2021年2月22日 星期一

Roaming Around Linbian 林邊一日遊

Linbian Township is west of Jiadong Township.  It's on the coast, but fishing isn't a big part of the local economy. 林邊鄉位於佳冬鄉的西部.  林邊靠海, 可是對當地經濟來說,漁業不是最重要的.

There's nothing famous in Linbian.  Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area extends into Linbian township, but the main entrance is in Donggang, further west. 林邊沒有知名的景點.  大鵬灣國家風景區有部分屬於林邊, 但是它的大門跟遊客中心都在更西邊的東港.

According to the last census, there are 17,238 people living in Linbian.  As you might expect, most of these people live near Highway 17, which divides the township in two. 上次的人口統計顯示林邊的人口有17,238人.  大多數的人口居住在把林邊鄉分成二個部分的台17線附近.

This pipeline stretches across the Linbian River, between Linbian and Jiadong. 這條管道跨越著位於林邊佳冬之間的林邊溪.

This is the Linbian Train Station. 這是林邊車站.

This is in Shuili Village, near the coast.  The village is surrounded by cemeteries, solar panels and ponds like this one.  Many different varieties of fish are raised in these ponds. 這是靠海的水利村.  這裡被墳墓, 太陽能板跟這樣的魚池包圍.  附近的魚池養了很多種魚.

Not sure what this is, but it's on the other side of Shuili, closer to Dapeng Bay. 我不清楚這個建築的用途.  它靠近大鵬灣, 位於水利村的另外一邊.

This is even further west, in the southwest corner of Linbian.  That line of trees in the background border another road leading into Dapeng Bay. 這裡更西邊, 在林邊鄉的西南角落.  背面的那排樹就是往大鵬灣的另外一條路.

It's not the most scenic stretch of coastline, but there are a few of homestays popping up around here.  The ferry to Xiaoliuqiu isn't far off, and many people enjoy the ocean view. 這附近的海岸不是最美麗的, 可是當地仍有些民宿.  東琉線船運中心離這邊很近; 很多人也喜歡來這邊看海.

Closer to downtown Linbian is the "Seadawn Seafood Processing Culural Center."  Fishing might not be a big part of Linbian's economy, but fish farming definitely is. 靠近林邊市區有鮮饌道海洋食品文化館.  海上捕撈漁業可能不是林邊的主要經濟發展, 但養殖漁業的重要性是無庸置疑的.

The main entrance.  The dusty octopus in the back makes sense, but a dolphin?  Dinosaurs?  A... fox?  What kinds of animals are being processed in this facility, and should the rest of us be worried? 文化館的大門.  後面沾滿灰塵的章魚在這裡我可以理解, 可是海豚呢?  恐龍?  狐狸?  

Look!  Wax apple shampoo!  Wax apples are grown on the farms north of Highway 17. 你看!  有蓮霧洗髮精!  台17線北邊有很多農民種蓮霧.

A lake?  A canal?  A wetland?  I'm really not sure.  The Qifeng Wetlands are not far away, so wetland seems most likely. 是湖嗎?  排水溝還是濕地?  我看不出來.  崎峰濕地也在附近, 所以大概是濕地.

This is downtown Linbian.*  I know what you're thinking and yes, it is definitely one of the most exciting places in all of Taiwan. 這是林邊市區.  我知道你在想什麼, 對! 這個地方就是台灣全島最好玩的景點.

What is there to do in downtown Linbian?  Uh... there are seafood restaurants? 可以在林邊市區玩什麼?  嗯... 有幾個海鮮餐廳...

North of downtown Linbian is the village of Jhenan.  It's a tiny little place, but they do have their own train station. 林邊市區北邊有鎮安村.  這個小小的鄉村也有火車站.

Even further north is the village of Jhulin, which is nestled between Nanjhou and Xinpi townships.  It's not far from Highway 1, but even so it feels very remote. 更北邊是位於南州鄉新埤鄉中間的竹林村.  這裡離台1線不遠, 可是還保持著鄉村的風貌.

Rice, betel nut trees and banana trees are grown in this area. 附近的稻米, 檳榔樹跟香蕉.

These winding roads/paths between the fields are fun.  I don't know why farmers in this area grow bananas and betel nut together.  Maybe it's easier on the soil. 我很喜歡田中的通道.  我不知道為什麼農夫把香蕉樹和檳榔樹一起種的原因.  對土壤比較好嗎?

To the south of Jhulin is this unfinished park.  Will they ever finish it?  No idea. 竹林南邊有這個還沒完成的公園.  之後會完成嗎?  我不知道.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

*Downtown Linbian takes up all of Linbian Village.  Most people in the area seem to use "downtown," or just "Linbian," but "village" is also applicable.