2023年10月29日 星期日

Gaoshu Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣高樹鄉

Gaoshu Township is north of Yanpu and east of Ligang.  It's bordered by the Laonong and Ailiao rivers.  To the east of Gaoshu is Sandimen Township, where the mountains begin. 高樹鄉位於鹽埔的北部 , 里港的東部 , 也位於荖濃溪 和 隘寮溪上 。  高樹東邊是山區的三地門鄉 。

According to the last census 22,872 people live in Gaoshu. 上次的人口統計顯示高樹的人口是22,872人 。

Like Wanluan Township further south, Gaoshu is shaped like a triangle, with its longest side running from north to south.  These trees are near the bottom corner of the triangle, not far from where Yanpu, NeipuMajia, Sandimen and Gaoshu come together. 高樹跟比較南邊的萬巒鄉一樣 , 地形形狀是三角形 , 從北到南的距離是最長的一邊 。  這些樹在這個三角形的其中之一的底角, 靠近鹽埔 、 內埔 、 瑪家 、 三地門高樹交接的地方 。

The same spot, looking south. 同一個地點 , 往南邊看 。

Further north, along the Mountainside Highway (185) is the Daluguan resort and amusement park. 走沿山公路,往北邊到大路關酒店大路關主題樂園 。

This is the resort.  We briefly considered staying here, but changed our minds after we learned how much it costs. 這是大路關酒店 。  我們考慮過在這裡過夜 , 可是知道價錢之後就改變注意了。

We also considered the "amusement park," which is really more of a campground.  The amusement park charges an entrance fee, a parking fee, and there are no food or drinks available inside.  After speaking to the lady at the ticket booth we offered a polite "Thanks, but no thanks" and kept driving. 我們也考慮過買樂園的票 , 後來發現樂園比較像露營區 ,  除了門票外還要付停車費 , 裡面也不賣飲料和食物 。  跟賣票的小姐討論後就跟她說 "不進去了, 謝謝!"  迴轉離開。

Further north, on the Koushe River. 往北邊 , 口社溪上 。

One of the three famous (?) stone lions in Old Daluguan.  This one is by far the cutest. 舊大路關有名的三隻石獅 。 這隻是最可愛的 。

And here's his friend... 這隻跟牠當朋友 。

..and here's the "older lion," as some people refer to it.  For more background on these lions refer to the Discover Pingtung: Truly Loving Pingtung 4 entry. 還有當地人叫的 "老大" 。  有興趣的讀者可以參考發現屏東4的文章 。

They grow a lot of taro north of Old Daluguan. 舊大路關北邊有很多芋頭田 。

This is at the northern end of the township, or the "top of the triangle," on the Laonong and Zhuokou rivers,.  If you keep going north you'll be in Kaohsiung's Maolin Scenic Area. 這是三角形的頂角 , 也就是高樹鄉的北部 , 荖濃溪濁口溪的附近。  繼續往北會到高雄茂林風景區 。

We found this cat sleeping in Dajin Village, across from the Weiliao Trailhead.  Like Maolin, this trailhead is extremely popular. 這隻貓睡在尾寮登山口大津村 。  這登山口跟茂林一樣受歡迎 。

Southwest of Dajin, along the Laonong River, is the Xinfeng Water Park. I think most kids would love this place. 大津西南部 。 荖濃溪上有新豐親水公園 ,  孩子們都會喜愛這個景點吧 !

Same spot, looking across to Liugui District in Kaohsiung. 同一個地點 , 往高雄六龜區 看。

We had lunch in Central Gaoshu.  Pig's feet, spinach and some other things. 我們在高樹市區吃午餐 ,這是豬腳 、菠菜還有些其他的美食 。

This temple seems to be the center of town.  Central Gaoshu is surprisingly busy. 這間小廟好像正好在高樹市區的中央, 沒想到這個地區那麼熱鬧 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

Pingtung's Agricultural Plain 高屏平原:

