2025年2月27日 星期四

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (North 北) 7

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1a. An elderly man walking under a bridge was struck and killed by someone riding a scooter.  The scooter driver fled the scene, and there's an award for information leading to this person's arrest. 台南新營新東路橋地下機車道撞死人  肇事逃逸網友懸賞10萬元緝兇

2a. This article introduces the origins of the "fireworks swarm" activity which takes place in Yanshui during Lantern Festival.  Local food, traffic routes and nearby scenic sites are also discussed. 2025鹽水蜂炮懶人包 : 蜂炮由來 , 路線 + 鹽水美食 , 景點攻略

3a. A car struck two people riding a scooter.  One of these people was knocked into a ditch next to the road.  He/she died at the scene, and his/her passenger was sent to the hospital.  The incident is under investigation. 台南市柳營區汽機車碰撞  1死1傷

4a. Elections for several posts within the Houbi District Farmer's Association are being disputed.  Some of those involved in the election stand accused of intimidation and coercion, and there is talk of taking the matter to court. 後壁農會選舉剛結束  求翻盤人情拜票被解讀遭恐嚇

5a. This article introduces the mud baths available at a hotel in Guandzeling, a hot spring area in Baihe. 關子嶺住宿推薦  在房間裡就可以泥漿溫泉泡到飽 ...

5b. This article introduces a douhua ("iced tofu") restaurant in Baihe. [台南甜點] 白河康家豆花 ! ...

6a. Wu Huo-sheng, the former mayor (里長) of Donghe "Village" (里) in Dongshan District, was recalled from office following public outcry over what many saw as the "unauthorized" approval of poultry farms in the area.  As in many such cases, residents were opposed to the smell and pollution generated by these poultry farms.  The former mayor's replacement has already been voted into office. 台南通過首件里長罷免案  東河里長補選無黨籍潘麗民勝出

6b. Kilns/ovens used to dry/bake the local longyan ("dragon eye") crop in Dongshan were damaged by recent earthquakes, and efforts to repair these facilities are underway. 搶救全國最大產地  台南東山區 "龍眼烘焙窯"  震損嚴重

7a. This article introduces a fried food stand in Jiali.  There are many pictures. [台南美食] 佳里區森林系隱藏版雞排店 ...

7b. Sidewalks around Xinyi Elementary School have been improved. 台南佳里信義國小通學步道升級  綠意構築安心上學步道讚 !

7c. New representatives and other officials were elected to several posts in the Jiali Farmer's Association. 佳里區農會新任理監事選舉  監事同票抽籤林明農幸運當選

8a. A lantern representing a temple in Shuejia was taken to Taoyuan, and displayed in a lantern activity there. 台南市學甲區頭港鎮安宮 "福德爺花燈"  驚艷亮相桃園2025台灣燈會 !

9a. An employee of the Beimen District Farmer's Association stole 2 million NT from an account kept by that organization.  Police are still searching for the alleged perpetrator. 台南北門區農會分部存款遭盜領  警追信用部員工

9b. A re-election was held at the Beimen Farmer's Association.   This election was especially contentious.  The former head of this association has already served time in jail, and despite this fact members of his party wished his son to continue in his stead.  Police were called in to oversee the proceedings. 台南北門農會理監事改選  當選派勝出

10a. A legislator met with various officials in Jiangjun to discuss how they might revitalize the area's tourist industry.  At the center of their discussions was the Mashagou Trail, a local trail system with both ecological and historical features. 爭取馬沙溝人文步道優化經費 林俊憲 : 盼為將軍區觀光注入新活力

10b. Adverse weather conditions have damaged the carrot crop in Jiangjun.  A report has been filed by those responsible, and farmers will likely be compensated for lost crops. 立委陳亭妃通報將軍紅羅蔔災損  區公所完成25公頃災損速報

11a. New measures such as fences and avoidance of egg laying areas have been adopted in Qigu, and the area's aquatic bird population has rebounded as a result. 台南七股水鳥護生啟動  用圍籬 , 忌避蛋降低外在干擾

12a. There was a fire in a house in Xigang.  Two families had to flee their premises but no one was hurt. 台南西港透天厝火警  2戶共6人急撤

13a. No recent news out of Madou.

14a. No recent news out of Guantian.

15a. No recent news out of Lioujia.

16a. No recent news out of Danei.

17a. The Xiaying District Office recently repurposed a parking lot as a practice space for residents seeking to acquire scooter licenses. 下營區公所利用停車場空間設置機車練習場  堤共居民模擬考照安全場地

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2025年2月23日 星期日

Xinshr District, Tainan City 台南市新市區

Xinshr is north of both Yongkang and Xinhua.  Its defining feature is the South Taiwan Science Park, which was established in Xinshr and nearby districts in 1996.* 新市位於永康新化的北部 , 它最知名的地方是1996年新市與鄰近地區一起建立的南部科學園區 。 

According the last census, 37,940 people live in Xinshr. 上次的人口統計中,新市的人口是37,940人 。

The Tree Valley Life Science Museum is in the northwest corner of the district.  It's an older museum, and kids will probably get more out of this place than adults.  The exhibits in the basement were interesting, but the exhibits on the first floor had me scratching my head. 樹谷生活科學館位於新市區的西北部 ,  這個博物館比較老舊 , 它比較適合小朋友來參觀 。  我覺得這裡地下室的展覽滿有趣的,  但它一樓的展覽安排有點奇怪 。

It resembles the Fossil Museum in nearby Zuozhen Distrct, but the museum in Zuozhen is a lot newer and is, in my opinion, more interesting. 這個博物館很像附近的左鎮化石園區 ,  但是左鎮化石園區比較新,也比較有意思 。

Some of the exhibits in this museum are also kind of... spooky?  Weird?  For example there's this guy, riding his skeleton horse, and there's also a wall of skeleton arms coming out of a wall.  It's all there for the sake of science of course, but I can imagine more impressionable children being a little freaked out by this museum. 博物館的部分展覽有點恐怖 ,  例如這位骷髏先生騎骷髏馬 , 還有幾隻骷髏手從牆壁伸出來 。  雖然這些展覽都是跟科學有關, 但我可以想像一些比較容易受影響的孩子可能會嚇一跳 。

There are rides, a zipline and a small petting zoo outside the museum, but all of it costs money.  This aspect of the museum seemed a little greedy to me.  They should just charge a single entrance fee and let kids (and their parents) enjoy the "extras" without paying extra money. 博物館外面有遊樂器材 、 滑索跟小動物園,但那要另外付錢 。 我覺得這樣額外收錢的作法有點貪心 ,應該買一次門票後就讓小孩(和家長) 享受所有的設施。

To the east is the National Taiwan Museum of Archaeology.  This museum is only six years old, and it's an excellent addition to the area.  It makes the Tree Valley museum look pretty bad by comparison. 東邊有國立台灣史前文化博物館南科考古館 。  這棟博物館六歲而已 , 它也是一個很有趣的景點 , 比樹谷生活科學館好很多 。

I would rank this museum among the best in Taiwan.  The Taiwan Museum of History, also in Tainan, is better in my opinion, but this one might be my #2. 我覺得考古館臺灣最好的博物館的其中之一。 我認為臺南臺灣歷史博物館是最好的 , 而考古館大概是我名單中的第二名 。

The Museum of Archaeology is located in Tainan for two reasons: 1) the money flowing into the area via the Science Park, and 2) the construction of many factories in the area led to several archaeological discoveries.  People have lived in what is now Xinshr since pre-Dutch times, and there are many old things hidden in its soil. 考古館設立在臺南的原因有二個 : 1) 科學園區的投資與發展讓地區的資源更多 , 2) 隨著愈多工廠的建立, 考古學家發現更多遺址 。  荷西時期前就已經有人居住在這個地區 , 這裡的地底下藏了許多的秘密 。

The exhibits here are very carefully designed, and you can tell that those running the museum put a lot of thought into how this place was organized. 這裡的展覽經過非常仔細的計畫 , 看的出來博物館的負責人員深思熟慮的規劃展覽的內容 。

My only complaint is that it really needs a coffee shop.  It's possible that the museum has plans to add one, but it's just not open yet. 問題是這裡沒有咖啡館 !  可能博物館有這種計畫 , 只是還沒有付諸實行。 .

I couldn't tell you what this central plaza has to do with archaeology, but I feel like I'll see this tree on Instagram sometime soon. 我不知道展館中間的空間跟考古學有什麼關係 , 我只是覺得這棵樹會在IG出現。

This is across the street from the museum.  Most of the South Taiwan Science Park looks like this, newer buildings and cleaner streets. 在博物館對面。 南部科學園區差不多都看起來這樣子:  建築比較新 , 馬路比較乾淨 。

There's a nearby food court and shopping arcade by the name of Park 17 where food and drinks can be purchased.  We went to the beef noodle place and it was very good. 可以在附近的Park 17買飲料和餐點,   我們吃過裡面的牛肉麵 , 很好吃 。

To the southwest is the Xingang Community Culture Museum.  It's an exhibition space for local artists, with an annex explaining some of the history of the South Taiwan Science Park.  There's also a lake/pond behind it where you can go for a stroll. 西南邊有新港社地方文化館 。  在那裡可以欣賞當地藝術家的藝術品 , 旁邊有一間小房間介紹南部科學園區的歷史 。  文化館後面有水池 , 水池岸邊有小步道 。

To the south of the Museum of Archaeology is Yingxi Lake, where this dragon lives. 考古博物館南邊有迎曦湖 ,這隻龍住在那邊 。

And to the south of all the above lies central Xinshr, where the Xinshr Train Station is located.  It doesn't look like much, but this train station was built by the Japanese way back in 1901.  The fruits depicted in the statue are white wax apples, which are grown in the area. 更南邊有新市市區跟新市車站 。  看起來不怎麼樣 , 但是這棟車站是日本人於1901年的時候蓋的 。  車站前面的水果雕像是新市的特色農產: 白蓮霧 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

*The spelling used by the Tainan City Government is "Xinshi," not "Xinshr."  I use "shr" for ㄕbecause it more closely approximates the sound in Chinese.

2025年2月16日 星期日

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (East 東) 7

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all east of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more rural than districts west of the Formosa Freeway, have a much lower population density, and are generally more scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以東 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以西的行政區比較起來: 較鄉下 、人口密度較低 、風景比較好。

1a. Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chi-mai visited Alian and Tianliao districts to distribute red envelopes during the Chinese New Year holiday.  These red envelopes were, according to the Mayor's office, given in appreciation of a revitalized local economy. 陳其邁走春阿蓮 , 田寮  送上蛇年開運紅包  祝福高雄經濟再創高峰

2a. No recent news out of Qishan.

3a. Neimen hosted a "public feast" on the second day of Chinese New Year, when many families returned to their mothers' parents' homes.  Tables at this even were selling at 8000 NT each, and many tourists were also in attendance. 高雄內門初二娘家宴開360桌  游子遊客體驗傳統辦桌文化

3b. A paper art festival was held at the Red-Faced Kuanyin Temple in Neimen. 春節出遊全國 "紙藝" 首展  高雄內門紅面觀音總廟首選

4a. Farmers, florists and others under the direction of the Meinong District Office covered several hectares of farmland with colorful flowers in recent months.  The flowers drew around 120,000 tourists to Meinong during the Chinese New Year holiday. 美濃彩色花田  吸引12萬遊客前往欣賞創商機

4b. A book fair was held in conjunction with a music festival at Meinong Elementary School. 文化部 "創新書市  庄頭書展" 2/8 - 2/9美濃登場 "東高散策 , 閱讀繞境" 結合 "山蛙音樂節"

4c. A temple in Zhutoubei has begun sponsoring dragon dances during the Chinese New Year holiday after a 60-year hiatus.  The Chairman of the Kaohsiung Hakka Affairs Committee was on hand to inaugurate the event. 客委員力促高雄美濃竹頭背舞龍繞境重現慶元宵再展活力

5a. Police and firefighters had to rescue an elderly woman after she drove her mobility scooter into a field. 杉林獨居老婦跌坐田中  旗山警消挽袖助返家

6a. The local police station sent out extra officers to assist students crossing roads during the first day of the semester. 迎接新學期開學日  高雄六龜分局啟動護童勤務

6b. A driver lost control of his vehicle and wound up in a ditch after attempting to manuever around rocks which had fallen onto the road.  Recent heavy rains in Liouguei have damaged many local roads and police are urging caution. 雨天閃落石釀禍六龜消防分隊即刻救援8名受困乘客

7a. No recent news out of Maolin.

8a. The Ministry of Agriculture recently announced that low interest loans would be available to jujube farmers in Jiaxian.  Changing weather patterns in this and surrounding districts have been a problem. 農業信用保證基金配合協助高雄市甲仙區棗農業天然災害貸款信用保證

9a. Six hikers were stranded on a sandbar in Taoyuan after the water rose in a local river.  Search and rescue personnel had difficulty landing a helicopter in the area to expedite their rescue. 溪水暴漲致高雄桃源6登山客受困沙洲  搜救人員挺進救暖 "必要時將強行渡河"

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

2025年2月9日 星期日

Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 高雄市鼓山區

Gushan is west of Yancheng and north (across the water) from Qijin.  With regard to tourist sites it's probably the most concentrated of Kaohsiung's many districts. 鼓山位於鹽埕的西部 、旗津的北部(隔著水) , 高雄多處行政區中,鼓山的觀光景點最集中。

"Gushan" or "Drum Mountain" is one of the names for the mountain which comprises most of the district.  "Shoushan" and "Chaishan" are most accurately alternate names for Gushan, but in practice many people refer to the northern half of the mountain as "Chaishan" while reserving "Shoushan" for its southern half.  This mountain has also had other names throughout its long and interesting history. 鼓山區的 "鼓山" 有幾個名稱 ,  "壽山" 跟 "柴山"  也是鼓山的其他名字 。很多人稱這座山的北部 "柴山" ,南部為 "壽山"。  在悠久的歷史中,它以前也有其他的名稱 。

According to the last census, 197,915 people live in Gushan. 上次的人口統計表示鼓山的人口是197,915人 。

This is near the "Sea Cave" (Hai Shr Dong) on the coast of Gushan.  It's not an easy place to get to.  I rode my bike here very early in the morning, and the hills along the route made me very tired. 這張照片是在海蝕洞附近拍的 。  我一大早就騎腳踏車到那裏 , 上坡路段讓我很累 ,真不是個容易到達的地方。 

Beautiful scenery though.  It reminded me of Hengchun in Pingtung County. 風景很好, 讓我想起屏東縣的恆春 。

Just south of there is Chaishan Fishing Port.  It's a good place to go for a coffee, tea or meal around sunset. 南邊一點有柴山漁港 ,  太陽下山的時候來這裡吃飯喝咖啡不錯 。

Still further south is Sun Yat-sen University, one of the most famous universities in Taiwan.  This is the university's Marine Sciences Building. 繼續往南有中山大學 , 臺灣有名的大學之一,  這是大學裡的海洋科學學院 。

The beach near Sun Yat-sen University is, in my opinion, the nicest beach in all of Kaohsiung.  It's a very quiet spot, far removed from the traffic on the other side of the mountain. 我覺得中山大學後面的沙灘是全高雄最好的 ,  這裡很安靜 , 離山的另外一邊的噪音很遠 。

Down the road from there is the old fort which once guarded the entrance to the Kaohsiung Port.  From here you can watch container ships passing through the Taiwan Strait.  The Kaohsiung Lighthouse is across the water from the fort. 往南一點會來到從前守護高雄港入口的古堡 ,  在這裡可以看到往來台灣海峽的貨運船 ,  港口的另外一邊有高雄燈塔 。

The Old British Consulate at Takow ("Takow" or "Dagou" is the old name for Kaohsiung) is on the hill behind the fort. 古堡後面山坡上的打狗英國領事館。

The museum inside is... OK, but I think what makes this place worth visiting is the views from the terrace behind it.  If it's not too hot it's a nice place to stop for a drink. 裡面的展覽館還好 ,  這個景點比較有趣的部分是風景,天氣涼爽時坐在展覽館後面的陽台上喝飲料看風景很不錯 。

There's a fishing port and a ferry terminal to the east of the old British Consulate.  The ferry goes to Qijin, on the other side of the Kaohsiung Port, and has been discussed in the Qijin entry.  This area has TONS of history, and I couldn't hope to cover it all here. 英國領事館東邊有漁港跟渡輪站 ,  輪渡站的渡輪往返高雄港另外一邊的旗津 , 這在旗津區的文章討論過 。  這個地區的歷史豐富, 我沒辦法在這裡討論得很完整 。

At the northern end of the fishing port is this tunnel.  It's a much easier way to get to the university from the port. 這個隧道位在漁港北部, 從這裡到大學更方便 。

Northeast of there, on the east side of the mountain, is the Shoushan Zoo.  I might get hate for this, but I still think this zoo is a terrible place, full of sad, bored animals.  The entrance fee is cheap, but even so it's still not worth the money. 隧道的東北部 、 鼓山東面有壽山動物園 。  大概很多人不同意我以下的看法, 我覺得這個動物園很爛 ,裡面的動物看起來很悲傷和無聊,雖然門票很便宜, 但還是不推薦來這個地方 。

The Neiwei Market is at the northern end of the district.  There's a lot of good street food here, and I could discourse upon that street food at length, but that's a discourse for another day. 內惟市場在鼓山區北部 ,  這裡賣很多街頭小吃 。 我改天再來介紹這附近的街頭小吃。

East of the Neiwei Market you'll find the Museum of Fine Arts (MOFA) and the Neiwei Arts Center.  Both of these places are located within a big park that's very popular on weekends.  The Museum of Fine Arts and the Neiwei Arts Center both have their own stops on the LRT line. 內惟市場以東有高雄市立美術館跟內惟藝術中心 ,  這兩個景點在內惟埤文化園區裡面 。  週末的時候這個園區很受歡迎 , 美術館跟藝術中心都有自己的輕軌站 。

The areas south and east of the above-mentioned park have been developing quickly.  Several expensive apartment complexes are under construction in northeast Gushan, and several upscale coffee shops and restaurants are within walking distance of the art museum. 園區的東邊與南邊發展得很快 ,  鼓山東北部有許多公寓大樓正在建蓋中 , 美術館周邊也有幾家漂亮的咖啡廳和餐廳。

This bridge spans the Love River south of the MOFA.  It's a nice place for a walk at night. 這座橋橫跨愛河 ,位於美術館南部 ,  晚上來這附近散步不錯 。

The Chaishan Trail is probably the most popular thing in Gushan.  It's an extensive trail system stretching all the way from the north half of the mountain (Chaishan) to the south half of the mountain (Shoushan).  This picture was taken on Shoushan. 柴山登山步道大概是鼓山最熱門的景點 ,  這條步道系統從鼓山的北部 (柴山) 連到山的南部 (壽山) 。  這張照片是在壽山拍的 。

If you're new to this trail, don't be intimidated by the more experienced hikers and all their gear.  In the winter a water bottle and a good pair of shoes is enough; in the summer you'll probably want to wear clothes that protect your skin from the sun.  I've never had problems with the monkeys here, though I'm careful to avoid eating and drinking in their presence. 新來的登山客看其他登山客帶那麼多配件上山應該會嚇一跳 。  不用緊張 , 不一定要帶那麼多東西上去 ,  冬天時只需要帶水瓶跟穿合適的鞋子就好 ; 夏天時再多加一項: 防曬。  山上的猴子沒有對我造成過問題 , 只要不在他們附近飲食就好。

This picture was taken somewhere above the Shoushan Zoo, though I'm not exactly sure how close to the zoo I was.  Just behind this spot is a place called Qimanzhan (or "the Qiman Stop"). 我不確定動物園的位置,這應該是在壽山動物園的附近拍的 。 我知道步道上的這個位置靠近七蔓站 。

This is at the north end of the mountain (Chaishan), around 7 in the morning.  You can see bits of Gushan and Zuoying in the distance. 早上七點左右 , 柴山北部的風景 。  鼓山和左營區當背景 。

This is near the top of the mountain.  Not far from where I took this picture are views of the Taiwan Strait, but these views are often obscured on cloudy days. 這裡接近山頂,  離這裡不遠有可以看到台灣海峽的觀景台 , 可是陰天的時候看不到海面 。

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