2024年6月16日 星期日

Tianliao District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市田寮區

Tianliao District is north of Yanchao District in Kaohsiung and south of Longqi District in Tainan.  The Formosa Freeway (#3) passes through Tianliao on the other side of a tunnel, just after you cross over the Gaoping River which divides Kaohsiung from Pingtung. 田寮區位於高雄市燕巢區的北部 , 台南市龍崎區的南部 。經過分隔高雄屏東高屏溪 ,福爾摩沙高速公路在隧道的另外一邊經過田寮

According to the last census, 6,429 people live in Tianliao. 上次的人口統計表示 , 田寮的人口有6,429人 。

This picture was taken at the southern end of the district, near the "Tianliao Moon World Secret Spot."  The roads around here are somewhat dangerous, and driving up this way is not for the faint of heart. 這張照片在田寮月世界秘境附近拍的 。 這裡位於地區的南部 , 附近的路況有點危險, 開車去前要有心裡準備 !

Northwest of that location is the Stone Temple.  It's an odd little building tucked away in the foothills. 往西北部走會到石頭廟 ,  這是在山丘裡的一座奇怪的建築 。

I watched a couple YouTube videos about this place before visiting.  One of the people in the videos talked about how this place made him feel sad, seeing as how they dredged up a lot of coral and seashells from the ocean to build it.  I had the same reaction. 我去石頭廟之前在YouTube看過兩部介紹石頭廟的短片 ,其中一個人說參觀石頭廟讓他感到傷心 ,想到那麼多珊瑚和貝殼被挖出來蓋這所廟,就讓他很難過,  我的心情跟他一樣 。

This is part of the temple roof.  Visiting in 2024, I couldn't help but wonder what the builders' motivation for building this thing really was.  Religion?  Tourism?  Both?  It's hard to tell. 石頭廟屋頂的一部分 。 2024年來到這裡, 我不禁猜想蓋這所廟的真正原因 , 是為了宗教或是觀光 ?  還是兩個都是 ?

This is the front.  I doubt they can do much with the interior.  When it rains it probably leaks a lot. 廟宇的前面 ,  裡面好像沒辦法整修得那麼好 ,下雨天大概會漏水 。

More banana trees and bamboo sit behind the temple restaurant.  There are more towns and villages closer to Alian District, further west, while as you travel east into Tianliao farms give way to jungle. 廟宇的餐廳後面還會看到很多香蕉樹跟竹子 。  有較多的村落較靠近阿蓮區 , 往西邊的地形較像山上的森林區 。

The most famous thing in Tianliao is the Tianliao Moon World, where you'll find this creepy-looking goat.  Moon World is one of Kaohsiung's biggest tourist attractions, so expect crowds on weekends. 田寮最有名的景點是月世界 ,  這隻奇怪的羊就在那裏 。  周末的時候很多觀光客來月世界 。

Not far from the entrance you'll find this pond. 離入口不遠會碰到這個水池 。

The loop through the scenic area isn't that big.  It was blazing hot that day, and there was very little shade to be found within the park. 裡面的環道不是很長的 , 只是那一天天氣很熱 , 而公園裡面樹蔭很少 。

This type of "badland" can be found throughout north Kaohsiung and south Tainan.  If you travel north to Zuozhen District in Tainan you'll find the Tsaoshan Moon World, which is very similar to what you'll find in Tianliao.  Tianliao's Moon World is, however, much easier to get to. 這種惡地在高雄北部和台南南部很多 。  田寮北部的台南市左鎮區草山月世界 , 兩個地區很相似 ,  但是到田寮的路比較好走。

Not a good area for farming.  Bananas, bamboo shoots and yams grow well around here, but other crops don't fare that well. 這個地區土壤不肥沃,  香蕉 、 竹筍跟地瓜比較好種 ,其他農作物不太適合 。

There are also banana trees inside the park.  There were some mango orchards near the parking lot, but from what I've read the local mango crop hasn't been good this year. 公園內也有香蕉樹 ,  停車場旁邊也有芒果園 , 可是我聽說今年的芒果收穫不是很好。

It was above 30 degrees Celsius as we walked through the loop, and by the time we got to the top of these stairs we were sweaty and out of breath.  Even so the view was worth it. 當天氣溫超過30度, 我在公園內走了一小圈後,  到樓梯上時滿身都是汗 ,喘不過氣,即使如此,這裡的風景一樣值得去 。

This is the view south from Moon Pond.  Highway 28 is below this spot. 往南邊看的月池風景 。  28省道在下面 。

Looking southwest from the same area. 同一個地點往西南部看 。

And yes, the other famous thing in Tianliao is the barrel chicken.  There are several of these places east of the Moon World Visitor's Center, but we were there too early and all of them were closed. 田寮還有桶子雞 , 月世界遊客中心東部有些這種餐廳 , 可是我們太早去 , 他們都還沒開始供餐。

Oh well, another day... 沒關係 , 改天吧 .

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