2023年4月21日 星期五

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (East 東) 3

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all east of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more rural than districts west of the Formosa Freeway, have a much lower population density, and are generally more scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以東 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以西的行政區比較起來: 較鄉下 、人口密度較低 、風景比較好。

1a. This article introduces Tianliao's Moon World.  It's a very scenic area, partly because it's difficult to build there and partly because it's not a good area for farming. 田寮月世界惡地成美景  專家 : 不建設即是最好建設

1b. An elderly woman suffering from memory loss disappeared after leaving her home for a walk.  Police began a search, and she was located 37 hours after her disappearance. 老婦山區走失37小時  田寮警動員搜山尋獲

1c. ...and here's another article introducing Moon World.  There's not much else to see in Tianliao! 田寮月世界  奇異的不毛之地

2a. Politicians in Kaohsiung representing the DPP are pushing for an inspection of private residences built on farmland in Qishan.  Construction of large houses/homestays on land reserved for agricultural use is a big problem in many parts of Taiwan. 旗山爆農地 "綠營權貴" 豪宅群  監委要查了 !

2b. There was a huge fire in Qishan, which (in a way) isn't surprising given the recent lack of rain.  Even with the concerted efforts of Kaohsiung firefighters, it took well over 5 days to extinguish this blaze. 創紀錄 !  旗山林地大火延燒3天3夜  全市消防隊已輪過一圈打火

2c. The Qishan District Office is discussing a plan to build a crematorium in the area.  Many residents oppose this plan. 旗山殯儀館設置案捲土重來 ?  高雄市議會今開協調會

3a. The fire in Qishan spread to Neimen and Shanlin districts. 燒了4天 !  高雄內門 , 杉林區林地大火終於撲滅

4a. Many of those serving in several district government positions changed jobs recently.  The director of the Qishan Household Registration Office returned to Meinong to serve as Meinong District Mayor. 高雄市12區長調動  謝鶴琳回鍋任美濃區長

4b. Members of the Agriculture and Forestry Committee visited Neimen and Meinong to investigate how the local pineapple crop is grown, harvested, stored and transported to market.  They hope to streamline the supply chain in the area.  There has been a lot of volatility with regard to pineapple prices in south Taiwan. 高市議會農林委員會考察內門 , 美濃 助農友拓展通路

4c. Firefighters held a fire safety activity at Longshan Elementary School. 消防向下扎根  美濃區龍山國小舉辦消防體驗活動

5a. After that fire, another.  The big fire was extinguished only to have another fire break out on 4/18 in Shanlin. 高雄又見山林火警  田寮區殘火今晨才撲滅

6a. Firefighters were called in after another fire set in a field got out of control.  Both this fire and another fire on the same day in Alian District were set by locals trying to clear brush from their land. 高雄阿蓮 , 六龜燒雜草  消防人員冒險搶救 (2)

6b. This article invites you to enjoy the pink shower tree blossoms and hot springs in and around Liouguei. 六龜花旗木浪漫迎賓  東高雄賞花泡湯送好康

6c. With Liouguei and nearby districts experiencing a prolonged drought, the water utility has set up several water supply stations in the area. 高雄山區水源枯竭  水公司在甲仙 , 六龜設供水站

7a. The Transportation Bureau has published a map/guide to assist bicyclists looking for scenic routes through Maolin. 一張圖看茂林11條追風路線  3等級等追風族邊騎車邊賞螢

7b. It did finally rain in Kaohsiung, though mostly in low lying areas, far from the catchment areas that would alleviate the current drought conditions. 高雄落雨了  可惜集中平地未下在集水區

8a. Local firefighters held a fire safety activity in Jiaxian.  This event coincided with the local taro, bamboo shoot and plum harvests. 甲仙區一年一度芋筍梅節  消防分隊進行防火災宣導

8b. Coffee beans are also grown in Jiaxian.  An activity was recently held there to promote coffee beans and other local agricultural products. 高雄甲仙大田社區青銀共創  推半杯咖啡 , 打造將翎慶典

8c. The Southern Cross-Island Highway between Kaohsiung and Taitung has been open for a year, and the continual traffic through districts like Jiaxian has been both good and bad for local residents.  On the plus side development has increased economic opportunities in the area, on the minus side traffic and garbage are becoming big problems.  Both the Jiaxian District Office and the Transportation Bureau are looking at ways to address these problems. 南橫通車滿周年 !  甲仙人潮曾連開2超商  賓來溫泉旅店常客滿 (3)

9a. It's begun raining up in Taoyuan.  Local police are urging those driving the Southern Cross-Island Highway to exercise caution. 高雄桃源區開始降雨  警 : 南橫公路濕滑小心慢行

9b. Representatives from the Taoyuan District Office met with local farmers to discuss environmentally friendly farming methods and offer resources.  Many farms in Taoyuan claim to be environmentally friendly, though there is some doubt as to the truth of these claims. Attending these meetings offers a path toward certification as a "green farm." 安全農業前進偏鄉  高雄桃源搶搭履列車

9c. This article and accompanying video discuss the Bunun Tribe's rite of manhood.  There are many Bunun villages between eastern Kaohsiung and western Taitung. 桃源區聯合成年禮  延續布農族文化精神

10a. Several business owners donated 600 Japanese cherry trees to Namaxia District.  It is hoped that these trees will attract more tourists to the area. 業者攜手區公所種櫻花  拓展那瑪夏觀光 (4)

10b. It's firefly season in Namaxia.  Check the article for pictures. 那瑪夏螢火蟲大軍報到  奈良美智驚喜造訪 (5)

10c. Kaohsiung City's Tourism Bureau has been selling guided tours of Namaxia and Jiaxian districts.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with demand exceeding supply.  Over 5000 people have already embarked on these tours and the feedback has been good. 高雄山城小旅行夯爆  首發團秒殺那瑪夏湧入超過5000名遊客 (6)

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. It doesn't say so in any of the linked articles, but this has to be the same fire.  The north end of Qishan is between Neimen and Shanlin.

2. I'm not quite sure if this practice of burning brush from fields is illegal in all places, at all times.  If it isn't it should be, and violators should be punished to the full extent of the law.  Aside from property and habitat damage, this practice has already led to the loss of several lives.

3. A small rant here: many Taiwanese tourists are DIRTY.  I live near Kenting, and no, you can't blame it all on tourists, people from out of town, city people, country people, older people, younger people or any other group you care to think up.  Name a group -- I dare you -- and I can provide examples of members of that group littering in my area.  The government needs to make environmental education more of a priority, and steps need to be taken to clean up Taiwan.  There, I'll get off my soapbox now.

4. One of the donors offered a rather fanciful story about driving his car through the area, having his car flip over during an accident, and being saved from a mortal plunge by roadside trees.  I'm not sure if I believe it.

5. No reason to specifically visit Namaxia for this reason.  Any township/district deep enough in the mountains should have fireflies.  In my experience viewing these creatures is always a 50/50 proposition.  Sometimes you drive up there and it's amazing, other times you're straining your eyes to see a handful of fireflies.

6. To put things in their proper perspective, it takes about two hours to drive from Kaohsiung Main Station to Namaxia District.  IF there's no traffic and IF all the roads are clear.  Namaxia is far removed from the lives of most people in Kaohsiung City.

