2023年6月15日 星期四

What's Going On With Me 我身邊發生了什麼事 ?

I. My House 我的房子

We'll be renting the same house in Sigou Village, Pingtung County next school year.  Our cats like this house more than our apartment in Taitung.  It's old, but it has space for our car and it's in a good location. 我們下學年會繼續租屏東縣四溝里的房子 ,  我們的貓都覺得這棟房子比台東那邊的公寓好很多 。  雖然這棟房子很老舊 , 可是地點很棒 , 還有停車位 。

II. My Cats 我的貓

R.I.P. Smokey.  She joined Stripey, Muffin and Marty in heaven a couple weeks ago.  Our other four cats are fine. 兩個禮拜前我們的Smokey上天堂加入Stripey, Muffin跟Marty了 ,  還好其他四隻貓都很健康 。

III. My Family in Taiwan 我台籍的家人

My wife wants to continue at her elementary  school in Mudan next year.  My older daughter just graduated from Wenzao University and she just started a job in a hotel in Kaohsiung.  My younger daughter will be doing her work study at the Grand Hyatt in Taipei starting July. 我太太下學年想繼續在牡丹鄉當老師 ,  我大女兒剛從文藻大學畢業 ,開始在高雄的某間飯店上班 ,  她的妹妹七月會在臺北的Grand Hyatt開始實習。

IV. My Family in the States 我美籍的家人

My dad still plays music around Port Angeles, my mom is still waiting for Trump to go to jail, my sister moved to Las Vegas and my brother is giving bass lessons online. 我爸還在安吉利斯港參加音樂演奏 , 我媽在等Trump被送進監獄 , 我妹妹搬到拉斯維加斯,我弟弟在網上教低音吉他 。

V. My Job 我的工作

I guess I've decided to stay in Hengchun for another year.  I'm not loving the junior high where I work, but I have to hope that next school year will be better.  The elementary school continues to be an easy gig. 我差不多已經決定在恆春多留一學年了 ,  我不是很喜歡教國中的課 , 可是我要抱著下學年會更好希望 ,  國小的課跟以前一樣沒問題 。

VI. The Pingtung County Government 屏東縣政府

Communication between the Pingtung County Government and local Foreign English Teachers (FETs) is still bad.  This semester I had to endure an online contract discussion and a two-day workshop in Pingtung City.  My teaching demonstration for the semester was fine. 屏東縣教育處和屏東縣的外師之間的溝通還是很差。  我這個學期有無聊的線上會議 , 還要去屏東市參加兩天的研習 ,  我這學期的教學示範很順利。.

VII. Pingtung in General 屏東縣

We spend most of our time in Hengchun.  A month or so ago we spent the night in Wanluan, and from there we visited Changzhi, Neipu and Majia townships.  Some of the pictures from that trip can be found in this blog. 我們大部分的時間都在恆春 。  一個月前我們在萬巒過夜 , 順便去長治 , 內埔瑪家鄉玩 ,  那次的旅程有的照片在這個blog裡。

VIII. Taiwan 台灣

There was a wave of sexual abuse allegations, and the usual bullying from China.  Apparently the sexual abuse allegations affect both of the big political parties.  People are also starting to talk about COVID again, but I continue to not wear a mask. 有一波性侵害的指控和平時來自中國的欺凌 。  性侵害指控同樣影響到民進黨國民黨 ,  人們又開始對疫情很緊張, 可是我跟以前一樣沒戴口罩 。

IX. The World 我們的地球

The world keeps on turning.  All I can remember at the moment is talk of wildfires in North America. 地球持續的轉,  而這個當下我記得的是北美洲某些地區發生了火災 。

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