2021年3月5日 星期五

Restaurants in Fangliao 枋寮的餐廳

Below are a few notable restaurants in the area. 下列是這附近比較有名的餐廳.

This is without a doubt the most famous restaurant in Fangliao.  I see tourists walking over there on a daily basis.  Is it good?  Yes, but it's not cheap and the portions are small.  Don't bother going unless you're with a lot of people. 這家餐廳一定是枋寮最有名的.  我每天都看到觀光客往那裡去.  好吃嗎?  好吃, 可是價錢很高, 量不多.  如果你不是一群人來就不建議去阿達.

Definitely the best view of any restaurant in Fangliao.  It's on the sixth floor of a building near the port, and on a clear day you can see all the way to Xiaoliuqiu.  I've had most of the food on their menu, and it's all good.  The best time to go there is around sunset. 有枋寮最美的風景的餐廳.  它位於漁港附近的大樓的六樓.  晴天的時候你可以從這裡看到小琉球.  他們的餐點我大部分都吃過了, 都好吃.  日落的時候是去餐廳最好的時間點.

This one's actually not in Fangliao, but rather in nearby Chunrh Township.  I'm pretty sure "Kasuga" means "Chunrh" in the local language. 這家餐廳不在枋寮, 而是在隔壁的春日鄉.  Kasuga就是排灣族語的 "春日."

I haven't eaten there in a while, but I remember it being good.  They offer a fusion of Italian, Chinese and aboriginal cuisine, and the restaurant itself is very cute. 我有一陣子沒去那裡, 可是我記得食物好吃.  他們的料理是義大利, 中國和原住民料理融合在一起的.  餐廳也蓋的很可愛.

Is their hot pot awesome?  No, but it's right on Highway 1 and it's a fun place to eat.  Go there on a Friday or Saturday evening and you'll see what I mean. 他們的火鍋超好吃嗎?  沒有, 可是它在台1線上, 也是個有趣的吃飯的地方.  你星期五或星期六的晚上去那邊吃飯就知道了, 在那邊吃飯很熱鬧.

This one's right near the train station.  Their menu is a mix of fried rice, noodles and many other dishes: the Taiwanese equivalent of comfort food.  I eat there often. 這家在枋寮車站附近.  他們菜單上有炒飯, 麵和小吃店常見的菜色.  我常常在那邊吃飯.

Fangliao's fanciest restaurant.  Maybe too fancy?  Whatever the case, bring money.  They offer a mix of Western and Chinese food, and none of this food is cheap.  I like their steak and pork knuckle, but the meals themselves are often a bewildering array of food items. 枋寮最高級的餐廳.  有可能對枋寮來說太高級.  不管是高級或是太高級, 來這裡一定要花點錢.  他們的中, 西料理不便宜.  我喜歡他們的牛排跟豬腳, 但他們的套餐就是太多不相干的東西放在一起.

7. Newer Restaurants Near the Train Station 火車站附近的新餐廳

There's a stir fry restaurant, Ye or "Night" that I like across from the train station.  It might be my favorite restaurant in Fangliao.  Just down from that is the Japanese barbecue place pictured above.  It's super popular, and the food is good, but the service is very slow. 火車站對面有快炒餐廳.  它應該是我在枋寮最喜歡的餐廳. 上面照片中的日式碳烤在附近.  這家餐廳很受歡迎, 料理也不錯, 可是服務很慢.

8. Local Chain Restaurants 當地的分店餐廳

Fangliao has a Bafang Dumpling Restaurant.  There's also a 6" Plates Brunch and a La Morning.  No McDonald's, no Pizza Hut, no Domino's, no KFC and no Mos Burger.  For more big chain restaurants you have to go to Chaojhou, about twenty minutes north, and even Chaojhou doesn't have a Mos Burger. 枋寮有一家八方雲集, 也有一家6吋盤早午餐跟一家La Morning.  枋寮沒有麥當勞, 沒有比勝客, 沒有達美樂, 沒有肯德基, 也沒有摩斯漢堡.  如果你要找那種連鎖餐廳, 要去枋寮北邊的潮州.  連潮州也沒有摩斯漢堡.

There's a food truck selling burgers in front of the Fangliao Post Office on Friday nights.  Or at least there used to be.  Westerners desperate for pizza might also try the "Pizza and Coffee" restaurant on Highway 1.  Just be warned that the pizzas are small and the flavors are geared more towards Taiwanese taste buds.  枋寮郵局前面, 之前星期五晚上有食物餐車賣漢堡.  現在應該還在.  很想吃披薩的外國人可以去台1線上的木鋤造樸, 可是那邊的披薩比較小, 口味也比較適合台灣人.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE 1: I wrote a huge, detailed, well-researched entry on air pollution in Pingtung for this week.  But you know what happened?  The website hosting this blog suffered a brief implosion.  Oh well.  I guess talking about food is more fun?

NOTE 2: A-Da, Ruan Jia, Grade 6 Class 5, Pi Coconut, Ye, the Japanese barbecue place and the three chain restaurants are all within walking distance of both the Fangliao Train Station and the bus station where tourists often switch over to the train line.

