2023年5月19日 星期五

Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (Central 中) 8

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Majia Township 瑪家鄉

1a. The Majia Township Office recently held a tree planting activity.  The leaves of the trees planted are used to brew a locally favored tea.  It's thought that this activity will help bring these endangered tea trees back from the brink of extinction. 瀕絕植物 "武威山烏皮茶" 重回瑪家落地生根

1b. Representatives from Kaohsiung Normal University visited a school in Majia to promote creative mathematics teaching. 師大前進屏縣瑪家鄉佳義國小推廣放心學數學計畫

1c. The principal of Baihe Elementary School in Majia gave a speech at an environmental education conference recently.  He has been awarded for his efforts in this field. 風災誕生長榮百合國小校長 : 環境教育帶領孩子生態維護 (1)

2. Wandan Township 萬丹鄉

2a. There is a warrant out for the arrest of former Wandan Township Farmer's Association Chairman Li Liqing, who was recently found guilty of fraud.  If and when Li is caught she's looking at 4 years and 7 months in prison. 公糧價款詐領案定讞  萬丹鄉長落選人李麗卿被通緝 (2)

2b. Bullet holes were found in a roadside mirror on a rural road.  Police are investigating the matter. 屏縣萬丹鄉道反射鏡彈痕  警方採證清查

2c. Demolition of the old fire station in Wandan was recently undertaken.  Residents there complained that proper safety precautions were not observed by the company responsible, and that the site hadn't been watered down to prevent the spread of dust. 萬丹舊消防大樓拆除  疑無安全措施 , 沒灑水

3. Wanluan Township 萬巒鄉

3a. A business near Wanluan's "pork knuckle street" that DOESN'T sell pork knuckles?  This article introduces a pair of local entrepreneurs who decided to open an ice cream shop there instead. 萬巒豬腳街不賣豬腳  青年返鄉特製時令水果冰淇淋 (3)

3b. The Wanluan Township Mayor passed away due to illness recently, and a by-election will be held to elect his replacement. 屏東縣萬巒鄉4連任萬全村長病逝  3個月內要完成補選

3c. Construction was begun on a new library and art exhibition space in Wanluan. 屏東縣萬巒鄉教育圖資館暨文藝中心動工

4. Taiwu Township 泰武鄉

4a. No recent news out of Taiwu.

5. Chaozhou Municipality 潮州鎮

5a. The Chaozhou Municipality Office has been dredging local ditches and finding A LOT of garbage.  The accumulation of garbage in these ditches is a big worry as typhoon season is fast approaching.  If they become clogged with garbage they will cause flooding. 沒下雨就亂丟垃圾進水溝  汛期前潮州鎮清疏觸目驚心

5b. The Pingtung County Government has announced "maternity allowances" (subsidies) for those having children in the county, and the Chaozhou Municipality Government has also announced reduced tuition for those placing their children in local kindergartens. 屏縣府發放2萬生育津貼  潮州鎮公所加碼推首胎鎮幼全額補助 (4)

5c. Many people in Chaozhou raise shrimp, and a "competition" was held to find the biggest local shrimp raised in the area.  The winning shrimp weighed 356 grams. 潮州賽神蝦冠軍出爐 !  蝦王宛如成人手臂 , 重356公克破去年紀錄

6. Xinyuan Township 新園鄉

6a. A 66 year old man drowned in the Gaoping (Kaoping) River as it passes through Xinyuan.  He had been fishing in the area, and at some point ventured beyond a sluice gate known for the whirlpools it creates. 高屏溪新園段驚傳溺水意外  66歲男捕魚疑被漩流吞沒

6b. Two teenagers stole 37,000 NT from a gas station in Xinyuan.  They were apprehended shortly thereafter.  Needless to say they're in a lot of trouble. 屏東加油站3.7萬元現金遭偷  警逮2名未成年少年

6c. A tourist was driving his SUV through Xinyuan when he lost control of his vehicle and struck a tree.  The SUV then flipped over, trapping the driver inside the vehicle for a short time. 屏東驚傳驚悚車禍 !  休旅車失控撞樹翻成 "倒栽蔥" 駕駛一度受困

7. Kanding Township 崁頂鄉

7a. No recent news out of Kanding.

8. Laiyi Township 來義鄉

8a. The "yi ka tong" transit card can now be used on buses in Laiyi. 來義鄉推一卡通 鼓勵多加利用幸福巴士

8b. A two-day athletic competition was recently held in Laiyi.  During this event the township office promoted services available to residents who've served in the military. 屏東來義鄉運會  榮服處熱情輔導

9. Donggang Municipality 東港鎮

9a. The Donggang Farmer's Association recently held a food and agriculture educational activity.  One of the presenters demonstrated different ways to cook pineapple (which is coming into season), and talked about food safety. 東港鎮農會推廣食農教育  吸引婆婆媽媽取取經

9b. The Guangfu Pumping Station in Donggang will be renovated to make it both more effective and more environmentally friendly.  Sewers for rainwater runoff will also be improved.  Flooding is a big problem in this part of Pingtung. 屏縣東港鎮光復抽水站油槽改建  預5月下旬全部完工

9c. A photo of a woman in Donggang carrying a bluefin tuna behind a scooter went viral recently.  It's bluefin tuna season in the municipality, and the catches have been very good. 騎車婦掛拖車載 "黑鮪" 網友 : 這就是東港的日常 (5)

10. Nanzhou Township 南州鄉

10a. This article, complete with pictures, introduces several parks near the Nanzhou Train Station. 搭火車去旅行  屏東線南州站  南州鄉運動公園 + 陽光綠地公園 + 台糖南州觀光糖廠 (6)

10b. A 52 year old man in Nanzhou locked himself in his house over a period of several days, refusing food.  His family, worried over his condition, called in local firefighters, who broke down the man's door and took him to the hospital for treatment. 屏東男反銷屋內多日不進食  消防員破門救人送醫

10c. A man riding a scooter through Nanzhou crashed along the roadway.  A helpful bystander held an umbrella over him while emergency response personnel readied him for an ambulance. 騎士烈日當空自撞摔落路邊  熱心女子在旁撐傘擋陽光協助搬運

11. Xinpi Township 新埤鄉

11a. Those plants that smell like rotting meat?  Taiwan has its own variety.  Those interested in this huge, flowering, aromatic plant can visit Jiangong Village in Xinpi to see a very large example. 全台最大的花 "雷公屁" 臭出新高度  屏東新埤魔芋愈臭愈多人搶看

11b. Someone started a fire along a river in Xinpi.  They were probably clearing brush from land in the area. 風勢大 !  屏東新埤消防隊後方河床雜草火警延燒逾4小時

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. There is a local component to many such schools' commitment to environmental education.  Many aboriginal villages have been displaced due to flooding, erosion and other typhoon-related problems.  This issue has become particularly acute in recent years.

2. The election which she participated in was very contentious.  She initially represented the DPP, grew frustrated with the politics involved, and then ran unaffiliated.

3. I feel compelled to say, however, that they aren't the first people to do this.

4. This is partly done to bolster their population, partly done to help the local kindergartens.  All of these kindergartens are hurting for students.

5. The joke being the dilapidated scooter carrying the very, very expensive fish.  Bluefin tuna are going for a lot of money now, with a lot of the catch destined for restaurants in Japan and Mainland China.

6. I worked in that area for a short time.  If you have a little kid they might enjoy running around in those parks, but otherwise there's not much scenery around there.

