2022年10月1日 星期六

Guanmiao District, Tainan City 台南市關廟區遊記

Guanmiao is west of Longqi District, just over the city line from Kaohsiung.  Even though both Guanmiao and Longqi are in Tainan City, Guanmiao feels much more urban than adjacent Longqi. 關廟位於龍崎區的西部 ,也位在與高雄市的邊界 。  雖然關廟龍崎都屬於台南市 ,可是關廟比較熱鬧。

Long ago, what is now Guanmiao was home to a branch of the Siraya Tribe.  They were displaced by later Han Chinese settlers.  The name "Guanmiao" comes, as you might expect, from a local Guanyu temple. 很久以前關廟西拉雅族生活的地方,後來因為漢人的移入,他們被迫遷到山區 。 關廟這個名稱是從當地的關帝廟來的 。

According to the last census, 33,553 people live in Guanmiao. 關廟上次的人口統計的人口數是33,553人 。

This pineapple field is near the end of the 86 Expressway, which links Guanmiao and downtown Tainan.  It's also not far from the Formosa Freeway, which passes through the district. 這個鳳梨田位在86快速公路的終點附近。這條快速公路連接台南市區與關廟,  福爾摩沙高速公路也從附近經過。

This is central Guanmiao.  I don't remember any buildings taller than four stories.  It's busy, but it's still rural. 關廟市區 。  我不記得當地有建築物超過四層樓的 ,  那裏很熱鬧,但同時也保留著鄉下的感覺 。

Local ducks, hanging out locally. 當地的鴨子,在路邊休息 。

Breakfast at this local restaurant.  It would be on the oily side for most people, but I enjoyed it.  Tofu, sticky rice with shredded pork, pork stew and glutinous rice porridge. 當地的早餐: 油豆腐、米糕、鴨肉湯和碗粿 ,大部分的人大概會覺得很油膩,但我很喜歡。

The Guanmiao Forest Park is near the center of the district.  It's not big and it's not especially scenic. 關廟森林公園關廟區的中部 ,這個公園風景還好 ,也沒很大 。

I got bit by a lot of mosquitoes while I was here.  It's not a popular park. 我在這裡的時候被蚊子叮的很慘 , 公園裡的人不多 。

Datanpi is east of central Guanmiao.  It's the most scenic area in the district.  There's a Buddhist monastery very close by with a giant stone Buddha statue looking down at the lake.  According to a local sign the Japanese buried their dead here long ago, and the area carries some unpleasant associations with regard to local history. 大潭埤關廟市區的東部 ,也是關廟風景最好的地點 。  它的旁邊有一座佛寺,佛寺的大佛像靠著湖靜靜的看著湖面。  公園裡石碑介紹這個地方以前是日本人的公墓,有了寺廟之後,這個地區才適合居住,也發展了起來。

There are many lakes (or ponds) like this in Guanmiao.  They seem to be used more as cemeteries than as recreation sites. 關廟有許多這樣的湖(或水池) , 可是大部分都不是成為風景區,而是公墓。

Local history aside, walking around Datanpi was nice. 除了當地歷史之外 , 在大潭埤散步不錯 。

They grow a lot of pineapples in the area.  This statue is in the same park. 附近的鳳梨田很多 ,  這個大鳳梨在同一個地點 。

A map of local cycling routes.  On the far left is Tainan's South District, and as you go east toward the mountains you pass through Rende, Gueiren, Guanmiao and Longqi districts. 當地的單車道圖 ,  最左邊是台南市南區 , 往西部的山區會經過仁德 、 歸仁關廟龍崎區

The Formosa Freeway from an overpass closer to the north end of the district.  We were trying to get to some kind of pasture, but the road got so narrow that we had to give up.  Guanmiao, by the way, has its own rest area which is accessible from the Forest Park. 福爾摩沙高速公路上有一座天橋靠近這一區的北邊,  我們要開車前往的那一座草原因為路況太差 ,最終沒有去成。  關廟有自己的服務區 ,從森林公園有條路通到服務區。

A building in which to store loved ones' ashes.*  There was another lake in front of this place, but it wasn't particularly scenic.  Looked like a good fishing spot though. 骨灰塔 。 這棟大樓對面也有個湖 , 可是風景沒那麼好 ,  很多人在湖邊釣魚 。

At the north end of the district, very close to Xinhua.  Pineapples, factories and houses --  Guanmiao has a lot of all three. 關廟區的北部 ,靠近新化區 。 關廟有大量的
鳳梨 、 工廠跟房子!

Related Entries 相關的文章:

*Vocabulary Time: such a building is a "columbarium."

