1. Alian District 阿蓮區
1a. No recent news out of Alian.
2. Yanchao District 燕巢區
2a. No recent news out of Yanchao.
3. Hunei District 湖內區
3a. No recent news out of Hunei.
4. Jiading District 茄萣區
4a. An elderly care center was recently opened in Jiading. 高雄第545個社區關懷據點 茄萣嘉泰 "寶貝學堂" 揭牌
5. Luzhu District 路竹區
5a. A fire broke out at a factory in Luzhu. The factory, operated by a subdivision of TSMC, contained hazardous chemicals. Firefighters had to be very careful about extinguishing the fire. 路科火警 ! 起火廠房全球設廠 "台積電沒它不行"
6. Yongan District 永安區
6a. No recent news out of Yongan.
7. Gangshan District 岡山區
7a. No recent news out of Gangshan.
8. Ciaotou District 橋頭區
8a. A recent survey conducted by the Ministry of the Interior revealed that the cost of renting a property in Ciaotou is higher, on average, than the cost of renting in any other district in Kaohsiung. This isn't necessarily a reflection of demand in Ciaotou. The reason could be the construction boom in the area, and the fact that newer properties tend to rent for a much higher price. 高雄市租屋市場租金統計 橋頭區最高
9. Mituo District 彌陀區
9a. The Kaohsiung City Government's Drug Control Bureau has opened several offices in Mituo, Yongan and Dzeguan. The goal of these offices is anti-drug education and treatment. 高雄市 "里辦毒品防制關懷站" 推進梓官等行政區
10. Dzeguan District 梓官區
10a. No recent news out of Dzeguan.
11. Dashe District 大社區
11a. The Kaohsiung City Government is implementing a new "bus-style taxi" program aimed at residents of rural areas. There are 49 routes available to riders, some of which pass through Dashe. 高雄大社新增 "公車式小黃" 全市49條路線供萬人搭乘
12. Daliao District 大寮區
12a. There's a company in Daliao that makes mooncakes and other traditional cookies. This company, like many such companies in Taiwan, has an attached exhibition area where visitors can learn about how they make their cookies. Check the article for pictures. 高雄大寮最有 "滋味" 的展 , 看舊振南如何與 "食" 俱進 ? 讓漢餅文化重返生活
13. Nandze District 楠梓區
13a. Someone in Nandze won big on the receipt lottery but failed to claim their money. They had until last Thursday to do so. 快檢查發票 ! "4張千萬發票" 還沒人領 9/5要充公了
14. Renwu District 仁武區
14. The Kaohsiung City Government auctioned off several properties recently, with a house in Renwu fetching the highest price. The landscaped house, complete with two parking spaces, was formerly owned by a business owner whose company once operated restaurants. The house sold for over 27 million NT. 高雄執行分署以2,739萬9,999元高價拍定仁武區雙車位高樓層景觀宅
15. Dashu District 大樹區
15a. A childcare center was recently opened in Dashu. This childcare center is part of a drive by the Social Affairs Bureau to provide more services for the very young and very old. 高雄大樹第2處公托開幕 結合日照完善社區機能
16. Zuoying District 左營區
16a. Ground was ceremonially broken on a lower income housing project in Zuoying. This project is the largest of its kind ever seen in the area. Upon completion 1,200 units will be available to those who qualify. 高價大樓出現 ! 高雄年輕人急需社宅 ? 最新進度曝光
17. Niaosong District 鳥松區
17a. No recent news out of Niaosong.
18. Sanmin District 三民區
18a. Residents of Sanmin went without water for 12 hours while a damaged water pipe was repaired. 注意儲水備用 ! 台水停水通知 澄清路水管破裂 三民區9/5凌晨起停水12小時
19. Gushan District 鼓山區
19a. A family dispute led to arson and murder in Gushan. A man was filmed setting his brother-in-law's car and truck on fire, and after an investigation into the incident the police discovered this same man's body in a nearby school campus. The incident is still under investigation, but from circumstantial evidence it appears that the arsonist took his own life after setting the vehicles ablaze. 高雄鼓山發生汽車縱火案 涉案人身中刀傷死亡
20. Qijin District 旗津區
20a. No recent news out of Qijin.
21. Lingya District 苓雅區
21a. A man fell from a building overlooking a market and died at the scene. Police had difficulty identifying the man due to the way in which his skull fractured upon impact. 高雄男子墜樓死亡 掉落市場走道引震驚
22. Yancheng District 鹽埕區
22a. This article introduces a duck mean restaurant in Yancheng. Judging by the photos it's very popular. 高雄市鹽埕區鴨肉本 -- 二老闆の店 銅板價就能吃到鴨下水鋪滿滿冬粉湯!在地人推爆鴨肉老店
23a. A resident of Qianjin committed suicide by leaping from the top floor of her apartment building. She was pronounced dead at the scene. 高雄女子掉落慢車道全身血 警查是自12樓吊墜落爆頭亡 (1)
24. Xinxing District 新興區
24a. Was that suicide in Qianjin or Xinxing? Here's another article stating that it occured in Xinxing, not Qianjin. 高雄鬧區驚傳墜樓 ! 27歲女住戶自頂樓墜落 警調查釐清原因
25. Qianjhen District 前鎮區
25a. A house caught fire, but the owner escaped without injuries. 高雄集合式住宅清晨燒起來 ! 5樓火光竄 , 屋主逃跑嗆傷
26. Fengshan District 鳳山區
26a. A crane collapsed at a construction site in Fengshan, killing one person and seriously injuring another. 高雄鳳山工地工安意外 疑天車傾倒釀1死1重傷
27. Xiaogang District 小港區
27a. There was a fire aboard a fishing boat docked in Xiaogang. This fire was quickly extinguished and no one was hurt. 高雄小港漁船駕駛艙起火 火勢40分鐘撲滅無傷亡
28. Linyuan District 林園區
28a. Residents of Linyuan are complaining about truck traffic through their district. Trucks loaded with shipping containers are turning around through Linyuan on their way to port facilities in Xiaogang, and the result is slow or stalled traffic through areas near lanes set aside for the use of container trucks. 高雄小港沿海路貨櫃車壅塞 司機開往林園迴轉居民怨險象環生
Related Entries 相關的文章:
1. The accompanying picture is NOT the building the woman fell/leapt from. It's only a picture of the area.