2024年9月23日 星期一

The Forest Park, the Flowing Lake and the Seashore Park 森林公園 、 活水湖跟海濱公園 (Taitung 台東)

The Forest Park, the Flowing Lake and the Seashore Park are all in Taitung City, not far from the Beinan River, Highway 11 and downtown Taitung. 森林公園 活水湖海濱公園都位在台東市 , 且離卑南溪 、 台11線 和台東市區很近 。

Back in 2006, when I first moved to Taitung, the Flowing Lake was the first scenic place I visited after I was hired.  I've gone swimming there for many years. I don't have as much feeling about either the Forest Park or the Seashore Park, but the Flowing Lake and I go way back. 我於2006年開始在台東工作 , 剛被雇用時我第一個參觀的景點就是活水湖 。  我對森林公園海濱公園沒有深刻的感情,但我那些年常到活水湖游泳,所以我活水湖很有感情。

This trail is at the north end of the Forest Park.  It's a great place for bird watching. 這個步道位於森林公園北部 , 這裡很適合賞鳥 。

Heron Lake.  I hadn't been here in a while, and I was happy to see how well it weathered recent typhoons. 鷺鷥湖 。  我很久沒來這裡了, 很開心看到它就算經歷過颱風也維持著不錯的樣態。

Same lake, but further down the trail. 同一個湖 ,往東邊一點點 。

I took these pictures around 7 on a Sunday morning.  The park is very peaceful during this time.  There are times when the number of tourists walking or biking through the park can make it unpleasant. 我在某個禮拜天早上七點左右來拍這些照片 , 這個時候的公園很平靜 。  有時候來騎單車的觀光客超多,使得在這裡散步很不舒服。

Further south.  There's another lake still further down to the right, but when I was visiting it was closed to the public.  They're building some kind of pavilion or bird watching station there. 往南一點 ,  從這裡直走,在右邊也有一個湖 , 可是我到的時候沒有開放 ,  他們在那裏蓋涼亭或是賞鳥區 。

I'm a little skeptical of all the "Taitung In(G) Action" signs around town.  Are all of these projects really necessary?  Do they really signify "development?"  Sometimes they just seem like excuses to cover green spaces with concrete. 台東市區有很多Taitung In(G) Action的告示牌,  這些工程真的是必要的嗎 ?  這樣子才算發展嗎 ?  把那麼多綠地鋪滿水泥真是很可惜 !

Highway 11 passes through the Forest Park.  If you follow this trellis down it'll take you under the highway.  The other side of the Forest Park is on the other end of the tunnel. 台11線經過森林公園 。  順著這個步道會到台11線下面的隧道 , 隧道另外一邊是森林公園的其他部分 。

If you take a sharp left after the tunnel a path will lead you to the Flowing Lake.  On this particular morning I found many people running there. 通過隧道以後左轉會到活水湖 ,  那一天我看到很多人在湖邊跑步 。

I was glad to see that they'd torn down the zipline and the waterslide, but the stage they're building over the middle of the lake was an unpleasant surprise.  Note to the Taitung County Government, many of us would prefer that you left this place alone.  It's fine the way it is. 還好他們把以前的滑索跟滑水道拆除了 , 可是他們卻在湖中間在蓋舞台 ,  台東縣政府應該要知道許多的居民不想再 "發展" 這個地方 ,這裡應該要被維持原狀的。

I have yet to swim here since moving back to Taitung.  Are aquatic plants a problem?  I suppose I'll find out another day. 我搬回來台東之後還沒來游泳過 , 水草會是個問題嗎 ?  我改天就會知道了。

Returning to the Forest Park, you'll find Pipa Lake.  This is the most famous of the Forest Park's many lakes. 回到森林公園後會看到琵琶湖 , 這是森林公園裡最有名的湖 。

Not counting the Flowing Lake, which isn't within the confines of the Forest Park, this is the closest lake to the ocean.  Does it have a name?  Honestly, I never thought about it. 除了不包含在森林公園內的活水湖,這個湖是最靠近海邊的 ,  它有名字嗎 ?  我從來沒想過這個問題 。

Across a footbridge on the other side of the Forest Park you'll find the Seashore Park.  If you don't like sun be sure to bring an umbrella.  從森林公園走過一座人行橋就到海濱公園了 。 不想曬太陽的人應該帶陽傘 。

When I first moved to Taitung there was only a kind of raised pedestal here.  This domed structure was built much later, and since its completion it seems to have lost its covering. 我一開始居住在台東時在公園裡的地標和這個球體不一樣 ,這是幾年前完成的,現今它的屋頂不見了 。 

The floor of the orb points out some nearby islands.  Green and Orchid islands can be reached via the ferry from Fugang further north. 地板的球體標誌指出附近的島嶼 , 台東市北部的富岡碼頭有到綠島蘭嶼的渡船 。

The Pacific Ocean, on the other side of the Seashore Park.  It's far from the nicest beach in the county, but the view isn't bad. 海濱公園另外一邊的太平洋 。 雖然稱不上是台東縣最好的沙灘,可是風景不錯 。

Hopefully visiting tourists can refrain from littering here during Chinese New Year.  I'd like to think that people are getting better about not littering.  We all have to live on this small island together, and it would be good to do so without leaving plastic everywhere we go. 希望過年的期間觀光客不會在這裡亂丟垃圾 , 我覺得現在的遊客跟以前比已經沒那麼糟了,  我們都要在這座小島上一起生活 , 希望大家不要走到哪塑膠垃圾就丟到哪。

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