2024年2月23日 星期五

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (East 東) 4

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all east of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more rural than districts west of the Formosa Freeway, have a much lower population density, and are generally more scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以東 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以西的行政區比較起來: 較鄉下 、人口密度較低 、風景比較好。

1a. This article introduces Moon World in Tianliao and some other tourist spots in north Kaohsiung.  While you're visiting Moon World you can visit the "chicken monster" in the above photograph. 挑站黃色小鴨 !  高雄田寮月世界 "土雞獸" 上陣  力推北高雄景點 (1)

2a. Residents of Qishan went without power briefly.  The cause and the total number of residents affected have yet to be determined. 高雄旗山深夜停電  八軍團營區陷黑暗5分鐘

2b. A religious activity involving the tossing of wooden blocks was held at Qishan's Tianhou Temple recently, and religious statues were given to several participants. 旗山天后宮迎財神 "黃金財神爺"  聖杯擲杯熱鬧舉行 , 累計已送出151尊 ! (2)

2c. A new parking lot was created near the intersection of Qinan First Road and Yongping Street, not far from Qishan's famous old street. 逛旗山老街停車更便利  旗南一路與永平街口新設49位停車場 (3)

3a. A pig farm in Neimen was illegally discharging waste water into a local river.  They have been threatened with a fine and asked to conform to waste water disposal regulations within a set time period. 又來暗的 !  高雄內門養豬場暗管偷排汙水遭逮  空拍機加追縱劑破案

3b. A "mother's banquet" was held on the second day of Chinese New Year for wives "returning to their families" during the holiday. 高雄內門 "娘家宴"  400多款待遊子 (4)

4a. Many tourists visit Meinong during the Chinese New Year holiday to see the "flower oceans" (large areas set aside for flowers) in that area and nearby Shanlin.  Meinong really pulled out all the stops this year, inviting local artists to create works of rustic art that were installed near the flower beds, and also installing characters from Journey to the West around Meinong Lake. 美濃賞花看豬八戒吃番茄  杉林花海情人節開放自由採

5a. Feeling warm?  The temperature in Shanlin and nearby Neimen was recently above 35 degrees Celsius. 全台晴郎炎熱  高雄內門 , 杉林區飆35度 (5)

5b. As mentioned above, Shanlin had its own "flower ocean," and at one location visitors were allowed to pick the flowers.  Shanlin hosted a market around the same time. 美濃賞花看豬八戒吃番茄  杉林花海情人節開放自由採

5c. The widening of a bridge between Meinong and Shanlin districts was completed ahead of Chinese New Year. 高雄181線月光一橋拓寬完工通車  美濃杉林賞花更便利

6a. A new administrative center will open in Liouguei next year.  It has already been certified green, and incorporates several energy-saving features. 高雄六龜行政中心明年才啟用  先拿到銀級綠建築候選資格

6b. Several students from Xinwei Elementary School in Liouguei recently visited the "big yellow duck" in Kaohsiung Port by boat. 六龜區新威國小學生搭乘遊艇欣賞黃色小鴨  驚呼小鴨好可愛 !

6c. This article discusses plum blossoms and other attractions in Liouguei.  The area is primarily known for its hot springs, but Liouguei's natural scenery is also worth investigating. 不老溫泉秘境 !  六龜寶來溫泉區探索青春之泉  冬賞梅 , 夏泛舟

7a. The Lover's Valley Hot Spring welcomed visitors during the Chinese New Year holiday with a traditional market, DIY activities and other Rukai-centric events. 出水福龍  美的 "茂" 泡  茂林情谷溫泉原味市集  走春好去處 (6)

8a. No recent news out of Jiaxian.

9a. The Taoyuan District Games, a local athletic competition, was recently held in Baoshan Village. 高雄桃源區運盛大開幕  全原運前哨站  桃源精英選手選拔出爐

9b. This article (with photos) invites readers to view the cherry blossoms in Taoyuan and to visit other sites in east Kaohsiung. 春遊東高雄  山城花語蝶飛揚  溫泉美食幸福遊

10a. Two pillars have been installed at one of the entrances to Namaxia District.  These pillars and an accompanying signboard introduce aspects of the local culture and points of interest to tourists.  The article also discusses the firefly season, which begins on March 22. 那瑪夏打造部落意象產業門  賞螢季3/22開跑

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. I'll be visiting Tianliao for photographic purposes this semester.  Props to whoever wrote that article for getting into the Air Force Education Center.  That place isn't easy to get to and to get into.

2. I feel like there's a better way to describe this activity, but at the moment it escapes me.  It's a common sight at many temples.  When a devotee faces a tough decision, they'll throw two crescent-shaped blocks of wood to the floor in front of shrine.  They'll then interpret the god's opinion on the matter from how these blocks come to rest on the floor.

3. I'm not a big fan of that old street, but the park behind it is impressive.  There's a Shinto shrine on top of the hill/mountain dating back to the Japanese Colonial Administration, and there are also other points of historical significance in or near the park.

4. In traditional Chinese thinking a wife marries out of her birth family and joins her husband's family.  On the second day of Chinese New Year wives often return "home" to visit their birth parents and extended relatives.

5. It's not that hot down here in Hengchun, but definitely getting warmer.  The winds have died down and it's almost warm enough to swim.

6. There are Rukai people in Maolin?  I had no idea, I thought they were all in or near Wutai in Pingtung.  I suppose that it makes a certain geographic sense.

