2024年5月25日 星期六

Qijin District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市旗津區

Qijin is the spit of land on the other side of the Kaohsiung Port.  It's across the water from Qianzhen, Lingya and Yancheng districts.  高雄港的一邊是前鎮 、 苓雅鹽埕區 , 另一邊是旗津 。

...and can I say something here?  Don't believe YouTube too much.  There are a few "Kaohsiung in a Day" (高雄一日遊) videos on YouTube, and in these videos some guy or girl from somewhere north of Kaohsiung visits places as far apart as Tianliao, Mituo and Qijin in a single day.  Attempting such an itinerary would be, for most people, NOT FUN, so if you're planning on visiting Kaohsiung I suggest pacing yourself.  Driving from outside the city and squeezing in Qijin at the end of a long, hot summer day is going to make you tired. 我在這裡提醒一件事情好嗎 ?  不要相信YouTube的短片 。  有幾個 "高雄一日遊" 的短片,影片中的人會一天之內從北高雄玩到田寮彌陀旗津 ,  一天之內要玩完這些地方要開很久的車,最後一定不好玩 。  來高雄玩要慢慢來 ,如果你開車玩了一整天後再去旗津,夏天的高溫會讓人很累 。

According to the last census, 26,035 people live in Qijin. 上次的人口統計顯示旗津的人口是26,035人 。

The ferry to Qijin leaves from Xidzewan in Gushan District.  The ferries leave every 10-15 minutes.  Paying cash for a ticket will cost you 30 NT, swiping a card will cost you 25 NT.  Subtract 5 NT from the cash and card prices if you're a student.  You can also drive to Qijin from Qianzhen via a tunnel, but I wouldn't recommend it. 往旗津的渡輪站在鼓山區西子灣 。 每10-15分鐘有一班渡輪 , 你可以用現金買票30元 ,或刷卡25元 , 有學生證會便宜5塊 。  你也可以從前鎮區開車走隧道到旗津 , 可是我不建議走那條路線 。

The ferry ride is very short.  This picture was taken from the ferry terminal.  Those buildings in the background are in Qijin. 坐渡輪只需要幾分鐘就到了。這張照片在碼頭拍的,以旗津的建築當背景 。

The view from the other side of the port, in Qijin.  The the left is Shou Mountain, where the Kaohsiung Zoo is located.  The Pier 1 Arts Center is to the right. 在旗津高雄港另外一邊的風景 。  左邊有高雄動物園壽山 , 駁二藝術特區在右邊 。

Qijin from the Kaohsiung Lighthouse.  It's a short walk to the top, even though many of the less athletic city people act like they just completed a marathon when they get up there.  That's the Taiwan Strait behind the colorful buildings. 從高雄燈塔看下面的旗津 。  從山下上去燈塔不用很久, 但還是有很多城市居民覺得爬上去跟跑馬拉松一樣累 。  彩色建築後面的海是台灣海峽

Looking out from the Kaohsiung Port into the Taiwan Strait.  A lot of the world's shipping passes through this very important waterway.  Jungshan University is a little north of here up the coast. 從高雄燈塔看向台灣海峽 。  大部分通往世界各地的貨運會經過這個重要的海峽 ,  海岸上去一點點是中山大學

Back down the hill, not far from Qijin Beach. 山坡下,海灘附近 。

There's a tunnel leading to the northern end of Qijin near the beach. 沙灘附近有隧道連到旗津半島的北部 。

On the other side of the tunnel you'll find very scenic views of the Taiwan Strait. 隧道另外一邊有台灣海峽的美景 。

It's a popular spot around sunset, and I found some of the greenery around here very interesting.  It's hard to imagine now, but coastal Kaohsiung before Kaohsiung Port was probably very beautiful. 這裡是熱門的黃昏景點。 我也發現附近的植物很特別 ,  雖然現在看不出來 , 可是高雄港存在前的高雄海岸應該是非常美的 。

Qijin Beach is as close to Kenting as you'll get within the confines of Kaohsiung.  Those used to more scenic locations might find it disappointing, but for urban dwellers it's a nice place to stretch out and relax.  I've never been in a hurry to get into the water here, but I went swimming here once and it was fine. 旗津的沙灘算是高雄的小墾丁 。  期待更好風景的觀光客可能對這裡會有點失望 , 可是城市居民是真需要這種悠閒的地方放鬆的 。  我在這裡玩過一次水, 雖不完美但也不錯。  

It's just a good place to watch the sun go down.  And if you're a single person looking to mate -- cough cough I mean date -- there are a lot of bodies on display here once the weather gets warm. 在這裡看夕陽很舒服 ,  單身讀者請注意 ,天氣溫暖的時侯會有很多比基尼在旗津出現 。

I thought about going in to the Qijin Sunset Bar while I was here.  Not an option.  There was a line for it all the way down the beach. 我本來想去沙灘吧,後來發現不行 , 因為已經有太多人在排隊 。

I didn't see much food I like in the nearby night market.  There's also more food inside the big indoor market south of here and along the Qijin Old Street. 在附近的夜市找不到我想吃的 , 但南邊的觀光市場跟旗津老街上還有很多美食 。

I wanted to walk all the way down to the Windmill Park from here but it was too hot. 我原來想從這裡走到風車公園 , 但天氣太熱了,最後沒去 。

The Qijin Old Street.  It runs between the ferry terminal and Qijin Beach. 旗津老街在渡輪碼頭和旗津海灘中間 。

We had oysters, fried fish, asparagus tips and fried rice for dinner.  It was good and not expensive. 我們的晚餐是蚵酥、炸魚 、蘆筍跟炒飯 ,  好吃又便宜 。

Of course not all of Qijin is scenic.  From what I've read living here can get weird at times.  All of the water and electricity comes in from the other side of the port, and given Kaohsiung's aging infrastructure power outages and water shortages are, unfortunately, not infrequent. 當然旗津不是所有的角落風景都美美的 。 我讀的資料告訴我居住在這裡有時候很困難 ,  這裡的自來水和電力來自高雄港的另外一邊, 基礎設施也很舊, 有時會停電或停水 。

Qijin's Queen of Heaven Temple on the Old Street. 旗津天后宮在老街上 。

After dinner we headed back to our apartment.  The night air was very cool and the view from the ferry was great.  That's the 85 Sky Tower just behind the ferry on the left. 我們在晚餐後回家 。  晚上的氣候是涼爽的 , 碼頭的風景很不錯 ,  左邊的渡輪後面的大樓是85大樓

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