2022年11月24日 星期四

Pingtung in the News 屏東的新聞 (South 南) 7

There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County.  It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry.  This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市.  每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告.  這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.

1. Linbian Township 林邊鄉

1a. A cool new park was recently opened near the Linbian Train Station.  The play structures in the park incorporate a giant train and wax apples. 屏東林邊特色遊戲場啟用  飛天火車 , 蓮霧森林孩子瘋玩 (1)

2. Jiadong Township 佳冬鄉

2a. An elderly woman from Jiadong wandered from her home and was unable to find her way back.  Police helped return her to her village. 屏東婦外出散步忘了回家的路 , 枋寮警查出身分助返家 (2)

3. Fangliao Township 枋寮鄉

3a. The Pingtung District Prosecutor's Office is investigating a former candidate accused of bribery.  The former candidate, who has since removed himself from the election, reportedly paid another candidate 150,000 NT to withdraw from the election, thus increasing his own chances of success. 屏東枋寮村長候選人搓圓仔湯  15萬元行賄對手棄選10萬交保

3b. A truck flipped over on Highway 1 north of the Pingnan Industrial Area. 枋寮鄉台1線戰備跑曳引車翻車

3c. With China having blocked the import of grouper and other local agricultural products into that country, grouper farmers in Xinlong Village are transitioning into local tourism, with local grouper farms conducting tourist activities. 枋寮石斑魚村轉型休閒觀光  漁民甩開石斑輸陸禁令不快 (3)

4. Chun Rh Township 春日鄉

4a. No recent news out of Chun Rh.

5. Fangshan Township 枋山鄉

5a. Zhou Chun-mi, DPP candidate for Pingtung County Magistrate, expressed her support for Luo Jin-liang, DPP candidate for Fangshan Township Mayor.  Both candidates pledged to join forces to assist local farmers. 枋山鄉聯合競總成立  周春米 : 全力以赴協助農作 , 養殖產業

5b. A temporary worker formerly employed by the Fangshan Township Office recently embezzled over 3 million NT from the township.  He was sentenced to two years in prison. 公所臨時員侵占公款3百餘萬  買車買保險還出國判刑2年 (4)

6. Shrdze Township 獅子鄉

6a. The Shansu Cultural Festival recently brought more tourists to Shrdze Township.  The area's climate and relatively low population make for a very diverse local ecology, and the township mayor is hoping that this biodiversity contributes to continued economic growth in the area. 山蘇文化節帶動獅子鄉觀光熱潮  鄉長周英傑推動文化傳承經濟基礎

7. Checheng Township 車城鄉

7a. Construction began on a new road, County Road 151, from Haikou to the Hengchun Airport through the eastern half of the township.  County Magistrate Pan Meng-an, a native of Checheng, was on hand to inaugurate this construction project. 打通屏東車城151縣道瓶頸  潘孟安向協議價購地主致謝 (5)

7b. Construction also began on a new Checheng Public Hygiene Office. 屏東車城鄉衛生所重建  動土

7c. This article promotes tourist sites in Checheng.  There are plenty of pictures.  I would strongly recommend NOT visiting the Sichongxi Hot Spring Area on a weekend. 2022屏東車城7大景點推應 !  "落山風藝術季" 登場 , "嗨 ! 營業中" 店面在這裡

8. Mudan Township 牡丹鄉

8a. A candidate for Pingtung's Aboriginal Council died recently.  Some were worried that this development would affect the upcoming election, but it was later determined that her death will not make a suspension of the election necessary. 牡丹鄉代候選人高嘉香病逝  屏縣選委會 : 選舉不受影響

8b. A food bank was recently opened in Mudan. 牡丹鄉社區食物銀行啟用  解偏鄉缺物資困境

9. Manzhou Township 滿洲鄉

9a. Local elections in Manzhou will be very close, with candidates likely to win by a handful of votes. 滿洲鄉代4號陳榮華陷入苦戰  懇求援手保最後一席

9b. This article (with video clip) introduces a local singer and musician keeping old songs from Manzhou alive. 國寶 "日貴阿嬤" !  傳唱滿州歌謠 , 傳承鄉土記憶

9c. This article introduces a business making sun-dried noodles in Manzhou.  The noodles they make are very unusual, incorporating ingredients such as dragonfruit and mushrooms. 在滿州 , 遇見彩虹麵飄揚 !  "小農麵攤" 打造100%本土日曬麵 , 紅龍果 , 雨來菇都入麵

10. Hengchun Municipality 恆春鎮

10a. The proprietor of a local mung bean dessert shop passed away recently, and many Hengchun residents lamented this occurrence. 恆春綠豆蒜傳奇阿伯殞落  當地居民哀悼不捨

10b. Residents of Hengchun have been complaining of noise from the local military base.  The army plans on compensating residents of the four villages closest to the base. 國軍演順影響居民  恆春擬申請睦鄰補助 (6)

10c. DPP candidate for Pingtung County Magistrate Zhou Chun-mi recently visited Hengchun's vegetable market on a campaign stop. 周春米 -- 早衝恆春市場  支持者笑說買菜還送 "米"

11. Liuqiu Township 琉球鄉

11a. Ballots for the upcoming election were delivered to Xiaoliuqiu by boat over a two-day period.  There are over 1000 registered voters on the island. 屏東選票昨 , 今運送  琉球選票運抵 (7)

11b. This article promotes the Qingxin Homestay on Xiaoliuqiu.  It has a cute swimming pool. 小琉球清新民宿推薦 , 海風拂面住宿太宜人

11c. Several shirtless men attempted to enter an elementary school on Xiaoliuqiu for the purpose of exercising on the campus, but the principal sent them away.  The men later complained to the Bureau of Education, claiming that their being shirtless had something to do with "sex equality education," but the Bureau came out in support of the school principal. 打赤膊想進校園遭校長勸穿衣  男子竟扯性平教育投訴教育部 (8)

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Why so little news from Linbian?  Part of the reason is that it's TINY.  It's the smallest township on Taiwan's main island.

2. There was another article about a stabbing incident in Jiadong, but it was on Yahoo News, the link to the video was broken, and there were few details in the article.

3. Not really a new thing.  They've been doing it for at least two years now.

4. Seems to be a higher than average level of corruption in this township.  Linluo, east of Pingtung City, is another problem area.  Both areas are very rural, the average age is high, and both areas rely on agriculture to the exclusion of almost everything else.

5. It's a perplexing development.  The article talks of this new road relieving some kind of "bottleneck" in the area, but I can't figure out how it's going to help.  Tourists will still need to drive down Highway 26 before reaching Haikou, and a wide detour through the farmland east of central Checheng doesn't seem like it would be any faster.  Why not just stop people from parking along the highway through central Checheng?  Wouldn't that be a faster and cheaper solution?

6. I live some distance from this base, but even so I can still hear the training exercises at times.  They must be deafening in those four villages.

7. Won't you be glad when this election is over?

8. This seems to happen relatively often on Xiaoliuqiu.  "Strange guys enter school campus and attempt to do something strange."  There was another recent story about tourists trying to use a school's bathrooms to wash their feet and/or diving equipment.

