2023年5月11日 星期四

Majia Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣瑪家鄉

Majia Township is north of Taiwu Township.  It's in the mountains.  Most of Majia's residents live in Paiwan villages along the Mountainside Highway. 瑪家鄉位於泰武鄉的北部 。  瑪家鄉算山區 ,  那裏的居民大部分居住在沿山公路上的排灣部落 。

According to the last census, 6,796 people live in Majia. 上次的人口統計顯示瑪家的人口是6,796人 。

The Taiwan Indigenous People's Cultural Park, at the north end of the township, not far from Sandimen.  The indoor exhibition area isn't great, but there are some great views, aboriginal art and examples of aboriginal architecture outside the exhibition area. 臺灣原住民族文化園區瑪家的北部 , 靠近三地門 。  戶內的展覽館不是很有趣 , 可是戶外的風景很棒, 還有原住民的藝術品和傳統的建築物 。

As a place to learn about Taiwan's aboriginal tribes, however, I'd rank it below the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village in Nantou and the Prehistory Museum in Taitung.  It's definitely worth a visit, but I didn't find it as informative as those other two places. 我覺得這裡的教育價值比較低, 我建議想認識臺灣原住民文化的旅客去南投九族文化村或是台東史前博物館 。  雖然原住民族文化園區值得去 , 可是沒有很多介紹原住民的資料。

On the other side of the indoor exhibition area you'll find this suspension bridge. 展覽館另外一邊有這座吊橋 。

For the most part nature in this area has been left alone.  In this respect the Indigenous People's Cultural Park stands in sharp contrast to the other two aboriginal attractions mentioned above.  Those other two places have been heavily landscaped. 這個地方的自然環境被保護的比較好。  以自然環境來說 , 原住民族文化園區比其他兩個景點好很多 , 九族文化村史前博物館處處可見人為造景。

The Aboriginal People's Cultural Park offers a glimpse at how aboriginal people once lived.  They lived much shorter lives back then, and their interactions with other groups were more problematic, but I like to think that they were happy. 在原住民族文化園區可以看到以前原住民的生活方式 。  他們那個時代的人壽命比較短 , 跟其他族群交流比較會產生問題 ,可是他們山上的生活應該很開心 。

Paiwan art is very interesting, though you need not visit this place to see it.  Every Paiwan village comes with local art, much of it featuring "hundred pace snakes," braves and witches. 排灣的藝術品很有趣 。 你不一定要來這裡看 ,  每個排灣族部落有自己的藝術品 。大部分的作品是百步蛇 、 勇士跟巫婆。

Nearby is the Shanchuan (Mountain River) Glass Suspension Bridge.  This is a major tourist attraction, so expect big crowds on weekends. 山川琉璃吊橋在附近 。 這座吊橋是重要景點 ,周末的時候是人山人海。

It might look daunting, but it's an easy walk to the other side.  The only annoying part is people continually posing for pictures along the length of the bridge. 看起來有點恐怖 ,可是很簡單就可以走到橋的另外一頭。  煩人的部分是很多人在橋上自拍 。

You can't see it in this picture, but the Taiwan Indigenous People's Culture Park is on the other side. 在照片看不出來 ,原住民族文化園區就在那座山坡上 。

This view is much further up, above Linali Village.  The road that passes by Linali Village goes DEEP into the mountains, to the other side of the township. 更上面的風景 。 經過納里部落之後,這條路往更深的山裡去到瑪家的另外一側

Not far south of there is the Liangshan Waterfall.  At the time I took these pictures it hadn't rained in a while, and both the waterfall and the creek bed below it were completely dry.  Hopefully by the time you read this it will have rained there. 南邊一點點有涼山瀑布 。  已經很久沒下雨了 , 所以我拍照的時候瀑布跟溪床都沒有水 。  希望你讀這片文章的時候那裡已經下過雨了 。

Minus the waterfall it's still a nice place to walk.  Just try to get there early.  Later in the day tour groups show up, and the microphones the tour guides use can be very annoying. 就算瀑布沒有水,在這裡散步仍是不錯的 。  比較早來比較好 ,晚一點就有旅行團來了, 越晚旅行團越多 ,  而且他們都用很大聲的麥克風導覽 。

"Taiwan's Six Big Venomous Snakes."  Yeah, this is a thing, so be careful where you step.  I don't actually worry about snakes that much.  Monkeys are a much bigger problem. 臺灣的6大毒蛇 。  這裡有毒蛇沒錯 , 所以走路要小心 。  其實我沒有那麼在乎毒蛇 , 猴子才是最可怕的 。

Anybody know what kind of tree this is?  I asked a friend who knows about such things, and she wasn't sure.  Apparently there are two kinds of tree that look like this.  Whatever they are, the park below the waterfall has many of them. 有人知道這是哪一種樹嗎 ?  我問過一位認識臺灣植物的朋友 ,她說有兩種樹看起來像這棵樹,所以她不確定是這是什麼樹。不管這是什麼樹,瀑布下方有很多。

Still further south is the village of Jiayi, just below the Liding Mountain Trailhead.  I'm guessing that winged figure at the bottom is a face?   更南邊有靠近笠頂山登山步道佳義部落 。我猜想上面的圖案是人的臉。

This is the trail itself.  Exercise extreme caution when hiking here -- several hikers have died on this trail.  Some of these deaths were due to adverse weather conditions, while others were due to hikers not being in good enough shape for their hike. 這是步道 。  在這裡爬山要小心 , 有人在這裡發生過意外。  有的人死亡的原因是天氣變差 , 有的人是身體狀況不佳 。

Looking east toward the Central Mountain Range.  Parts of Majia are very beautiful, and I was a bit sorry to leave it. 往東邊看中央山脈 , 瑪家的風景好美 , 我不是很想離開了 !

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