2023年3月31日 星期五

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (North 北) 3

 There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1a. Land in Xinying and Liouying will be resurveyed.  Some property boundaries in use date back to survey work done during the Japanese Imperial Administration, and the Tainan City Government wants to bring current technology to bear on the problem.  Representatives from the Tainan City Government met with residents on March 24 to discuss this process. 新營及柳營區地籍圖重測  3/24招開宣導會

1b. A stench was reported in Xinying, and after further investigation the source of the odor was found to be a fertilizer factory and adjacent farmland in the area.  Regulations mandate that fields covered in manure be covered to both limit the stench and prevent the spread of pests, and those responsible were not doing so.  Those responsible have since been ordered to comply with regulations. 台南大新營區入夜飄惡臭  環保局揪元凶告發 (1)

2a. A man parked his car and (most likely) shot himself in the head in Yanshui.  He was still breathing when first discovered, but was later pronounced dead at the hospital. 台南鹽水區驚傳槍擊案 !  男子停車場內自戕  緊急送醫不治身亡

2b. The Tainan City Government's Tourism Bureau hosted a seminar for those wishing to operate homestays in the area.  This seminar explained the local application process and other issues relevant to operating a homestay. 台南市政府 : 觀旅局開辦民宿申設說明會...

3a. A vote was held to name a dairy farming area in Liouying.  The winning name is "Baibao" (白寶 or "white baby"), which was deemed very pleasing to the ear. 柳營八翁白牛寶寶創意命名票選揭曉  白寶最高票數勝出 (2)

3b. For those wishing to view blossoming golden trumpet trees, Liouying has many areas in which to do so. 賞黃花風鈴木  柳營有15處秘境

4a. An urban development plan for Houbi District is under review by the Tainan City Government.  If the plan is approved some land in the area will be rezoned. 後壁都計第四次通檢第一階段主要計畫發布實施

4b. It's melon season in Houbi, and farmers convened a market in which to sell locally grown melons and melon-related products. 後壁洋香瓜好時節  活動登場 (3)

5a. The cotton trees in Baihe were blooming up until last week, and many tourists visited a local tree-lined boulevard to view the flowers. 2023台南白河木棉花季3/11-3/26...

5b. Uh... OK.  Guandzeling Hot Spring Area in Baihe was ranked alongside Yangmingshan, Beitou and Sichongxi hot springs as one of the "big four" hot spring areas in Taiwan. 關子嶺溫泉名列台灣4大溫泉區 (4)

6a. The Tainan City Government invites you to travel Highway 175, a.k.a. "the Coffee Highway," through the remote eastern half of Dongshan District.  This highway offers you the chance to view local coffee plantations and geographical features. 東山175咖啡公路輕旅行  , 帶你探尋淺山之美 (5)

6b. A coffee "competition" (more of an opportunity for local farmers to gather and share their expertise) was also held in Dongshan. 東山咖啡莊園交流賽 激盪新風味

7a. The Jiali Police Bureau will be implementing special traffic control measures during the upcoming Ching Ming Festival weekend. 清明節連假車潮恐湧入  佳里警建議用路人這樣避免壅塞

7b. The Jiali District Office and the local fire brigade held a press conference to emphasize the necessity of fire prevention during the Ching Ming Festival holiday.  People often clear brush from graves by lighting fires, and these fires can quickly get out of control, damaging large swaths of property and endangering lives.  The lack of rain in recent months is exacerbating this problem. 佳里區公所聯合消防分隊公墓防火宣導  呼籲民眾遵守掃墓四不二記得原則 (6)

8a. The local government is building a water pumping station in Shuejia to deal with flooding in that area.  It's relatively flat and heavy rains can quickly create flood conditions. 解決積淹水  學甲M幹線抽水站動土

9a. The chief of the Beimen District Office recently visited the homes of residents to discuss disaster-prevention measures and evacuation procedures. 北門區長帶頭防災 親訪保全戶 (7)

9b. Beimen Elementary School's new central kitchen has commenced operation.  The building resembles a... whale? 北門國小央廚啟用  造型鯨艷

10a. Many residents of Jiangjun took part in a carrot picking activity.  Local cotton (kapok) trees were supposed to be flowering at the time, but that didn't happen. 紅蘿蔔木棉相逢  將軍親子同樂

10b. The Jiangjun District Office is also working to spread awareness of fire safety in advance of Ching Ming Festival. 將軍區公所  消防局攜手辦理 "公墓火災搶救演練"

11a. Several model students from Qigu and surrounding areas were given awards as part of the "2023 Qigu Model Student Commendations" ceremony held at Qigu Elementary School.  An oil painting exhibition was held at the same time. 七股區公所表揚模範兒童  邀學童欣賞藝遊七股油畫展

11b. Improvements to roads near fish ponds and canals in both Qigu and Beimen have been completed. 改善漁業環境  北門 , 七股養殖生產區改善完工

12a. Whoever's in charge of the Tainan City Tourism Bureau sure seems to pin their hopes on flowering trees.  For what it's worth the cassia trees in Xigang are blooming. 西港金砂花旗木怒放  浪漫粉紅春遊趣

13a. A line of pomelo-related products made in Madou is selling well.  Pomelo is an important crop in Madou, and the local farmer's association is processing the pomelo into everything from sauce to cleaning products. 麻豆柚子系列商品  年銷破3千萬 (9)

13b. This line of pomelo-related products was released in conjunction with pomelo season, which began this month. 春分時節飄花香  麻豆柚花季3月12日開幕

14a. The Shrsheng Sustainable Farm in Guantian is regarded by many as a prime example of organic farming done right.  This article, complete with pictures, discusses why this farm is special. 美得很專業 !  從神農獎到農企業 , 台南官田 "時生永續農場" 讓年輕人留下來

14b. A new dormitory was opened at Longtian Elementary School. 台南官田區隆田國小校舍教室拆除重建  今天校慶落成

15a. There was a fire in (a very oddly shaped) house in Lioujia.  Firefighters extinguished the blaze without any injuries. 台南六甲區民宅傳火警  消防人員全力滅火

15b. A new taxi service provided for the use of residents in remote areas has begun operation in Lioujia. 台南小黃公車首度開進六甲區  開通二路線深入山區聚落便利公共運輸

16a. A farmer's market was recently held in Danei.  Vendors there were selling a variety of goods either grown or produced in the area. 大內小農創意市集推在地產業

16b. The Danei District Office is taking a survey of district residents as a way of improving local governmental support for the elderly.  Danei has a higher than average proportion of elderly residents. 尋找第一屆大內國中畢業生

17a. The Xiaying District Office, in association with the Huashan Foundation, gave seedlings to residents in exchange for receipts. 南市下營區公所舉辦植樹月發票換樹苗活動  挹注華山天使站做公益 (8)

17b. A local fisherman caught a fish weighing 60 kg in Xinying's Wuchengen Park.  A tow truck had to be used to bring the fish ashore. 台南武承恩公園水池撈出60台斤大魚  出動吊車吊上岸

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. Foul odors can be a downside to living in the country.  This is as true in Taiwan as it is anywhere else.  One thing I DON'T miss about Fangliao is the occasional stench from mango orchards.  You'd think such orchards would smell good, and they sometimes do, but local farmers use rotting meat to attract insects which pollinate the trees, and the fruit they don't harvest ends up rotting in the fields.

2. There's a "cow" implied in the new name, so really it's "white cow baby" or "white calf."

3. Several types of melons are grown in the area.  The 洋香瓜 used in the title is a generic term encompassing several varieties of melon.

4. Is the rest of this article missing?  Yahoo! cites The Central News Agency as its source, but no explanation of these rankings are given.  I've been to all four of those hot spring areas, and I would rank them all behind several hot spring areas on the east coast.

5. I've never been, but it's probably a very pretty area.  It's not far from the Dzengwen Reservoir in Jiayi County.

6. It's a problem where I live too.  People light fires in cemeteries, think these fires are either extinguished or that they'll safely burn themselves out, and then leave.  The cemetery just south of where I live caught fire last month, and was linked to the death of a local firefighter.  Another cemetery north of me in Checheng Township also caught fire, resulting in the loss of dozens of trees.

7. I'm not that familiar with the area, but Beimen is on the coast.  I'm guessing the biggest problem in that area is flooding.

8. In case you're reading this outside Taiwan, the receipts from any (taxable) purchase can be used in the national receipt lottery, and thus offer a chance to win substantial amounts of money.  Many charities collect these receipts and use the money for those in need.

9. Time to get botanical!  According to Wikipedia, grapefruit is a citrus hybrid which was originally an accidental cross between the sweet orange and the pomelo, although in the past the grapefruit was also referred to as "the pomelo."  If you get confused (as I often do), just remember that grapefruit is red/orange and pomelo is yellow/green.

