2022年10月19日 星期三

台灣地名故事 Taiwanese Place Name Stories 10

The Chinese text below was taken from "Taiwanese Place Name Stories" 台灣地名故事, published by Windmill 三暉圖書發行有限公司 in 2021.  The Chinese text was written by Windmill and the English text was written by me.

最可貴的自然資源 ---澄清湖
A Most Valuable Natural Resource: Chengqing Lake

有 "台灣西湖" 之稱的澄清湖 , 原本叫作大埤湖 , 後來改名為大貝湖 , 民國52年 , 先總統蔣介石先生命名為 "澄清湖" 後 , 就一直沿用至今 . As for Chengqing Lake, which is referred to as "Taiwan's West Lake," it was originally called Dapi Lake, and the name was later changed to Dabei Lake.  In the 52nd year of the Republic of China, the first President Chiang Kai-shek ordered the name changed to Chengqing Lake.  This name has endured to the present day. (1)

澄清湖是大高雄地區最大的一塊綠地 , 終年林木茂盛 , 湖水盪漾 , 區內又有叢林 , 灌木 , 空曠平地 , 是賞鳥與休閒遊憩的好去處 , 慕名而來的遊客絡繹不絕 . Chengqing Lake is the largest green space in greater Kaohsiung.  [You can visit its] lush forests and rippling waters year round.  Within this green space are jungles, shrubs and wide open spaces.  It's a great place to watch birds or engage in other recreational activities.  Tourists continually seek out this area. (2)

澄清湖位於高雄市鳥松區的大華里 , (古時候稱為山仔腳) , 因為附近有一座大貝山 , 所以原本稱為 "大貝湖" .  據說大貝山本身就是一座龍脊 , 大貝湖的水就是龍泉水 , 龍頭擺在現今的文山國中旁 , 龍尾跨在現在的高爾夫球場 . Chengqing Lake is in Kaohsiung City, Niaosong District, Dahua Village.  Its ancient name was "Shandzejiao."  There is a mountain nearby called Dabei Mountain, and so the original name was later changed to Dabei Lake.  It is said that Dabei Mountain is the spine of a dragon, and that Dabei Lake is a dragon spring.  The head of the dragon rests next to present-day Wenshan Junior High School, and the dragon's tail extends to the site of the golf course. (3)

以前山仔腳附近是一片平坦的平原 , 適合種植農作物 , 可是除了雨水 , 找不到任呵水源 , 一旦遇到乾旱季節 , 村民只能望天興嘆 , 一籌莫展 . Shandzejiao was once a flat pasture land, good for farming.  But aside from rainwater no other water source could be found in the area.  During the dry season the farmers could only look to the heavens and hope for rain.

於是村長召集村民 , 說 : "我們山仔腳是一塊肥沃的良田 , 可是只能靠天吃飯 , 這樣不是辦法 , 萬一老天半年不下雨 , 我們豈不是要坐吃山空 ?" [One day] the village chief called forth the villagers and said: "Our Shandzejiao is a fertile place, but we depend on the weather for the food we eat.  This is no way to live.  If it didn't rain for half a year or more, wouldn't we go hungry?"

一位村民說 : "村長 , 其實我們並不是沒有水源 , 只要引進大貝湖的水 , 就足夠灌溉農田了 .  可是 , 我們的祖先曾留下遺訓 , 說這裡是龍脈的所在 , 大貝湖正是龍泉水 , 絕對不可以開發 , 引用的 ." A villager said: "Village chief, it's not that we don't have a source of water.  We can use the water from Dabei Lake to irrigate our fields.  It's just that our ancestors commanded us not to use the lake water, because a dragon lives in the mountain and Dabei Lake is a dragon spring."

村長想了想 , 說 : "祖先雖然有這樣的遺訓 , 但是我們不能坐以待斃 , 現在唯一的辦法就是引大貝湖的水流過 "龍喉" 來灌溉 ." The village chief thought about this for a long time, saying: "Even though our ancestors commanded us thusly, we can't just sit here and do nothing.  Our only choice is to [dig a channel] from Dabei Lake to "Dragon's Maw" so that we can water our crops."

既然村長這麼說 , 村民就拿著鋤頭 , 鐵鍬 , 畚箕 , 一起來挖掘灌溉水道 .  可是挖到 "龍喉" 這個地方時 , 怪事發生了 , 村民今天挖好的溝渠 , 第二天卻被填平了 ; 村民再挖 , 隔天又被填滿 .  如此日復一日 , 村民心中既優愁又害怕 . After the village chief spoke, the villagers all took hoes, shovels, and dustpans to dig a new irrigation ditch.  But once they dug to the area around "Dragon's Maw" a strange thing happened.  The villagers would complete the channel one day, but on the next day they'd find it filled in.  They'd dig it again, and the day after it would be filled up a second time.  It continued on this way for many days, and [as a result] the villagers felt very anxious and afraid.

在無計可施下 , 村民決定聘僱一位老乞丐負責看守這個 "龍喉" 地帶 , 查清楚事情的真相 .  With no other options on the table, the villagers decided to hire an old beggar to watch the "Dragon's Maw" and learn what was happening.

當天晚上 , 老乞丐看到許多大龍 , 小龍聚在一起 , 小龍們傷心又痛苦的哭著說 : "他們天天在我身上挖來挖去 , 總有一天我會被挖掉 ." On the evening of the same day, the old beggar saw a big dragon and a little dragon together.  The little dragon mournfully said: "They dig into my body every day.  One day I will be all dug up!"

這時候 , 一條大龍安慰小龍們 : "不用怕 , 他們雖然有數百人在挖掘 , 但是我們有千萬隻在填補 , 到最後 , 他們一定會放棄的 .  我最擔心的是他們用銀針和黑狗的血來潑灑我們 ... ..." The big dragon consoled the little dragon, saying: "Don't be afraid, even though they dig in their hundreds, there are millions of us to fill the holes.  In the end they will certainly give up.  What I'm really worried about is them using silver needles to sprinkle black dog's blood over us..."

第二天 , 老乞丐把從大龍和小龍那兒偷聽來的話轉告村民 .  村民們喜出望外 , 拿來銀針和黑狗血 , 潑灑在 "龍喉" 上 .  剎那間 , 天崩地裂 , "龍喉" 地帶立刻裂開一條深溝 , 大貝湖的水源源不絕的從深溝流出來 , 灌溉著附近的農田 . On the next day the old beggar told the villagers what he'd overheard the dragons talking about.  The villagers were overjoyed at the news, and they produced silver needles dipped in black dog's blood, which they sprinkled over the "Dragon's Maw."  The heavens and earth shook, and a deep ditch opened from the "Dragon's Maw."  The waters of Dabei Lake then poured forth unceasingly.  Thus the farmers had water to irrigate their fields.

這個 "龍喉" 就是現在文山國中前面那條大溝渠 .  一直到今天 , 這條溝渠仍然灌溉著大華里附近所有的農田 . This "Dragon's Maw" is the big canal in front of Wenshan Junior High School.  The canal supplies water for irrigation to the area around Dahua Village (District) to this day. (4)

Taiwan's Geography

Chengqing Lake's Jiouqu Bridge

澄清湖位於高雄市鳥松區 , 舊名大貝湖 , 大埤湖 , 原本是高雄地區工業用水的水源地 , 民國43年開始整建 , 民國48年開放為風景區 , 至民國52年 , 先總統蔣介石建湖水清澈 , 改名為 "澄清湖" 後 , 沿用至今 .  澄清湖風景區佔地375公頃 , 湖面寬達103公頃 , 分為風景區 , 水源地 , 遊憩區三部分 ; 除水源區不開放外 , 其餘地區均可入內參觀 . Chengqing Lake is in Niaosong District, Kaohsiung City.  Its old names were Dabei Lake and Dapi Lake.  It was originally used as a source of water for an industrial area.  It was renovated (restored) in the 43rd year of the Republic of China, and in the 48th year of the Republic of China it was reopened as a scenic area.  In the 52nd year of the Republic of China the first President, Chiang Kai-shek, noticed how clear the lake water was, and renamed it Chengqing Lake.  It has retained this name until the present day.  The Chengqing Lake Scenic Area covers 375 hectares, and the lake surface takes up 103 hectares.  It's divided into three parts: a scenic area, a spring and a recreational area.  The spring is not open to the public, but the other two parts are open to all. (5)

澄清湖景點甚多 , 三橋 (九曲橋 , 鵲橋 , 吊橋) , 柳岸觀蓮 , 富國島 , 中興島 , 中興塔 , 千樹林 , 忠靈塔 , 三亭攬勝及得月樓等都是著名景觀 . Chengqing Lake has many scenic spots.  There are the three bridges (Jiouqu Bridge, Magpie Bridge and the suspension bridge), the view across the lotus pond, Fuguo Island, Jongxing Island, Jongxing Pagoda, Thousand Tree Forest, Jongling Pagoda, the Three Pavilions and Deyue Tower.  These are all famous spots.

三橋之一的九曲橋是台灣最長的九曲橋 .  這座橋是仿上海城隍廟的九曲橋建造的 , 民國49年 (公元1960年) 完成 , 橋長230公尺 , 寬2.5公尺 , 整座橋由七根枝柱支撐 , 灰色橋墩呈現質樸簡潔 , 橋面迴折九彎 , 因此稱作九曲橋 . Jiouqu Bridge is the longest "nine turn" bridge in Taiwan.  This bridge is a copy of the Jiouqu Bridge in Shanghai's City God Temple.  It was completed in the 49th year of the Republic of China (1960 on the Western calendar).  It's 230 meters long and 2.5 meters wide.  The entire bridge rests on seven pillars.  The gray surface of this bridge exhibits a simplicity of design.  Because it turns nine times it is called "Jiouqu Bridge." (5)

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. But what about the other "West Lake," in Miaoli County?  The one near the West Lake Resortopia 西湖渡假村 in Miaoli?  All I can say is that this other "West Lake" is labeled as Dexing Pond 德興池 on Google Maps, and in terms of regional history most people would think of the real "West Lake" as being in Hangzhou, China.

2. "Greater Kaohsiung."  I'm not exactly sure what this means.  Downtown?  Everything west of the freeway?  It certainly doesn't include the mountain districts, where there are much larger green spaces.

3. 山仔腳 or "Shandzejiao" means something like "at the foot of the mountain."

4. Sometimes 里 is best translated as "village," sometimes as "district."  The administrative districts of Taiwan, whether city or county, don't really work the same way as they do in my country.  Suffice to say, every district, municipality and township is divided into 里 .

5. 澄清 means "to clarify."  It also means, funnily enough, "to defecate."  One wonders if President Chiang was making a joke.  I translated 水源 as "spring" to match the story, but I'm not sure if the lake is really fed by a spring.  水源 just means "water source."

6. 九 means "nine" and 曲 means "turn" or "bend."

