2022年11月15日 星期二

Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市岡山區

Gangshan District is north of Ciaotou.  It's a very industrial area, and has been so for a long time.  At the time of writing it's the farthest north you can go using Kaohsiung's MRT system, though there is talk of extending the red line farther north. 岡山區位於橋頭區北部 。 這個地區成為工業區已經很久了 , 高雄最北邊的捷運站在岡山區 ,市政府還在討論是否要把捷運系統延到更北邊的地區 。

For a slightly fanciful bit of local history, click here, just be aware that the origin of Gangshan's old name, "Agongdian" is far from clear.  There's evidence that the "Agongdian" was derived from a local aboriginal language. 這地區有傳奇色彩的歷史故事在這裡 。  但是岡山的舊名阿公店來源就不清楚了,  有可能這個名稱是從平埔族語來的 。 (2)

According to the last census, 95,159 people live in Gangshan. 上次的人口統計表示 , 岡山的人口是95,159人 。

This is Wanwangye Park in Gangshan.  It's just across the border from Ciaotou. 岡山萬王爺公園很靠近橋頭 。

The Taiwan Soya-Mixed Meat Museum has appeared in this blog before.  It's on the other side of Gangshan, across the border from Luzhu. 台灣滷味博物館在這個blog出現過,  它在岡山另外一邊  ,比較靠近路竹 。

I assume this "restaurant" is used for DIY activities.  It feels like the kind of place local kids would visit on field trips. 這個餐廳大概是DIY活動用的 ,很像這附近地區的國小戶外教學會來的地方。

This factory processes many different kinds of food, everything from fish to tofu, and their products can be purchased all over Taiwan.  The first floor is a store where you can buy their products. 這個工廠加工的食品很多 , 從魚到豆干都有, 臺灣到處都買得到 。 一樓的商店賣工廠生產的產品 。

Central Gangshan is in the middle of the district.  This pond is in Gangshan Embankment Park.  As you can tell from the photo, the air quality in this part of Taiwan was not good that day. 岡山市區在岡山區的中心 , 這個水池在河堤公園裡面 。  你從照片可以看出來那一天的空氣品質不佳。

The playground here looked really fun.  Subtract 40 years from my age and I'd be all over it. 這裡的遊樂器材看起來很好玩 , 可惜我的年紀太大了 !

This is Jungshan Road near the center of town.  Nearby Highway 1 is where the train station is, though the South Gangshan MRT stop is actually south of here, on the other side of Embankment Park. 市區的中山路 , 在台1線附近,也有岡山火車站 , 然而南邊的南崗山捷運站河堤公園的另外一邊。

Don't bother with Gangshan's old street.  The market near there is interesting, but the old street itself isn't worth visiting. 岡山老街沒有什麼特殊的, 但是附近的菜市場很熱鬧。

Mutton is popular in Gangshan.  This picture was taken at Daxin Mutton Restaurant next to the Wenxian Market.  You can order the meat stir fried or served in a hot pot. 羊肉在岡山很受歡迎 。  這張照片是在文賢市場旁的大新羊肉店拍的 。 你可以點熱炒羊肉或是羊肉爐 。 (1)

Central Gangshan still feels very much like a small town.  Yes, it's in Kaohsiung City, but downtown Kaohsiung is very far away. 岡山市區感覺很像個小鄉鎮 , 它在高雄市沒錯 ,可是高雄市區離這裡很遠 。

"The Eye of Gangshan" sits atop Little Gang Mountain near the eastern edge of the district.  Again, air pollution was heavy that day. 岡山之眼位於小崗山上 , 岡山區的東部 。 那一天的空氣很差 。

Visitors to this place should park their cars at the foot of the mountain and take a shuttle bus to the top.  We didn't know this at the time, got slightly lost on the way up there, and ended up taking a small but terrifying road to the top.  My advice: take the shuttle bus. 遊客要在山下的停車場停車 ,然後坐小區間車到上面 。  我們到的時候有點迷路 , 不懂狀況 , 最後開車走一條恐怖的農路上去 。 我的建議:  坐區間車上去一定比較好 。

This is looking south toward Ciaotou.  I think going there at night or early in the morning would have been a better choice.  As it was we couldn't see much. 往橋頭的方向看過去 ,  早晨或是晚上去應該更好 ,中午看不到風景 。

I will say, however, that parts of Little Gang Mountain are surprisingly scenic.  Up until visiting this area I thought Gangshan was all factories, but the parts near Yanchao have a lot more trees. 我最驚訝的就是小崗山部分的風景很不錯 。 我以前以為岡山都是工廠 ,現在發現它靠近燕巢的部分還有森林 。

This pond is near Agongdian Reservoir.  There's a suspension bridge near here that's locally famous, but we decided to skip it.  I've been to a lot of suspension bridges. 這個水池靠近阿公店水庫 。  附近的吊橋很有名 , 可是我們決定不要去了 ,  我已經去過很多的吊橋了!

That hill in the background is Little Gang Mountain.  If you're driving around this area be careful.  People get lost and do crazy things on the road. 背景是小岡山 。  在這附近開車要小心 , 很多駕駛迷路後會亂開車 。

Agongdian Reservoir.  It reminded me a bit of Sun Moon Lake.  The land begins to rise up on the other side of the water, and the mountains aren't far away. 阿公店水庫讓我想到日月潭 。  水庫另外一邊漸高的山丘離中央山脈不遠 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Is "mutton" lamb meat or goat meat?  Or sheep meat?  "Mutton" is defined as meat from older sheep, whereas a sheep in its first year is defined as a lamb, and thus its meat is lamb meat.  It depends, in other words, on the age of the sheep/lamb when it was slaughtered.  To make things more confusing, the "mutton" served in many parts of Asia is actually goat, and you'll see goats both pictured on the sign and kept near the restaurant.  In the case of goat it's better to say "goat mutton," but not every restaurant observes this practice.

2. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B2%A1%E5%B1%B1%E5%8D%80

