2023年10月13日 星期五

發現屏東 :真愛屏東 Discover Pingtung 3 : Yanpu Township 鹽埔鄉

The Chinese text below was taken from "Discover Pingtung: Truly Loving Pingtung" 發現屏東 -- 真愛屏東 , published by 中央研究院民族學研究所圖書館 in 2003.  The Chinese text was written by 蘇義峰 and the English was written by me.

I'll be translating parts of six chapters from this book this semester.  These chapters will correspond to the six townships in Pingtung I'll be visiting during this time period.

Yanpu Township
以鹽易地 , 隘寮溪傳奇
A Land Changed by Salt and the Legend of the Ailiao River (1)

光蠟樹行道樹 The Himalayan Ash Road

鹽埔國中前 , 種有一排光蠟樹 , 是屏東縣內唯一光蠟樹行道樹 , 也是屏東縣的重要行道樹景觀 .  鹽埔鄉有一處花卉運銷合作社集貨中心 , 境內隨去可見大型花園 , 全鄉可謂花卉專業區 .  其花卉事業蓬勃 , 全賴近年精緻農業發達所致 , 加工鹽埔鄉原本即為高屏溪上游隘寮溪所沖積而成的扇形平原 , 土地大多為沖積的砂質壞土 , 適於發展農業 .  In front of Yanpu Junior High there's a row of Himalayan Ash trees.  This is the only road of Himalayan Ash trees in Pingtung County, and for this reason it is an important scenic spot.  

Yanpu Township has a flower distribution and sales cooperative center, and there are flower gardens all over Yanpu.  You could even say the entire township specializes in flowers.  

Aside from the flower industry, Yanpu's agricultural sector has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years.  This agricultural sector has benefited from the flow of water from the Ailiao and Gaoping rivers over the fan-shaped plain that comprises the township, which has made the soil there favorable for farming. (2)

葉姓南陽堂 The Ye Family Nanyang Hall

鹽埔鄉是典型的河洛鄉 , 鄉內仍保有許多精緻閩南式傳統建築 , 位於鹽埔鄉鬧區的葉姓南陽堂 , 以有八十多年的歷史 , 其建築精美 , 保存完整 . Yanpu Township is like many other riverside townships in that there are still many exquisite Minnanese (Taiwanese)-style buildings preserved there.  The Ye Family Nanyang Hall, which is located in the heart of Yanpu Township, is over 80 years old and is a well-maintained example of this type of building.

發現屏東 -- 農特產 Discovering Pingtung: Agricultural Goods

鹽埔鄉民多數以農為業 , 過去農作物以水稻為主 , 近年來因政府輔導轉種作物 , 故目前除水稻外 , 尚有食用紅甘蔗 , 蓮霧 , 毛豆 , 落花生 , 甘蔗 , 棗子 , 芒果 , 短期蔬菜及花卉等大宗作物 .  Most of Yanpu's residents are engaged in agriculture.  In the past the primary crop was rice, while in recent years changes in government agricultural policies have seen a switch to other crops.  Crops now include edible red sugarcane, wax apples, soybeans, peanuts, sugarcane, jujubes, mangoes, vegetables with shorter growing seasons, flowers and other bulk crops.

高朗村以東的芒果 , 因受氣流影響 , 色澤鮮明 , 在市場上已漸享有名氣 , 而可媲美林邊鄉 "黑珍珠" 的鹽埔蓮霧 , 佔地六百公頃 , 是最大宗的水果 .  花圃有三十公頃以上 , 其生產的花卉大多運往台北濱江花市 , 較著名的有野薑花 , 洋桔梗 , 文心蘭 , 玫瑰 , 天堂鳥等 . The mangoes grown east of Gaolang Village are very colorful due to the air currents that pass through the township, and demand for these mangoes has grown dramatically.  Yanpu wax apples are comparable to the "black pearl" wax apples grown in Linbian.  They're harvested over a 600 hectare area and are the most important fruit in Yanpu.  Flower gardens cover 30 hectares, and most of these flowers are shipped to the Binjiang Flower Market in Taipei.  Better known flowers grown locally include the white ginger lily, the bluebell, the orchid, the rose and the bird of paradise.

文心蘭 Orchids of the Oncidium Genus

文心蘭又名跳舞蘭在國內的栽培歷史並不久 , 但因其盛開時宛如一群婆娑起舞的少女 , 花色變化又大 , 不論切花 , 盆栽乃至花藝設計都被廣泛應用 , 因此成為國內花卉新寵 , 更一躍成為僅次於蝴蝶蘭 , 唐昌蒲之第三大外銷切花 . The Oncidium orchid is also known as the dancing orchid.  It hasn't been cultivated in Taiwan for very long.  As its petals open it resembles a group of dancing girls, and the colors displayed by the blooming flowers vary greatly.  It is sold in many floral stalls, it is a popular potted plant and it is widely used in floral arrangements.  It has become a national favorite, and also the third most exported cut flower after the butterfly orchid and the gladiolus.

野薑花 White Ginger Lilies

野薑花原產於東南亞 , 多年前引進台灣種植 , 由於外觀酷似蝴蝶飛舞 , 又稱白蝴蝶花 , 野薑花當成花材清新秀麗 , 拿來當菜也是別具風味 , 屏東縣鹽埔鄉鹽中社區發展協會指出 : 目前鹽埔鄉為野薑花經濟栽培的主要場地 , 鹽中發展協會在透過大仁技術學院確定野薑花可以食用後 , 研發出一系列的野薑花食譜 , 舉凡涼拌薑花 , 野薑熱炒火腿肉 , 炸薑花 , 蒸煮野薑花燒賣或搭配肉類等 , 吃起來別有一番風味 . White ginger lilies are native to Southeast Asia, and have been cultivated in Taiwan for many years.  In appearance they resemble butterflies fluttering, and for this reason they are also called white butterfly flowers.  White ginger lilies look fresh and beautiful, and they contribute a unique flavor to cooked dishes.  The Yanzhong Community Development Association in Yanpu Township, Pingtung County has indicated that Yanpu Township is presently the primary cultivation site for wild ginger lilies.  They have confirmed through Daren Technical College that these flowers are indeed edible.  After receiving this confirmation the Yanzhong Community Development Association developed a series of wild ginger lily recipes which include cold ginger lily, stir fried ginger lily with ham, fried ginger lily, Cantonese-style steamed ginger lily with meat and other dishes.  All of these dishes have a unique flavor.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. The "yan" in Yanpu means "salt."  According to legend the first Chinese settlers to arrive in the area traded several carts' worth of salt for the land they purchased.  The Ailiao River forms the township's northern boundary.

2. I skipped over a section on the "Taisugar Pasture."  It ceased operations after the publication of this book.

