2023年3月12日 星期日

Taiwan 101: A Whole Day Without a Mask

Our Hero gets on his bicycle at around 7:10.  His destination?  The school where he works, about three kilometers distant.

And what will we find in Our Hero's right front pocket?  A mask of course, to be worn inside his school, lest the dread COVID claim him once again.

But wait!  It's the Year of Our Lord 2023 -- March 6 to be exact, and... the mask requirement has been lifted!  Our Hero is now free to wear or not wear his mask at his own discretion.

He approaches the intersection where he usually dons his mask before entering his school, and there he is confronted with a choice.  Don the mask, as the students passing him have already done, or boldly enter the school maskless, and thereafter endure the disapproving glares mask-wearing coworkers.

Our Hero takes a moment to reflect upon this decision, and then, rather than placing the mask upon his face as usual, he enters his school with his face bare.

Yes, he's done it, and what's more he spends an entire morning in the office maskless.  Not only that, but he also goes walking around the school, in full view of both students and administrators.  The consequences of such brazen, irresponsible behavior?  Looks of surprise and apprehension.  

Later still, in class, he teaches two entire periods without recourse to a mask.  He walks left, he walks right.  He enunciates from the front, he vocalizes from the rear, and then he walks into the very midst of the students sans mask.  He is everywhere, Our Hero, and the students are all now well aware of that part of him formerly hidden: his face.

Five o'clock comes and goes.  He mounts his bicycle and heads home.  And even then Our Hero is maskless.  Even then he sets forth, with a bare face, for all the world to see.

And what's worse, he's in a pretty good mood.  The sky hasn't fallen, the sun is out, and it's a great day to be alive.

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