2023年10月3日 星期二

發現屏東 :真愛屏東 Discover Pingtung 2 : Ligang Township 里港鄉

The Chinese text below was taken from "Discover Pingtung: Truly Loving Pingtung" 發現屏東 -- 真愛屏東 , published by 中央研究院民族學研究所圖書館 in 2003.  The Chinese text was written by 蘇義峰 and the English was written by me.

I'll be translating parts of six chapters from this book this semester.  These chapters will correspond to the six townships in Pingtung I'll be visiting during this time period.

里港鄉 Ligang Township
砂石似黃金 , 河堤如公園
"Golden" Sands and a Riverside Park (1)

里港之美 -- 河堤公園 The Riverside Park: The Beauty of Ligang

本鄉過江段堤防近年來在鄉公所與阿里港文化協會及多位義工共同努力經營之下 , 已具有公園形 , 儼然已成為里港鄉之景點之一 . In recent years the township office and the Aligang Cultural Association worked with a group of volunteers to create a park along the river embankment.  This park has became a tourist attraction in Ligang.

阿里港文化協會基於熱愛鄉土文化的精神 , 發起認養美化高屏溪 , 里港過江段堤防活動 , 由一百多位義工每人認養十公尺 , 共計一千多公尺種植各種花草 . The Aligang Cultural Association, driven by a love of local culture, launched a program to beautify the banks of the Gaoping River where it passes through the township.  Over a hundred volunteers each adopted 10 meter sections of the riverbank, planting various flowers and plants over a one kilometer area.

過去一片髒亂的里港堤防經過鄉公所及義工們的細心美化綠化後 , 已經改頭換面綠意盎然 .  尤其是在落日餘暈下觀賞高屏溪河川景觀更加顯得詩情畫意 , 成為鄉民休閒活動的好地方 . The Ligang embankment, which was formerly a mess, has since been completely transformed into a lush green area under the careful attentions of both the township office and countless volunteers.  This is especially evident when viewing the Gaoping River around sunset.  It has become a very idyllic setting where local people can enjoy a variety of leisure activities.

古城門 The Old City Gate

里港鄉太平村里港國小旁之里港公園入口處豎立一座古碑 , 其實這座古碑兩面是各有二塊碑石組合而成... In Ligang Park, which is in Taiping Village in Ligang Township, there is an ancient stone tablet near the entrance to the park, next to Ligang Elementary School.  This ancient stone tablet has inscriptions on both sides... (2)

藍家古厝 The Old Lan Family Residence

坐落於中山路的藍家古厝已有270年歷史 , 係里港開庄的藍鼎元與族兄藍庭診所建 , 為傳統的閩南建築 , 前廳為主要的活動空間 , 兩側及後方均設廂房 , 整體呈ㄇ字形 , 建材均購自福建漳州 , 是目前尚存的古厝中最為堂皇者 .  大門與正屋的裝飾最為精采 , 門的上額為 "洛陽家" , 大廳門上的對聯 : "洛澤虹橋偉巨功濟 , 陽明學士鼎甲賢流" 正屋上面的山牆 , 則利用泥塑配合洗石子塑造出頗為美麗的花草壁飾 .  另外在牆面的線條與牆桂上 , 也利用洗石子做出柔軟的典線 .  讓整棟建築從大門一直到正屋部分 , 都可看見精心施作的泥塑與洗石子 , 就整體外觀而言 , 頗具有視覺美感 . The Old Lan Family Residence on Jungshan Road is 270 years old.  It was built by Lan Ding-yuan and his brother and used as a clinic in Ligang's early days.  It is an example of the Minnanese ("Taiwanese") type of architecture, with the front hall (building) serving as the main activity space and two wings branching off from this front hall and extending to the rear of the structure.  It's shaped like a "U" and was built from materials purchased in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province [in China].  It is the most majestic of the old houses still standing.

The decorations on the main gate and the main hall are the most exquisite.  Above the gate is an inscription reading "House of Luoyuang"  The couplet on the door in the main hall reads: "Hong-qiao of Luozhe has given much, and the Yangming scholars have achieved much [as well]."  In the eaves of the main hall clay and washed stones have been used to create beautiful botanical decorations.  Washed stones were also used to create undulating lines on the walls and wall supports.  Meticulously crafted sculptures of clay and washed stone can be seen throughout the building, and it is very pleasing to the eye.

蔡家古厝 The Old Tsai Family Residence

蔡家古厝位於里港鄉中山路 , 古厝建於光緒廿九年 (西元1903年) 據蔡家後代主人說 : 祖先蔡糞的先祖是中國河南省前清的舉人 , 蔡糞於清朝光緒年間渡海來台 , 落腳於 "阿里港" , 對於故鄉的本土文物倍加懷念 , 於是仿照家鄉建築方式起造房舍一棟 .  屋外壁上之交趾燒 , 木雕壁畫 , 拱型廂門 , 屋頂斗拱等件件精美 , 屋內除了精巧美觀的畫棟雕樑外 , 最值得一提是大廳內的烏心石雕花桌 , 這塊大圓桌是由中國運來 , 桌面是整塊烏心石木雕成 , 在台灣極為少見 , 古厝櫥櫃內之針簪 , 陶瓷 , 茶具 , 水煙館 (俗稱水煙吹) 都是清代古物 , 極具歷史價值 . The old Tsai Family Residence is located on Jungshan Road in Ligang Township.  This old residence was built during the 29th year of Qing Emperor Guangxu's reign (1903 on the Western calendar).  According to the family's descendants Tsai Dung served the Qing Court [in some capacity] in Henan Province in China.  He came to Taiwan from China by sea and settled in "Aligang," [as Ligang was then known].  [Once here] he began to miss the look of his hometown, and so he built a house based on the type of buildings he would have seen there.

There are sculptures of gods and spirits on the exterior walls, wood carvings, arched entryways, roof beams and brackets and other exquisite architectural features.  In addition to the home's painted pillars and carved beams, there is a large table of stone in the main hall.  This large round table was brought over from China, and the top is a single piece of wood, carved from a type of tree that is extremely rare in Taiwan.  There are also many other treasured Qing Dynasty relics in the cupboards of the house, including hairpins, ceramics, utensils used for making tea and pipes.

陳氏宗祠 The Chen Family Ancestral Shrine

"陳氏宗祠" 是一棟非常獨特耀眼的老建築物 , 陳氏宗祠位於中山路 .  原為漳州移民來此之陳氏家廟 , 後來因客籍陳姓移民陸續遷入 , 而成為一大祠堂 , 現今與台北 , 新埔 , 台南 , 永靖等地陳姓宗祠共亨台灣五大陳姓宗祠 .  每年祭典莊嚴隆重... The "Chen Family Ancestral Shrine" is a very unique and dazzling old building on Jungshan Road.  It was originally a temple built for members of the Chen Family who migrated to Taiwan from Zhangzhou in China.  Members of this family migrated to Ligang steadily over a period of time, and for this reason it became an important family shrine.  There are five major Chen Family ancestral shrines in Taiwan today, and the shrine in Ligang is grouped alongside other such halls in Taipei, Xinpu, Tainan, Yongjing and other places.  The annual ceremony held in these shrines is very solemn... (3)

蓮霧 Wax Apples

原產地馬來半島 , 栽培最多在馬來西亞 .  本鄉蓮霧栽培三百年前由荷蘭人自印尼帶來 .  產期12月至隔年三月 , 品種為大 (深) 紅色種 , 粉紅色種 , 種植面積198.64公頃 .  蓮霧果實像似海綿 , 看起來乾乾但含水量極為豐富 , 為春季重要水果 . This fruit comes from the Malay Peninsula and is primarily grown in Malaysia.  The wax apples grown in Ligang were originally brought here by the Dutch from Indonesia over 300 years ago.  The growing season is between December and March of the following year.  There are deep red and pink varieties, and these fruits are cultivated over 198.64 hectares.  The interior of the fruit resembles a sponge, and it is very dry in appearance though it's actually very juicy.  It is one of the spring season's most important fruits.

棗子 Dates

原產亞洲東南部 , 早年移民墾台就有人帶來優良棗種 , 產期12月至隔年三月 , 種植面積161.88公頃 .  民國八十二年塔樓棗子產銷班大力推展 "翠玉棗" , 該班特色 : 草生網室栽培減少農藥及殺蟲劑之使用 , 並於85年起通過檢驗領有安全蔬果吉園圃標章之產銷班 . This fruit originated in Southeast Asia.  Immigrants to Taiwan brought excellent varieties to the island early on.  The growing season is from December to March, and [this fruit] is cultivated over an area of 161.88 hectares.  In 1993 the Talou Date Growers' Cooperative began strenuously promoting the "jade date," which is grown using a textile net to reduce the need for pesticides.  In 1996 it passed inspection and was certified for sale as a "safe vegetable" in both fruit and seed form.

楊桃 Starfruit

原產地印尼 , 墾台移民攜入種植 , 一般6月至9月開花 , 7月至11月果實成熟 , 種植面積13.7公頃 .  民國77年以前本鄉楊桃滯銷 , 果農大力砍伐 , 面積驟減 , 在楊桃產銷班大力推展品種更新 "秤陀" 種及 "馬來西亞" 種後 , 楊桃已晉升國內高經濟水果 . These are originally from Indonesia, and were brought to Taiwan for planting by immigrants.  The trees usually flower between June and September, and the fruit matures between July and November.  They are cultivated over an area of 13.7 hectares.  Prior to 1988 the fruit was deemed unsuitable for export, and as a result the area given to starfruit trees decreased dramatically.  Once the Starfruit Growers' Cooperative began a renewed effort to promote the fruit, the "Jengtuo" and "Malaysia" varieties became important agricultural goods within the domestic market.

地方小吃餛飩 , 豬腳 Local Snacks: Wontons and Pig's Feet

里港餛飩 , 豬腳從日據時代趙文富老先生創業至今已六十餘年 , 多年來一直秉持古早口味 , 其實材料和良心經營 , 造就良好口碑 . It has been over 60 years since Zhao Wen-fu, an elderly gentleman, started the wonton and pig's feet business in Ligang during the Japanese occupation.  Over the years this business has held on to its traditional flavorings, and both quality ingredients and good management have only enhanced its reputation.

餛飩 Wontons

由上等肉配上等特製之調味 , 搭配自製香Q超簿之餛飩皮而成味美又具口感之里港餛飩 , 外帶之生餛飩係採真空充氮包裝 , 外表衛生大方是送禮自用最佳的選擇 . Ligang wontons are made with top quality meat, specially prepared seasonings, and wrappers made on the premises.  They have a full-bodied flavor.  You can purchase them vacuum packed for takeout.  They are prepared in hygienic conditions and are a great choice for either personal consumption or as a gift.

豬腳 Pig's Feet/Pork Knuckle

經過數小時之慢火細燉而成,不油不膩又Q之里港豬腳 . The pig's feet are stewed slowly over several hours.  Ligang chewy pig's feet are neither oily nor greasy.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Again, I skipped the introduction.  The "golden" sand in the subtitle is a reference to the sand along a Ailiao River, which is scooped out and turned into cement by several local cement plants.  This sand is actually gray, but it makes them money (gold).

2. I'm not including the list of inscriptions.  Suffice it to say, the oldest one dates back to 1785.

3. The picture might not be accurate.  There may be a covering/roof over this shrine now. I also omitted a part about couplets in the main hall.  I'm confused about the rather esoteric, historical meaning of these couplets and I don't think researching them would do any of us much good.

