台南新營新東路橋地下機車道撞死人 肇事逃逸網友懸賞10萬元緝兇
2a. This article introduces the origins of the "fireworks swarm" activity which takes place in Yanshui during Lantern Festival. Local food, traffic routes and nearby scenic sites are also discussed. 2025鹽水蜂炮懶人包 : 蜂炮由來 , 路線 + 鹽水美食 , 景點攻略
3a. A car struck two people riding a scooter. One of these people was knocked into a ditch next to the road. He/she died at the scene, and his/her passenger was sent to the hospital. The incident is under investigation. 台南市柳營區汽機車碰撞 1死1傷
4a. Elections for several posts within the Houbi District Farmer's Association are being disputed. Some of those involved in the election stand accused of intimidation and coercion, and there is talk of taking the matter to court. 後壁農會選舉剛結束 求翻盤人情拜票被解讀遭恐嚇
5a. This article introduces the mud baths available at a hotel in Guandzeling, a hot spring area in Baihe. 關子嶺住宿推薦 在房間裡就可以泥漿溫泉泡到飽 ...
5b. This article introduces a douhua ("iced tofu") restaurant in Baihe. [台南甜點] 白河康家豆花 ! ...
6a. Wu Huo-sheng, the former mayor (里長) of Donghe "Village" (里) in Dongshan District, was recalled from office following public outcry over what many saw as the "unauthorized" approval of poultry farms in the area. As in many such cases, residents were opposed to the smell and pollution generated by these poultry farms. The former mayor's replacement has already been voted into office. 台南通過首件里長罷免案 東河里長補選無黨籍潘麗民勝出
6b. Kilns/ovens used to dry/bake the local longyan ("dragon eye") crop in Dongshan were damaged by recent earthquakes, and efforts to repair these facilities are underway. 搶救全國最大產地 台南東山區 "龍眼烘焙窯" 震損嚴重
7a. This article introduces a fried food stand in Jiali. There are many pictures. [台南美食] 佳里區森林系隱藏版雞排店 ...
7b. Sidewalks around Xinyi Elementary School have been improved. 台南佳里信義國小通學步道升級 綠意構築安心上學步道讚 !
7c. New representatives and other officials were elected to several posts in the Jiali Farmer's Association. 佳里區農會新任理監事選舉 監事同票抽籤林明農幸運當選
8a. A lantern representing a temple in Shuejia was taken to Taoyuan, and displayed in a lantern activity there. 台南市學甲區頭港鎮安宮 "福德爺花燈" 驚艷亮相桃園2025台灣燈會 !
9a. An employee of the Beimen District Farmer's Association stole 2 million NT from an account kept by that organization. Police are still searching for the alleged perpetrator. 台南北門區農會分部存款遭盜領 警追信用部員工
9b. A re-election was held at the Beimen Farmer's Association. This election was especially contentious. The former head of this association has already served time in jail, and despite this fact members of his party wished his son to continue in his stead. Police were called in to oversee the proceedings. 台南北門農會理監事改選 當選派勝出
10a. A legislator met with various officials in Jiangjun to discuss how they might revitalize the area's tourist industry. At the center of their discussions was the Mashagou Trail, a local trail system with both ecological and historical features. 爭取馬沙溝人文步道優化經費 林俊憲 : 盼為將軍區觀光注入新活力
10b. Adverse weather conditions have damaged the carrot crop in Jiangjun. A report has been filed by those responsible, and farmers will likely be compensated for lost crops. 立委陳亭妃通報將軍紅羅蔔災損 區公所完成25公頃災損速報
11a. New measures such as fences and avoidance of egg laying areas have been adopted in Qigu, and the area's aquatic bird population has rebounded as a result. 台南七股水鳥護生啟動 用圍籬 , 忌避蛋降低外在干擾
12a. There was a fire in a house in Xigang. Two families had to flee their premises but no one was hurt. 台南西港透天厝火警 2戶共6人急撤
13a. No recent news out of Madou.
14a. No recent news out of Guantian.
15a. No recent news out of Lioujia.
16a. No recent news out of Danei.
17a. The Xiaying District Office recently repurposed a parking lot as a practice space for residents seeking to acquire scooter licenses. 下營區公所利用停車場空間設置機車練習場 堤共居民模擬考照安全場地
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