2023年2月14日 星期二

Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市燕巢區

Yanchao is east of both Gangshan and Ciaotou.  The western half of Yanchao is a mix of factories and farms, while the eastern half is where the mountains begin. 燕巢位於岡山橋頭的東部 。  燕巢的西部是工廠跟農地 ,東部是山區 。

According to the last census, 28,956 people live in Yanchao. 上次的人口統計表示燕巢的人口是28,956人 。

There are also pictures of the Agongdian Reservoir in the Gangshan District entry.  This reservoir is divided between the two districts. 高雄市岡山區那篇文章也有阿公店的照片 。  水庫位在岡山 和 燕巢二區。

Yanchao is where the visitor's center is located.  From the entrance there's a path leading to this suspension bridge. 水庫的遊客中心在燕巢 。  進大門就有步道連接到這座吊橋 。

There's another suspension bridge to the north, on the other side of the reservoir. 水庫的北部有另外一座吊橋 。

That greyish patch to the left is a solar panel installation that floats over the surface of the water.  In the background is Little Gang Mountain. 左邊灰色的部分是水上的太陽能板 。 後面的背景是小崗山

This is near the Yanchao Scenic Area.  It can be a scary place to explore by car.  All of the roads are very narrow, and none of them are straight. 這在燕巢風景區附近 。  開車到這個地區很恐怖 , 一路上道路除了狹窄之外, 也彎彎曲曲的。

Jian Mountain is the most prominent landscape feature. 尖山是這附近最顯著的地形 。

Unfortunately the trail to the top is broken.  I would've liked to walk all the way to the top.  It would have been an impressive view. 可惜這個步道斷掉了 , 沒辦法走上去 。  山頂的風景大概不錯 。

In the same area you'll find the Yanchao Mud Volcano.  This picture isn't the mud volcano, but rather a hole dug into the soil to reveal the bubbling mud beneath. 附近也有燕巢泥火山 。  這個照片不是泥火山 , 這是遊客可以看泥漿冒出氣泡的小洞 。

It's a dry and dusty place. 乾燥多塵的地方 。

And here's the mud volcano.  There are many similar spots in Taiwan.  We tend not to notice it, but geological forces are always changing the landscape slowly over time. 這個是泥火山 。  台灣有很多這種景點 。  我們通常沒注意到這種景象 , 可是地質的力量一直在改變地球的面貌。

I also meant to visit Yangnu Lake while I was there -- but it's gone!  Apparently the lake just "dried up" one day.  "New Yangnu Lake" is nearby, but given the unimpressive nature of the Yanchao Mud Volcano I didn't see much point in trying to find it. 我也想去這個地區的養女湖 , 後來發現它因為慢慢變小後,  附近就有了新養女湖 。 可是參觀完泥火山之後,覺得不用找新養女湖了 。

If you visit this place be aware that you need to sign in upon entry. 來這邊的遊客記得要當場登記。

To the west of the mud volcano is the Yu-Ho Beef Tourism Factory.  My daughter was very excited about having lunch in this place, but it turned out to be a disappointment. 泥火山西邊有裕賀牛觀光工廠 。  我的女兒很想在這裡吃午餐 , 後來吃完了之後覺得很失望 。

I strongly urge against visiting it.  The restaurant is slow and the food is overpriced.  On top of that they have the audacity to charge an entrance fee.  It's totally not worth it. 我覺得最好不要去 。  餐廳的服務很慢 , 料理太貴了 ,  最不可思議的是進去要買門票 ,  真是不值得 !

The first floor is a store/restaurant, while the second and third floors are an exhibition area explaining what the company does and how their products are made.  There are guided tours available. 一樓是商店跟餐廳 , 二 、 三樓是展示館,介紹他們公司及產品製造過程 , 也有導覽的服務 。

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