2024年3月5日 星期二

Mituo District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市彌陀區

Mituo District is north of Dzeguan and west of Gangshan.  Like Dzeguan it's a very small, very rural district centered around a fishing port. 彌陀區位於梓官的北部和岡山的西部 。  它跟梓官一樣是偏遠的漁業區。

Mituo's name is interesting.  "Mituo" is actually another name for the Buddha, though many think that "mituo" was derived from an aboriginal word meaning "bamboo." 彌陀的名字很特別 。  "彌陀" 是的一個名字 ,  有人認為 "彌陀" 這個名稱從馬卡道語的 "竹子" 來的 。

According the the last census, 18,253 people live in Mituo. 上次的人口統計顯示彌陀的人口是18,253人 。

"The Aegean (Aiqin) Seashore Seaview Vacation Farm" (yes, quite a mouthful) is at the southern end of the district, not far from Dzeguan.  It has a coffee shop and a campground.  Be warned there's an entrance fee of 100 NT per person. 離梓官很近的愛情海岸海景度假農場彌陀的南端 。  那裡有咖啡廳和露營區 ,每人100元的門票可以抵消費。

This the view up the coast from the campground.  There's a "sandy beach" north of here, but it's not especially scenic. 露營區的海景 。  北邊的沙灘不算是風景景點。

Still further north up the coast, on the other side of the fishing port.  This area reminded me of the Seagull Park in Jiadong Township, Pingtung County. 更往北邊的海岸, 漁港的另外一邊 。  這個部分讓我想到屏東縣佳冬鄉海鷗公園 。

The Mituo Fishing Port is relatively small. 彌陀漁港不大 。

On the other side of the fishing port the Mituo Fishing Association operates a store which sells frozen fish, fish crackers and other processed foods. 在漁港另外一邊有間漁會開的店 , 這家店賣冷凍魚產和魚餅乾類的東西 。

This park is next to the store. 商店旁邊有小公園 。

On the other side of the park there's a walkway enclosing a beach.  This was the first day of the lunar new year, so of course it was too cold to even think about swimming. 公園另外一邊有條海岸光廊 。  那一天天氣很冷,所以沒人戲水 。

I parked our car at Nanliao Nansheng Temple, not far away from the port.  The local temples were very busy. 我在附近的南寮南聖宮停車 ,  那一天是初一 , 所以廟宇比較熱鬧 。

Aside from Mituo Fishing Port the only other attraction in Mituo is the Tardyhill Nature Park, not far from Highway 17.  This stand is near the park entrance. 除了彌陀漁港之外 ,另外一個彌陀有名的景點是靠近台17線漯底山自然公園 。  這個攤子在入口附近。

Like many such hilltop parks in Taiwan, this park used to be a military base.  The scenery near the bottom of the hill doesn't look like much, but some of the views from the top are good. 跟臺灣很多山坡上的公園一樣 , 這裡以前是軍事基地 。  山下的風景不怎麼樣 , 可是在山坡上能看到的風景不錯 。

I didn't venture into any of the tunnels while I was there.  I don't know if any of them are still open or if they've all been blocked up. 我沒有嘗試走進去那裏的隧道。, 我不知道隧道是不是還可以進去或是被封了 。

The view looking west, toward the Mituo Fishing Port.  There's a tiny "badland" or "moon world" below this viewpoint to the left. 往西邊的彌陀漁港看,   這下面有小小的惡地。

It is often the case that the army grabs the best real estate.  The sunsets from here would be nice. 軍事基地通常位在最好的賞景地點, 在這裡看夕陽會很棒 。

I would've walked down to the "moon world" part but yeah, stairs.  I'll probably visit Tianliao in the near future, so I didn't see the need.  Even so, for those new to this kind of place it would be a walk worth taking. 我雖然想走下去看下面的 "月世界" ,可是樓梯太多了, 而且我這個學期還要去田寮 , 所以決定不去了 。  沒有去過惡地的人會很喜歡吧 !

Another look west.  Mituo is a funny little place, and I wouldn't mind visiting again in the future. 再看西邊一次 ,  彌陀是個很可愛的地區 , 我以後找時間再來 !

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: The count thus far: I've done 9 districts out of 38 in Kaohsiung, and 5 districts out of 37 in Tainan.  This semester I'll be doing 3 more districts in Kaohsiung and 2 more in Tainan, bringing me to 12 out of 38 and 7 out of 37, respectively.  

I'm still not sure if I'll bother with north Tainan.  I'll have to see where I'm living next year.  If I'm living in Kaohsiung I could definitely get into that, if I move back to Taitung I might start doing more entries for the east coast.

