2022年10月11日 星期二

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (North 北) 2

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1a. The Xinying Elderly Welfare Activity Center and the Xingye Village Activity Center have been opened.  Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-zhe was on hand for the opening. 新營區老人文康活動中心及興業里活動中心落成啟用 ....

1b. The Zhenwu Temple in Xinying was recently renovated, and many temple activities were held to mark the occasion. 台南新營真武殿慶廟體重修落成  連3天新營全區祈安繞境 (1)

2a. The Tainan City Government disbursed a 65.7 million NT subsidy to the Yanshui District Office to improve roads as part of an infrastructure development project.  The Tainan City Mayor was on hand for this as well, and he also visited a local temple to pray for the success of the project. 鹽水區獲前瞻計畫核定補助6570萬元....

2b. The Yanshui District Office is promoting local tours of the area.  Yanshui has its share of history, and if you're the kind of person who finds old temples, homes and other buildings interesting you might give it a look.  鹽水區公所社造計畫推出小旅行體驗  厚植導覽能量力推觀光

3a. The Liouying District Office joined with local police departments, fire departments and public schools to conduct an earthquake safety drill.  As those living here undoubtedly know, such drills have been conducted nationwide following the recent earthquake in north Taitung and south Hualien counties. 柳營區公所結合警消學校辦理地震自衛消防編組演練  強化地震自救能力 (3)

3b. The Taikang Organic Farm is hosting a "nighttime walk through the garden and feast" for the benefit of older residents and their family members who want to get in touch with nature. 柳營太康有機農場辦樂夜漫步田園饗宴  邀長者與親子親近土地體驗慢生活

4a. A farm adjacent to Houbi Old Street has been turned into a mosaic for the purpose of attracting tourists. 雙十連假新景點 !  台南後壁有 "貓貓蟲咖波" 彩繪田  順菁寮老街

4b. Work on storm drains has been completed, and the Tainan City Mayor recently visited to inspect the results.  This area is very flat and flooding has been a problem. 後壁菁寮排水工程  平安通過強降雨考驗

5a. Police in Baihe are cracking down on speeding.  People driving through the area too fast have caused several deaths. 提升見警率  台南白河區重大死亡交通事故幅減少5成

5b. An association in Baihe held a cultural exchange activity.  It was hoped that the activity, which featured events such as an exotic clothing show and the sharing of ethnic foods, would help immigrants from countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia feel more at home.  With recent COVID-19 restrictions these immigrants have been unable to return to their home countries to visit friends and family there. 白河公所心蓮新新住民親子同樂會

6a. The Dongshan District Office recently held an activity in which students baked food to be delivered to elderly people living alone. 關懷獨居老人  東山區公所啟動重陽關懷食農送暖計畫

6b. October 1 was International Coffee Day.  An activity to mark the occasion and also to discuss how to develop the local market for coffee beans was held on the same date. 10/1國際咖啡日  台南東山產地認證交流 

7a. A shopping festival/open air market was held in Jiali last month as a way of stimulating the local economy.  Participants had the chance to win a scooter. 拚經濟 !  台南佳里購物節周六登場  最大獎機車帶回家

7b. In honor of Chongyang Festival, the Jiali District Office recently visited the homes of residents over 100 years old and awarded them gifts and money. 歡慶重陽節  佳里區公所結合議員慰訪百歲人瑞

8a. The Shuejia District Office has created several "player's villages" which will accommodate visiting participants in a local volleyball competition. 華宗盃開打  學甲公所設13處選手村 (4)

8b. The Shuejia Milkfish Festival was held in the area.  Shuejia and other parts of Tainan have a long history of fish farming. 學甲虱目魚節  市集又吃又有拿 (5)

9a. The Milkfish Culture Festival will also be held in Beimen, which makes sense because Shuejia and Beimen districts are right next to each other.  The Beimen activity is a little bit "fancier" in that you have to sign up for it first. 好康報你知 !  台南北門虱目魚文化季贈品豐富  開放預約

9b. Police officers recently visited Beimen Junior High School to educate the students on the dangers of drug use. 南警犯罪預防宣導團前進北門區北門國中及歸仁區沙崙國中擔任該校毒品防制講座

10a. A 60 year old man was crushed by a bulldozer.  He was found at the scene by a friend, and no witnesses have been found.  It's likely that the bulldozer was parked on shifting gravel that gave way while the man was outside the vehicle. 台南離奇命案  6旬男疑遭推土機壓住下半身無法脫困死亡

11a.The Qigu District Office also helped several 100+ year old residents celebrate their birthdays. 七股公所祝賀8位百歲人瑞

11b. A private solar panel company has applied to place solar panels over a large body of water in Qigu, but local fish farmers and environmental activists are protesting the proposed development.  The fish farmers use the lake/canal for agricultural purposes, and environmental activists are unhappy with the underhanded way in which these solar panel developments are approved by local governments.  The Tainan City Government will come to a decision on the application within a week. 七股大潮溝種電藍綠怒轟  是否撤案市府一周內決定

12a. Many lined up at Xigang's Central Park to take part in a local market.  Locally produced goods were sold and coupons for use at the market were given away. 台南西港悠活去  中央公園熱鬧登場

12b. An elderly man fell off his bicycle and was assisted home by police officers. 暖警伸援不知所措老翁  民眾按讚

13a. Many pomelo farmers in Madou are having difficulty finding a market for their crops after a Mainland Chinese ban on the import of such fruit from Taiwan.  The Madou District Farmer's Association recently bought back some of the pomelos grown in the area. 選戰最前線 / 台南文旦滯銷  選情像進冷凍庫 (6)

13b. Beishrli in Madou flooded recently.  The Tainan City Government has invested in an improved drainage project to address the situation. 麻豆北勢里易淹水  斥資830萬拓寬水路

14a. The Guantian Water Chestnut Festival will be held next weekend.  Everyone is invited to come and sample this year's water chestnut crop. 官田菱角進入盛產期  2022年官田菱角節即將登場

14b. Survey work in Guantian and other areas has been ongoing.  This survey work will redefine property boundaries and change the designation of some properties, and is a source of anxiety for many.  The Tainan City Mayor urged those responsible to complete the survey quickly, and residents were encouraged to apply for new land titles as they become available. 官田區地籍圖重測結果開始公告  鼓勵所有權人多利用假日下鄉換狀服務

15a. Students from Lioujia Elementary School took part in a temple festival honoring Nezha. 台南六甲太子爺文化季圓滿舉辦

15b. This article introduces tourist spots in Lioujia in words and pictures.  Their train station is very old. 一日遊深入台南六甲 !  百年車站 , 落羽松秘境 , 體驗在地故事與埤塘之美

16a. The Danei "Snowflake" Music Festival was held on October first.  The "snowflakes" in question are in fact plants along a local river. 大內雪花祭音樂會  10月1日登場

16b. You might have noticed a lot of people wearing colorful vests and handing out leaflets in your area.  Local elections are coming, and the competition for City Representative (lawmaker) in places like Danei is intense. 南市第三選區 "6搶3" 面臨老將回鍋  現在壓力大

17a. The Xiaying District Office recently hired two "long-term care workers" to assist with elderly care in Xiaying.  About a fifth of the district is over 65, and an aging population is a big challenge for the local government. 下營區公所長照替代役報到  發揮專長守護社區長者延緩失

17b. The Xiaying District Office, in association with the Lohas Foundation and a local temple, has established a food bank and other services for the use of needy residents. 下營區公所公私協力促成愛心惜食平台  樂活基金會及上帝廟響應捐冰箱及貨卡

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. I feel kind of sorry for the horses they were leading through the temple procession.  I doubt they enjoyed the firecrackers.

3. 近年地震災害不斷 or "in recent years disastrous earthquakes have been unceasing."  Honestly, who writes this stuff?  I get that it's Yahoo News, but that statement just isn't accurate.  Yes, we have earthquakes, but it's not like we're living in a disaster movie.

4. When I think about it, I should probably be spelling 學甲 as "Xuejia" for the sake of consistency, but I've been spelling it "Shuejia" for so long it feels weird to do otherwise.

5. This long history is sometimes to their detriment.  The use of fish ponds lowers the level of the surrounding land, leaving it very vulnerable to flooding.  Drive up the Western Coastal Expressway (#61) after a typhoon and you'll see what I mean.

6. Is this a sound economic policy?  Does it really pay off in the long term?  Does it force farmers to rethink what kind of crops they grow, and the potential markets for these crops?  I would have to know how often and under what circumstances this policy is implemented.  Seems like they do it a lot.

