2023年10月8日 星期日

Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (South 南) 9

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Linbian Township 林邊鄉

1a. By the time you read this it'll be a done deal, but just the same a typhoon is on the way and heavy rains are forecast for Linbian and other parts of south Taiwan. 雨彈轟炸 !  大雷雨夜炸高雄 , 屏東

1b. Tsai Yu-xin, Mayor of Yongle Village in Linbian, was recently recognized for his efforts by the Pingtung County Government.  He believes in well lit roads, flood control, and ditches free of garbage and other debris. 受獎人服務地方惠澤鄰里  屏縣府表揚肯定

2. Jiadong Township 佳冬鄉

2a. No recent news out of Jiadong.

3. Fangliao Township 枋寮鄉

3a. The Fangliao Police Bureau is urging farmers in that area to keep an eye on their property.  There have been cases of thieves absconding with farmers' trucks and using these vehicles to commit crimes. 小貨車旁小心竊賊出沒  枋寮警宣導阻詐+防竊護民生

4. Chun Rh Township 春日鄉

4a. No recent news out of Chun Rh.

5. Fangshan Township 枋山鄉

5a. Mangoes from two farms in Fangshan can be purchased online. 屏東愛文芒果網購宅配推應 -- 芒果園 -- 枋山雄

5b. Work and classes were canceled from Fangshan southward due to the approaching typhoon. 颱風小犬來襲  屏東4日下午恆春等6鄉鎮停班課

6. Shrdze Township 獅子鄉

6a. A local businessman donated daily necessities to residents of Shrdze.  Members of the Fangliao Police Bureau recently visited the township to distribute the donations. 中秋連假期間  枋寮警引社會愛心助獅子鄉45戶弱勢原民家庭

6b. A man driving down the Southern Cross-Island Highway through Shrdze died after veering off the road and plunging down a hillside toward a riverbank.  The cause of the accident is unknown. 獅子鄉台9線447.5K  不明原因衝撞邊坡滑落駕駛慘死 (1)

7. Checheng Township 車城鄉

7a. The Checheng Township Office, the Pingtung County Bureau of Transportation and the Pingtung County Bureau of Tourism are looking to develop Haikou Port as a tourist destination within a larger Luoshanfeng Scenic Area.  Tourist numbers have been up since the "end" of COVID, and they're looking for vendors and other business operators to take up residence in the area. 車城海口港招商  盼留住觀光財

7b. The recent typhoon caused a lot of damage in Checheng and nearby areas.  Telephone poles were knocked down, roofs were blown off and a guest at a local homestay was showered with glass after strong winds broke a window in his room. 小犬 "炸裂" 民宿門窗 ... 他嚇 : 滿身碎玻璃 ! 恆春便利商店狂風炸到歇業

7c. Work has begun on a new parking lot adjacent to Ssechongxi Hot Spring Area. 車城四重溪溫泉區  停車場動工 (2)

8. Mudan Township 牡丹鄉

8a. Aside from the typhoon-related news, which includes Mudan in a very general way, no recent news out of this township.

9. Manzhou Township 滿洲鄉

9a. Power lines were knocked down and many went without power in Manzhou. 屏東滿州200縣道電線桿倒整排  小犬來襲2.1萬戶停電 (4)

9b. Many residents of Manzhou were evacuated to the Manzhou Junior High School campus ahead of the typhoon, but the roof of the activity center there was blown away by strong winds and they had to be re-evacuated to other locations. 雪上加霜 !  避難所屋頂被吹翻  屏縣滿州撤離居民一日三遷 (5)

9c. Related to the above news, many residents of Fenshuiling Village in Manzhou are complaining that the County Government's plan to relocate their village, which lies in a spot particularly vulnerable to inclement weather, has not been followed to anyone's satisfaction.  The residents of this village have been evacuated four times in the past few months, and the lack of adequate facilities for them to shelter in has only increased their dissatisfaction. 今夏以來第4次撤離  屏東滿州分水嶺居民怨遷村計畫無進展

10. Hengchun Municipality 恆春鎮

10a. No news specific to Hengchun, but of course there was damage from heavy winds in Hengchun as well.  The two local McDonald's didn't fare well. 墾丁入口知名麥當勞 "M" 被吹到 "不成人形" (6)

11. Liuqiu Township 琉球鄉

11a. The Tri-Service General Hospital has been working to improve healthcare on Xiaoliuqiu.  Residents there were recently screened for heart conditions. 三總與琉球鄉心臟醫療計畫  提升偏遠地區健康水平

11b. Several homes on Xiaoliuqiu also went without power as a result of heavy winds. 小犬來襲屏台24線德文神山預警封閉  琉球一度停電313戶

11c. Over 12,000 people visited Xiaoliuqiu during the 3-day Moon Festival holiday, and the traffic thus created, along with a general failure to observe basic traffic regulations, triggered consternation among residents and tourists alike. 小琉球遊客回籠亂象增  人行道違停惹怨

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. I would guess that driving too damn fast is at least part of the reason.  I drive that highway fairly often, and I can attest that it can be very dangerous at times.

2.  Haven't been?  Interested in visiting?  If I were you I'd avoid that place during holiday weekends.  It gets crazy.  If I'm being honest I also have to say that it's not as nice as many hot spring areas on the east coast.

3. Although I can say I rode my bike up to the reservoir in Mudan not long ago.  It was nice.

4. The Chinese headline reads "21,000 households go without power."  I believe they're including all surrounding townships/municipalities in that figure.  The village where I live in Hengchun is also without power, and I doubt there are are 21,000 households in all of Manzhou.

5. Manzhou definitely got the worst of this typhoon.

6. During typhoons isolating "Hengchun Municipality" as a news item can be hard.  Everything from Fangshan Township south is part of the Hengchun Peninsula, and Hengchun Municipality tends to be grouped into any peninsula-wide event.

