2023年5月24日 星期三

Gueiren District, Tainan City 台南市歸仁區

Gueiren is west of Guanmiao.  As you'll see from these pictures, there's not much there.  There's been some growth around the HSR station, but for the most part it's still very empty. 歸仁位於關廟的西邊。  從這些照片看得出來 , 歸仁的觀光景點不多 。  高鐵站附近有些建設 , 可是歸仁仍有許多的空地 。

According to the last census, 68,230 people live in Gueiren. 上次的人口統計顯示歸仁的人口是68,230人。

This is the Tainan HSR stop.  It's far from downtown Tainan. 臺南市區很遠的臺南高鐵站 。

The Mitsui Outlet Park is right across the street. 臺南的Mitsui Outlet Park在高鐵站對面 。

I was very disappointed with this place.  I was hoping for a better selection of restaurants and more interesting stores.  It's only three stories high, and even though it looks HUGE from the outside it's very small inside. 我對這個地方很失望 ,  我本來期待有更好的餐廳的選擇,和更有趣的商店。  它從外面看起來很大 ,可是裡面三層樓的購物中心真是不大。

The lunch we had there (Japanese food) made both my older daughter and I sick to our stomachs.  The mall was also very crowded, and parking was expensive. 我們在這裡的午餐是日本料理,但我跟我大女兒吃完都拉肚子。  購物中心的客人多 , 停車費很貴 。

On the first floor there's a store selling goods made in Tainan. 一樓有一家店賣臺南的名產 。

This the eastern half of Gueiren.  It's very flat. 歸仁的東半部,土地非常平坦。

Central Gueiren, in front of the Cultural Hall. 歸仁的市區 , 靠近文化中心 。

...and the only other thing to see in Gueiren is -- I kid you not -- The Eminent Company's "Tourist Factory."  Seriously, it's a museum devoted to luggage.  It's also close to the HSR station. 歸仁的另外一個景點是萬國通路創意觀光工廠 。  嚴格來說,它就是一個行李箱博物館,離高鐵站很近 。

I have no idea what the significance of their "bird astronaut" mascot is.  Maybe they explained it in the museum, but by that point my lunch was kicking in and I was in desperate search of a bathroom. 我不知道他們公司的太空鳥有什麼涵義,  可能觀光工廠裡有解釋,可是我那個時候正忙著找廁所。

One day we'll all have luggage large enough for surfboards, but until that day we can only dream. 我們有一天會有一個可以把衝浪板塞進去的行李箱,  只是現在只能在夢中見到 。

Just look at that luggage! 你看 !!  那麼多行李箱 !!


And as you might have already guessed, there's a store where you can buy luggage near the museum exit. 讀者已經猜到了吧 ?觀光工廠裡的最後一站當然是個行李箱商店 !

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