2024年4月21日 星期日

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (West 西) 5

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all west of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more urban that districts east of the Formosa Freeway, have a much higher population density, and are generally less scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以西 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以東的行政區比較起來: 較熱鬧 、人口密度較高 、風景比較差。

1. Alian District 阿蓮區

1a. No recent news out of Alian.

2. Yanchao District 燕巢區

2a. A blood drive was held in front of the Yanchao District Office.  This event was sponsored by a local Buddhist association. 血庫告急 !  社團法人高雄市法亨寺佛學會攜手燕巢居民挽袖捐熱血

3. Hunei District 湖內區

3a. Several men broke into a "board game shop" (more like a local casino) and caused a lot of damage.  It's thought that the reason for the vandalism is a financial dispute.  The chief suspect has already been arrested. 狠K畫曝 !  高雄惡煞組棒球隊  暗夜狂砸桌遊店 "洩恨"

4. Jiading District 茄萣區

4a. Eh?  Was that "casino" in Hunei or nearby Jiading?  Turns out the "casino" was in Jiading, though the police bureau handling the case is in Hunei.  This article is pretty much the same story with a more accurate address. 茄萣桌遊店遭破壞毀損  警方鎖定嫌疑人並全力追查中

5. Luzhu District 路竹區

5a. Up until recently residents of Xiakeng Village in Luzhu were using groundwater for their daily needs.  This was a problem during periods of low rainfall, an increasingly frequent occurrence in the area.  The water utility recently extended underground pipes into the village, and persistent water shortages should now be a thing of the past. 台水七區處辦理無自來水延管工程  改善路竹區大德路飲用水品質

6. Yongan District 永安區

6a. No recent news out of Yongan District.

7. Gangshan District 岡山區

7a. The election of a candidate to the office of Village Chief (or mayor) was declared invalid after it was discovered that the candidate's wife had illegally manipulated household registration data in clear violation of election rules.  The candidate's wife claimed that her husband had no knowledge of what she'd done. 妻遷入幽靈人口影響選舉  里長大逆轉改判當選無效 (1)

8. Ciaotou District 橋頭區

8a. A driver lost control of his car and crashed into a house.  The car was totaled, though the driver escaped with minor injuries. 高雄橋頭超狂駕駛開車PK透天厝 !  車頭全毀 , 前擋玻璃碎成蜘蛛網

9. Mituo District 彌陀區

9a. No recent news out of Mituo.

10. Dzeguan District 梓官區

10a. No recent news out of Dzeguan.

11. Dashe District 大社區

11a. A man was arrested after an online video showed him brandishing a fire hydrant sign.  He promptly returned the sign and stated that he'd found it lying next to the road. 高雄消防栓號誌牌也偷  18歲男愛搗蛋這下糟了

12. Daliao District 大寮區

12a. A woman fell from a building in Daliao and died at the scene.  The cause of her fall has yet to be determined. 高雄大寮驚傳墜樓  男上前圍觀驚見女友躺地上

13. Nandze District 楠梓區

13a. A public forum was held at North Kaohsiung Community College to discuss how Nandze and other districts can be made safer for pedestrians.  Representatives from the Kaohsiung City Bureau of Transportation and local police officers were also invited to attend. 高雄  改善楠梓交通  社大辦論壇提對策 (2)

14. Renwu District 仁武區

14. There was a fire in a house in Renwu.  The family living inside the house were trapped for a time, but firefighters managed to rescue them.  Those rescued were treated for smoke inhalation at a local hospital. 高雄仁武民宅深夜竄火  受困7人獲救送醫1人意識模糊

15. Dashu District 大樹區

15a. Two men were filmed vandalizing a motorcycle with baseball bats.  The owner of the motorcycle didn't report the incident to police, and neither this person, who was personally acquainted with the vandals, nor the vandals themselves have been forthcoming with a reason for the crime.  The incident is being investigated. 2人持球棒狂砸機車  被害人不報案但警方逮人犧釐清中

16. Zuoying District 左營區

16a. There was a fire at a refrigeration and air conditioning company in Zuoying.  A man was rescued from the blaze and sent to the hospital after inhaling a lot of smoke. 高雄左營冷凍空調公司火警  1男嗆傷救出送醫

17. Niaosong District 鳥松區

17a. This article, complete with pictures, introduces a candy/snack made with peanuts which is sold by a business in Niaosong. 記憶中的甜蜜滋味 !  高雄鳥松 "蘇老爺花生麥芽糖" , 傳承半世紀經典伴手禮

18. Sanmin District 三民區

19. Gushan District 鼓山區

19a. This article, complete with pictures, introduces a coffee shop in Gushan.  It's on the other side of Chai Mountain, with views of the ocean, and is accessible via the road that passes through Sun Yat-sen University. 網美級海景第一排必拍 ... 瑪莎咖啡柴山館MaseCafe... (3)

20. Qijin District 旗津區

20a. Yeah, it's hot.  A recent high of 36.2 degrees Celsius was recorded in Qijin.  I was there during the recent four-day weekend, and I can testify that yes, it was very hot and very humid in Qijin. 好熱 !  嘉南高屏慎防高溫  高雄旗津已達36.2 C

20b. Flooding is a recurring problem in Qijin, where tides often cause seawater to spill over onto roadways and into local businesses and homes.  The central government recently approved a large subsidy for improving flood control measures in the area, and the installation of new water pumps and other improvements should begin this summer. 旗津大潮民宅必淹  民代質詢盼改善

21. Lingya District 苓雅區

21a. A junior high in Lingya is under investigation after members of its baseball team were recorded bullying another student in January.  The students in the video and their parents have since apologized, but the school is still under a lot of pressure to address the bullying situation and other problems related to school discipline. 網傳棒球校隊霸凌影片  高市教育局 : 已啟動府級調查追究責任

22. Yancheng District 鹽埕區

22a. Aside from the below-mentioned article on housing prices in Xinxing, no recent news out of Yancheng.

23. Qianjin District 前金區

23a. There was a fire at a seafood restaurant on Dzeqiang Road.  A man inside the same building was rescued from the third floor. 高雄必比登名店 "昭明腿庫飯" 火警 !  黑煙竄天1男困3樓求救

24. Xinxing District 新興區

24a. I can relate to this article on a personal level.  Xinxing District is among several districts in Kaohsiung where a new house or apartment will cost you an arm and a leg, while an old house or apartment is much more affordable.  Old real estate in nearby Yancheng is the cheapest relative to new real estate.  Xinxing is ranked fourth behind Yancheng for "affordability" in the linked article. 高雄 "這些區" 新屋貴 , "老屋" 還算便宜 (4)

25. Qianjhen District 前鎮區

25a. A large truck deliberately crashed into three other vehicles on Qianzhen Fishing Port Road.  The incident is still under investigation. 高雄前鎮漁港路大型車禍  大貨車不明原因追撞三車 (5)

26. Fengshan District 鳳山區

26a. A teacher in a Fengshan junior high school assaulted another teacher with a trophy.  The altercation began as a difference of opinion regarding teaching philosophies. 高雄鳳山某國中2老師衝突  1人遭打傷控傷害

27. Xiaogang District 小港區

27a. A truckload of steel coils fell onto a major road in Xiaogang, blocking three lanes of traffic and causing headaches for local police, who had to reroute traffic around the area.  The driver of the truck will likely face a hefty fine. 高雄拖板車掉鋼捲  中山四路交通受阻

28. Linyuan District 林園區

28a. Due to an "abnormality" with a compressor, a pillar of fire erupted from one of the smokestacks in China Petroleum Corporation's Linyuan facility.  The Environmental Protection Agency will be issuing a fine for the mishap. 中油林園廠燃燒塔今早喷出火焰濃煙  網怒 : 清明又發爐

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: I try to include 30 news stories for each of these entries:  Since there are 28 districts in this area I used a random number generator for the remaining two stories.  

1. It's an old, old trick.  Not enough people voting for you in your district?  Register several family members or other supporters' households in the area where you're up for election!  I'm surprised they thought they could get away with it.

2. This said, certain parts of Nandze aren't that bad to walk around.  The area closer to Kaohsiung University, for example, or the Export Processing Zone on a Sunday when most of the factories are closed.  The traffic in that district varies quite a bit.

3. It actually has a fairly low rating on Google, and it's not easy to get to.  In my opinion there are much nicer coffee shops and much easier parking around the Art Museum.

4. All of this said, some of the houses and apartments in Yancheng are OLD.  Like, over 50 years old.  This is why they're so cheap.  Yes, an apartment within walking distance of the Pier 1 Arts Center is possible, but... how do you feel about seeing rats on a daily basis?  Elevator shafts infested with roaches?  Apartments with a view of... nothing?  You run into these things when looking at older places in Yancheng, Xinxing and elsewhere.  There are bargains on the market, but they have to be scrutinized carefully.

5. Probably road rage.  Sometimes Google Maps will diverts people down that road when the 88 Expressway is blocked up.  It's a stressful drive.

