2022年10月28日 星期五

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (East 東) 2

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all east of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more rural that districts west of the Formosa Freeway, have a much lower population density, and are generally more scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以東 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以西的行政區比較起來: 較鄉下 、人口密度較低 、風景比較好。.

1a. Tianliao's first adult care center was opened recently.  Over 30% of the district is elderly. 田寮區首間日照中心開幕  陳其邁上任後積極佈建長照資源 (1)

1b. This sparsely written article (with many pictures) introduces a trail through Tianliao's Moon World.  This area is definitely worth a visit. 適合各種年齡層 !  高雄田寮 "月世界地景步道" 登月池最高點俯瞰惡地地質地形 (2)

1c. The Tianliao Farmer's Association won an award for the bottle design of their "Tenacity" Longan ("dragon eyes") honey. 高雄 "田那堤" 蜂蜜瓶身再設計  詮釋田寮新美學

2b. The Qishan District Office hosted a lunch for elderly residents as part of a community development initiative.  The lunchboxes offered were environmentally friendly. 旗山社區大聯盟  銀光閃閃美食鑒賞會

2c. A 70 year old man set out to visit a waterfall in the area, and became lost and disoriented soon after.  Qishan police officers and firefighters rescued him after he called 911. 7旬老翁賞瀑布迷途  旗山警消馳援救下山

3a. City Councilman Lin Yi-di has been promoting the Neimen Tourist Recreation Park, a project which broke ground in August.  This leisure area will feature a botanical garden for native plants and a zoo.  The councilman is pushing for more funds to add sports facilities and a camping area. 林義迪爭取推動內門觀光休閒園區誠新亮點 (3)

3b. Packs of wild dogs roving between Neimen and Qishan districts aren't only a problem for people, they're also a problem for local wildlife.  There is evidence that pangolins and other animals in the area have been attacked and partially eaten by the wild dogs. 高雄內門 , 旗山野狗為患  恐危及人車安全

3c. The Kaohsiung City Mayor visited Neimen on a campaign stop, citing a need to keep him in charge of local government so that he can continue to oversee development of a zoo project in that area. 內門挺邁後援會成立  陳其邁喊內門要開超過七成選票 (4)

4a. Cherry tomatoes are an important crop in Meinong, and a lot of this crop has been damaged by fluctuations in local weather patterns and related problems.  Farmers are struggling to meet the demand for their crop, and many are seeking disaster assistance from the local government. 美濃小番茄瘋欉  受損面積逾4成

4b. Many farmers in Meinong oppose the installation of solar panels on agricultural land, especially in connection with fish ponds.  They argue that the solar panel industry is badly regulated and that oversight by the government in inadequate. 漁電共生看上美濃優良農地 , 法規出漏洞 ?  在地農民團體批浮濫開發 , 農委會表態反對 (5)

4c. The Meinong "Little Flagship" Community Association convened an exhibition in which they demonstrated how they're helping Meinong residents.  This exhibition focused on disaster prevention and community safety. "牽手無患 , 守護家園"  美濃小旗鑑社區聯合成果展 (6)

5a. A "multi-functional meeting center" is under construction in Shanlin.  It will accommodate sports activities and cultural gatherings.  It should be open next year. 高市杉林區闢多功能文化聚會所  堤共原民集會空間

6a. A market promoting local, environmentally friendly products was held over two days in Liouguei.  This market is part of a project to develop the area in the interests of those living there. 六龜好集市開張囉  來逛山村市集

6b. This article introduces an old trade route/trail used during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan.  There's a lot of history there. 百年追尋  六龜枋寮秘境古道

6c. Kaohsiung's Department of Agriculture has sponsored a "rural escape room" in Kaohsiung Main Station.  This room will introduce aspects of rural life to city dwellers, and it is hoped that the room will help promote tourism in Liouguei. 六龜青年開發城市密室逃脫  鬧區推廣農村旅遊

7a. Residents of Maolin reported a person for electrocuting fish in a local river, only to find out later that this person was working for the National Taiwan Aquarium.  He was conducting a study of the local ecosystem. 茂林國家風景區傳有人電魚  原來是海生館人員進行生態調查

7b. Renovation of the "Lover's Valley" Hot Spring was recently completed and it's now open to the public. 高雄茂林區情人谷溫泉整建完工  10/21開放試體驗

8a. No recent news out of Jiaxian.

9a. Another local market was held in Taoyuan.  Since the renovation of the Southern Cross-Island Highway this area has been seeing a lot more visitors. 南橫公路帶來人潮  "山那邊的市集" 首次桃源區登場 (7)

9b. A 3.6 magnitude earthquake, centered in Taoyuan, caused brief alarm in that area. 高雄桃源區地震 芮氏規模3.6

9b. World Vision Taiwan recently launched a basketball program for youth in Taoyuan.  The goal of the program is helping them realize their "basketball dreams." 世界展望會首度高雄桃源啟動 "藍海計畫" 陪伴兒少追球夢想 (8)

10a. A "men's meeting place" was inaugurated during a recent harvest festival in Namaxia. 那瑪夏米貢祭 "揭" 開男子聚會所  灑喜糖分享祝福

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. Where do the young people go?  They go to the cities to work, where they often start families of their own.  Declining birthrates are also a problem.

2. Moon World isn't the only part of Taiwan where you'll see this type of terrain, but Moon World has a lot of it and it's easily accessible.  For those unfamiliar with the area, you'll pass through it on the Formosa Freeway.  It's the barren place north of the big bridge which takes you into Pingtung.

3. There's discussion in the article of the Kaohsiung City Government extending the MRT line from Gangshan to somewhere near Neimen, but this discussion is highly speculative.

4. The zoo he's talking about is the Tourist Recreation Area mentioned in an article above.

5. I agree with them.

6. These "little flagships" seem to be part of a city-wide effort to assist residents of each district.  Seems to be a new management strategy.

7. The Bureau of Transportation has been working hard to keep this road, which stretches between Kaohsiung and Taitung, open for tourists.  This road is often washed out or otherwise damaged during storms.

8. Religious debates aside, programs like World Vision Taiwan are extremely influential in rural/isolated areas like Taoyuan.  Most of the aboriginal residents of such areas are Christian.

