2024年4月14日 星期日

Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市前鎮區

Qianzhen ("Qianjhen" according to KMRT spelling) is south of Lingya District. 前鎮位於苓雅區的南部 。

And while we're "talking" about Qianzhen, does anyone else have fond memories of the Blue Lagoon water park?  I really, really miss that place... 在說到前鎮的時候,  有沒有讀者想到之前的布魯樂谷水上樂園 ?  我很想念那個景點 ......

According to the last census, 179,473 people live in Qianzhen. 上次的人口統計顯示前鎮的人口是179,473人 。

The most famous place in Qianzhen has got to be Dream Mall.  People from as far away as Taitung, Pingtung and Tainan drive to Qianzhen just to visit Dream Mall.  Like Ikea and Costco, which also have outlets in the area, it draws in shoppers from many areas. 前鎮最有名的地方是夢時代 。  台東屏東 和台南的人來前鎮的目標就是去夢時代 。  那裡的宜家家具好市多也吸引了很多遠地來的購物者 。

Dream Mall is, by the way, 17 years old now.  It's still the largest shopping mall in Taiwan, and still an incredibly profitable operation. 夢時代已經17歲了 。 它仍是臺灣最大的購物中心 ,仍是創造大量利潤的商場。

It's a very interesting piece of architecture.  Of all the buildings in Kaohsiung, Dream Mall might be the most interesting.  It's also not a bad place to spend a day.  A lunch, a movie and some shopping in Dream Mall -- entire days of my life have disappeared in this manner. 我覺得以高雄的建築物來說 , 夢時代是個很特別也最有趣的建築 。  你可以輕易地在這裡消磨一天:  在裡面吃午餐、 看場電影和逛商場買買東西 。 好些天我的生活就這樣過了 !

This said, you might want to avoid Dream Mall on big holiday weekends.  These pictures were taken during the Chinese New Year holiday and it was CRAZY then. 大節日和連假的時候最好不要去夢時代 。  這些照片是春節期間拍的 ,那個時候夢時代真是人山人海 。

Another attraction in Qianzhen is the Light Rail, which runs in a loop through many downtown areas.  About a third of the Light Rail is in Qianzhen. 前鎮也有輕軌 。  差不多1/3的輕軌鐵路在前鎮 。

Qianzhen is also where the Light Rail depot is.  You can visit the LR Depot stop to see where all the trams spend the night. 輕軌的機場也在前鎮 。  輕軌的列車都在這裡過夜 。

I often wonder how much the Kaohsiung City Government spends to maintain the grass that grows in and around the tracks.  Can't be cheap! 高雄市政府花多少錢養輕軌鐵道上的草 ?  大概不少 !

Near the bottom of the Light Rail loop you'll pass by the Star of Qianzhen stop.  If you want to go any further south you'll need to transfer to the nearby MRT. 輕軌最南邊會停靠前鎮之星站 , 如果你要繼續往南,要在附近換捷運 。

The Star of Qianzhen Station.  It's just a few stops east of Dream Mall. 前鎮之星站夢時代站很近 。

After Dream Mall (going clockwise), the Light Rail veers over to the Kaohsiung Port.  This is just north of the South Taiwan Electric Power Plant.  經過夢時代之後(順時針走)輕軌會往高雄港 。  這一站靠近南部發電廠的北邊 。

There's a community around here, a little north of Dream Mall, that reminds me a lot of the more famous Guomao Community in Zuoying.  The buildings here aren't as photogenic as those in "Little Hong Kong," but it was built on the same scale. 夢時代北部的社區。它讓我聯想到左營果貿社區 。  這裡的建築沒有 "小香港" 那麼上鏡 , 可是社區規模一樣大 。

A little further north you'll find these exercises in geometry.  This is across the road from the MLD Shopping Center, which seems to be dying a slow death since the movie theater closed down.  The American Institute of Taiwan (AIT Kaohsiung) is in the building behind the signs.  That's the 85 Sky Tower behind it. 往北一點會來到這些建築 。  台鋁內的影城停止營業之後 ,人潮好像慢慢消失了 。  美國在台協會高雄分處前面的建築物裡,  後面的建築是85大樓 。

Ikea and Carrefour are just down the road from this place.  I generally try to avoid Ikea -- doing so is better for my marriage. 宜家家具家樂福在同一條路上 。  我不喜歡去宜家 , 在那邊我跟我太太容易吵架。

At the northwest corner of Qianzhen is the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall.  It can either be a very active or a very empty place depending on what's going (or not going) on there. 高雄展覽館位於前鎮的西北部 。  舉辦活動的時候展覽館很熱鬧 , 沒有活動的時候很空曠。

A street up from the Exhibition Hall, and not far from the Sanduo Shopping District, is the Kaohsiung City Library.  Yes, yes, libraries are boring, but it's a very popular place and the building is interesting. 展覽館的下一條街 ,是靠近三多商圈高雄市立圖書館 。 圖書館很無聊沒錯 , 可是這棟建築物很熱門 , 它的建築設計也很有趣。

Last of all is the SKM Park, formerly known as Taroko Park, at the southern end of the district.  I'd include more pictures of it but it was closed at the time I visited.  I haven't been in a while, but there are restaurants, shopping and an amusement park inside.  When my daughters were little we used to come here for the bowling alley.  Hopefully it's still there? 最後是前鎮區最南端的草衙大魯閣 。  我雖然想進去拍照 , 可是我到時間太早了 , 商場還沒開始營業 。  我很久沒去了 , 可是我記得裡面的餐廳 、 商店 和遊樂設施。  我女兒們小時候很喜歡來這裡玩保齡球 , 我希望保齡球館還在 。

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