2023年6月6日 星期二

Neipu Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣內埔鄉

Neipu Township is east of Changzhih and Linluo, north of Zhutian and Wanluan, and west of Majia. 內埔鄉位於長治麟洛東部 , 竹田萬巒的北部 , 也是瑪家的西部 。

Neipu's earliest inhabitants were members of the Paiwan Tribe.  Hakka settlers later moved in and began farming the area more intensively.  Over time these settlers pushed the Paiwan tribespeople east, toward Majia.  During its "Lioudui period" Neipu was known as the "Back Dui." 內埔最早的居民是排灣族 ,  隨著客家農民漸漸移入定居 , 慢慢地把排灣族居民推往瑪家遷徙 。  六堆時代內埔屬於 "後堆" 。

According the the last census, 52,258 people live in Neipu. 上次的人口統計顯示內埔的人口是52258人 。

This field is at the southern end of the township, not far from Wanluan.  Many farmers in the area grow pineapples. 這塊農地在內埔的南部 , 離萬巒很近 。  這附近很多農夫種鳳梨 。

This terrifying elephant is to be found at the "Thailand Stilt House Restaurant."  It's like a little Thailand in a corner of Neipu.  I found the place by accident. 這隻恐怖的大象是在南洋風高腳屋找到的 ,  這個景點像內埔的小泰國 。 這是我無意間找到的 。

The food we had there was good but not cheap.  The service was also very slow. 那裏的料理好吃 , 可是不便宜 , 服務也很慢 。

Be warned that it only looks like Thailand if you keep your eyes low.  If you look up you'll find the view interrupted by houses outside the property. 像泰國的部分只限在圍牆內,如果你的視線超過牆壁的高度看到牆外的房子的話, 就沒有在泰國的感覺 了。

North of there is the Fengtian Old Street.  There's not much to this street, and it compares unfavorably to many other old streets scattered between Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan.  I found a cute corner store in an old building, but that was it. 餐廳北部有豐田老街 。  其實這個老街沒有什麼東西,  屏東高雄台南都有比較有趣的老街 。  我在這裡發現一棟可愛的雜貨店 ,除此之外, 沒有其他的東西。

The Lioudui Hakka Culture Park is undoubtedly the most famous thing in Neipu.  I'd been here a few times already, but it's nice to stop by now and then.  There's a new museum inside which has many interesting exhibits. 內埔最有名的景點就是六堆客家文化園區 。  我來過幾次 ,在那邊停留一下不錯 , 裡面的新展覽館很有趣。

Near the museum you'll find this lake.  There are channels running from the lake in which kids can play with water.  If your kids are smaller they'll love it. 展覽館附近有水池 ,  小朋友會喜歡在水池旁的水溝玩水 。

Southeast of there is the Cacao Farm Formosa.  It's not really worth visiting.  They sell ice cream and chocolate, and most of their business consists of tour groups shipped in from other places. 西南部有福爾摩沙可可農場 。 這個地方大部分的客人是跟旅行團坐遊覽車來的人 ,  他們賣冰淇淋跟巧克力 。  

The big plant is a cacao plant.  The cacao plants in this place seemed to be afflicted with some kind of blight. 大型的植物是可可 。

The north of end of the township looks like this.  Sandimen is just down that road and across a river. 內埔的北部差不多是這樣子 。 直走過溪到三地門 。

A little south of there we found this place, selling yogurt, coffee and other things.  It seems to be popular with students from the Pingtung University of Technology nearby. 我們往南邊一點找到這家賣優格 、咖啡和烘焙課程的店 。  屏東科技大學的學生喜歡來這裡。

Downtown Neipu is busy but relatively uneventful.  Perhaps people here like it that way.  The oldest thing in town seems to be this Matsu temple.  It's connected to an old family shrine. 內埔的市區蠻熱鬧的。   那裏最老舊的建築物大概是這座天后宮 ,  隔壁也有昌黎祠 。

The market for real estate in this area has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years.  This area is close to Pingtung City and speculation is rampant. 這幾年內埔的房地產有顯著的成長 。  這地區很靠近屏東市 , 所以房價漲幅大。

When was the last time YOU went bowling?  There's an old bowling alley in Neipu.  Visiting this place felt like traveling backward two decades. 您上次玩保齡球是什麼時候 ?  來這裡玩的感覺很像回到20年前。

It's a lot quieter near the Mountainside Highway, not far from Majia.   靠近沿山公路 且離瑪家不遠的部分安靜多了。

That ridge in the background divides the Mountainside Highway from the rest of the township. 照片中的山把沿山公路內埔其他的地區隔開了。

The scenery around here is nice.  When I lived in Fangliao I rode my bike through here often. 這附近的風景不錯,  我住枋寮的時候常常騎單車經過。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE 1: I'm almost finished with Pingtung County!  I'll be visiting Jiouru, Ligang and Yanpu next semester, and Kaoshu, Sandimen and Wutai the following semester.  After that point I might start in on the southern parts of Kaohsiung, or maybe revisit Taitung.

NOTE 2: There are two places not mentioned in this entry, though they were discussed in this blog a while back.  The first place is the Longchuan Brewery, the second is a rice wine distillery not far from this brewery.

NOTE 3: Why does this guy say everything twice?  If you are thinking this very thing it's because you have Google Translate set to translate this website.  This entry is in Chinese and English.

