2023年5月5日 星期五

Changzhi Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣長治鄉

Changzhi Township is north of Linluo Township and east of Pingtung City.  The Formosa Freeway (#3) divides the township in two.  The half of Changzhi west of the freeway is more heavily populated. 長治鄉位於麟洛鄉的北部 , 屏東市的東部 。  福爾摩沙高速公路長治鄉隔成兩半 。  西邊的人口比較多。

Changzhi and Linluo were both part of a Hakka Lioudui settlement.  Together they formed the "Front Dui."  To this day Changzhi's population is predominately Hakka. 長治鄉麟洛鄉客家六堆的 "前堆 "。  到現在為止,長治的人口數中,客家族群佔最多。

According to the last census, 29,126 people live in Changzhi. 上次的人口統計顯示長治的人口是29,126人 。

Those who've driven through Pingtung County on the Formosa Freeway might have noticed a big sign with the letters "PABP."  PABP stands for Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park.  Within this agricultural biotechnology park you'll find a small aquarium.  This aquarium is the only tourist attraction in Changzhi. 走福爾摩沙高速公路開車來屏東的人應該看過PABP的大牌子 ,  PABP的意思是屏東農業生物科技園區 。  它裡面有一棟水族展示廳 ,  長治的景點只有這個地方 。

Is it worth going to?  I would say no.  If it was free, and if you lived in the area I'd say "maybe." 值得去嗎 ?  我覺得不用去 。  如果不用門票 , 而你住在附近 , 我會說可以去 。

I was almost instantly bored by it.  The weird lighting inside also gave me a slight headache. 我一進去就開始覺得很無聊 ,  裡面怪怪的燈也讓我頭有點痛 。

After paying the entrance fee and going up an escalator you'll see this.  There's another bank of aquariums behind the tanks to the right.  You could easily see a lot of these fish in local pet stores. 買完門票,上了自動扶梯之後會到這個房間 ,  這後面還有一排水族箱 , 這裡大部分的魚你可以在水族店裡看得到 。

I probably should have saved my money. 來這裡有點失望 。

This is on Highway 24, across the township line from Pingtung City. 在台24線上 , 與屏東市之間的邊界 。

In the center of the township, near the intersection of the Formosa Freeway and Highway 24. 福爾摩沙高速公路 和 台24線交會的地方 , 也是長治鄉的中部 。

Near the other end of Highway 24, not far from Yanpu.  It's a lot greener around there. 台24線的另外一邊 , 靠近鹽埔的那一段 。  這裡比較綠 。

In Fanhua Village we found these old houses.  They've been designated historic buildings. 我們在繁華找到這些老房子 , 是被指定的歷史建築物 。

Not sure what this mural is supposed to represent, but it's very cute. 我看不太懂這個壁畫表示什麼 , 可是我覺得很可愛 。

Historic or otherwise, these old houses are slowly falling apart.  Perhaps there's some plan to restore them? 不管這些建築物有多久的歷史 , 它們正慢慢崩壞 ,  有修復的計畫嗎 ?

The canals flowing between the older houses reminded me of eastern Wanluan. 舊房子中間的水溝讓我想到萬巒的東部 。

This property is for sale.  All this house needs is windows, doors, a roof, modern plumbing, wiring and a lot of love.  Are you up to the challenge? 這棟房子在賣 ,  只需要窗戶 、 門 、 屋頂 、 水管、 電線,還有你的愛 。  有沒有讀者願意買 ?

On the other side of the township is central Changzhi, an area without many trees. 長治的另外一邊是長治市區 。  這附近的樹不多 。

I can't see myself ever living here, but maybe someone who works in Pingtung City and wants a cheaper house/apartment would like it.  The commute into the city would be relatively convenient. 我大概不會有機會居住在這裡,  可能在屏東市上班的人會覺得這裡的住宿費比較合理 ,  從這裡通勤的路也算方便 。

Just don't come expecting a lot of amenities.  They're building more houses in the area, but most of Changzhi is still very rural. 問題是這個地區的公共設施不多 。  附近的新房子不少 , 可是長治還是個滿鄉下的地方 。

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